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Is This A Good Loki Prime Build ?



I started playing 2 weeks ago and I don't really have a lot of rare mods but i managed to get some, so here is my build




So guys tell me what do you think but keep in mind that i'm just starting out and this is not gonna be my "final" build for Loki Prime, which mods should i consider getting? Any tip would be really helpful. Thanks!

Edited by LoneWandererZed
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Actually, that is a viable build. Balanced for stealth and radial disarm. I am using Loki (Prime) since the beginning, and yet it doesn't require many of those high level content mods at a max rank.

If you want a stealth creeper, replace overextended and stretch for rush and maglev.

For a max range disarmer, remove either only narrow minded or every duration mod and add natural talent, (primed) flow and vitality in return.

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It's a pretty good build considering you've only been playing for 2 weeks. IMO tho I'd recommend dropping Fleeting Expertise for Flow. This way your invisibility has more duration and you have more energy capacity. I also don't find any health or shield mods really necessary since you'll most likely invisible most times.

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The mod you should consider most of all is Quick Thinking. Loki is very squishy, low armour, hp and shields but has a naturally big energy pool. Quick thinking will save you many times from lethal damage that invisibility can't help with, like for example the fire Aura attack from an Arson Eximus. You won't be able to dodge those until you learn how to use his Switch Teleport ability really well and believe me it takes practice.

The second thing to consider is what you want to do with the build. What you have there is basically a stealth build which comes at the cost of not optimizing his Radial Disarm which on higher level is far more useful for survivability than invisibility is. When building for Radial Disarm you need to drop Narrow Minded as it severely limits the range of his most powerful CC ability. This will cost you time invisible but with his efficiency, once you get used to ducking out of site to recast it, it won't be as bothersome to you.

Since you don't have Primed Continuity(and it's very expensive to obtain on trade chat) I would recommend you stick to an Invisibility build for now and acquire Quick Thinking but in the future if you find you really like playing Loki, then look to obtain Primed Continuity and an Augment from Syndicate called Irradiating Disarm. For now though, consider dropping Redirection for Quick Thinking and adding the mod Rush to the Exilus slot. Sorry if I've confused you, just trying to give you future options.

Edited by Zilchy
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The mod you should consider most of all is Quick Thinking.

Stopping you right there. Since Quick Thinking and Rage has been overdone from the past, it is NOT valuable for low armored frames, ergo waste of capacity and a mod slot.

Don't use QT(+Rage) on squishy frames, it won't remove that squishy attitude. Even with a pool of over 700 energy, you will be downed within seconds!

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I never mentioned Rage, I'm not suggesting that combo. Loki has a great energy pool, Quick Thinking is a great mod for him. At moderate level which he will be playing he'll survive pretty much any lethal damage, in fact QT plus handspring give great survivability for Loki. At higher level you would be using Radial Disarm to survive and honestly the worst attacks you will face while invisible is either an accidental bullet aimed at another Tenno or those fire attacks from Eximus. QT will save you from both without Flow or Rage.

Loki was my starter and I'm passing on what I learned while using him. Vitality and Redirection won't do anything and Invisibility while great, doesn't defend from everything, learning to Switch Teleport often does. QT makes that an easier learning experience.

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OP I'll just explain my reasoning for Quick Thinking quickly for you. Cos Loki is very squishy, having 300 shield or a few hundred Vitality is pretty useless for Loki, a decent enemy will still drop him in a second cos his armour is paper thin. The idea of course is to stay invisible and not get hit. But some AoE(area of effect) attacks don't target you specifically and still hit, or occasionally the enemy will aim a rocket at a fellow Tenno and drop you too, particularly since you'll often be reviving people while invisible(a good role for him in teams). Quick Thinking works off of your energy pool and drains it as you receive damage. So instead of losing HP, you lose energy. So using Flow to increase the pool would give even higher survivability but honestly it isn't necessary, though it might make things easier for you starting out. When you receive damage that would've killed you with QT slotted, you'll be left on about 2hp but you'll still be alive.

This will save you from bad times that you come out of Invisibility, it'll save you from Bombard rockets, fire auras etc. Once you play higher level, it won't save you, only disarming them, staying invisible and switch teleporting with enemies will. But starting out, it's a great way to.get around his squishy nature and get better at using all of his abilities to stay alive. Good luck, he's an awesome frame and still one of my mains.

Edited by Zilchy
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