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Loki Change Ideas.


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*****NOTE:Some of these changes are concerning the abilities by themselves, so when I say "Decoy is useless at higher levels" I don't want to see "OH BUT DISARM AND THEN YOU PUT IT IN A PLACE ENEMIES DON'T REACH" The abilities of warframes should have synergy but should also hold their own as an ability by themselves.
******NOTE #2: I don't think a lot of people understand some things.  1. Loki is not a Rogue or ninja frame, he is a trickster.  his job is not to stealth through the entire mission, his job is to distract enemies with his powers and cause confusion or disruption.  That is how a trickster works. So saying that something ruins his "stealth power" is pointless if you want stealth power use a frame that is meant to be a stealth frame.


I know I'll probably get a lot of flak for this as anyone does when mentioning "Loki" and "Change"/"Rework" in the same forum topic none the less post.  Despite that I feel that Loki could use some changes to his kit, because I feel as he is now he doesn't feel very much like a trickster.  He feels like he was supposed to be a trickster but kinda falls flat in the realm of manipulating the battlefield in comparison to frames like Vauban or Nyx.  He also is most often used as a purely stealth based character which also does not help; actually it kills frames like ash and Ivara (at least in terms of being used for stealth) because why use ash when Loki has a longer stealth and why use Ivara when Loki can move quickly while invisible.  Also to clarify, this post is not me saying "OMG CHANGE LOKI NOW, HE NEEDS IT THE MOST WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING BUFFING FRAMES LIKE MAG OR OBERON LOKI NEEDS THIS NOW" it's me proposing changes to a frame that I feel would make him fit a bit more into the trickster role.  Enough of my rambling here are some changes I feel that loki could use.


1. decoy

So decoy is a bit of a useless ability in and of itself; In higher levels (20+) enemies pretty much shred it so it provides very little distraction, it doesn't normally last its full duration.  Honestly as an ability it's kind of lack luster and not even worth the 25 energy it costs to use it unless you can get away from all the enemies in the few seconds it will last before the enemies cleave through the effective 600 health it has. Also being able to cast decoy while not invisible doesn't make sense from a logical point of view: "oh I see you, okay now there is another you but you haven't moved.... let me shoot the other you since that is obviously the real you"



 I feel that Decoy should be a part of Loki's "Invisibility" in that when Loki turns invisible he leaves behind a decoy or casts a decoy in the same fashion that he already does that either A) can't be killed or B) will blind enemies when destroyed.


2. switch teleport

switch teleport in theory is a very good ability but is not often used for much more than switch teleporting with decoy or trolling teammates.  I will admit though it can be used nicely for things such as moving a downed ally from a group of enemies to revive them it already costs 25 energy so possibly just moving it to his 1 to replace his decoy to leave room for another power


3.Radial disarm

Radial disarm doesn't have any major issues it just doesn't feel so "ultimate" for an ability that is effectively the character's ultimate so it would be worth it in my opinion to move his disarm to his 3 and reduce the cost to 75


(Had a recommendation to make its disarm based on duration(Kusariyaro))


4. 4

assuming that the last the ideas become reality, giving him a new ultimate would be something necessary.  so for a new 4, attempting to stick with the trickster theme of things, Loki teleports forward to wherever he is aiming and leaves behind a clone for 15,25,35,45 seconds(Not a decoy) that would use the AI from the specters, copying his current weapons, health and shields, assisting Loki in creating chaos and manipulating the enemies. It should slowly generates energy for itself (possibly at the rate of 1-2 full rank Energy Siphon(s)) for the duration of its existence to allow it to cast for its full duration.


5. Passive

what would a change to a warframe be without the addition of a passive?  This one is pretty simple but I like the idea of it.

enemies within 15??? meters of loki have a 10% chance every second to be affected by a radiation proc

It should allow loki to cause even more chaos and disruption than he did before



This is just an idea I had for a change to Loki's kit, albeit not a massive change or anything it would be a nice change for him, or at least I believe so.  I am open to input from others though.  

Edited by toolazyforagoodname
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1: no

he needs his decoy, make your 4 his 1, his decoy becomes an Ai bot, that actually does something and has hp

his summon, 

If he summoned a decoy while he turns invisible, it would alert and alarm the whole map, ruining his stealth power


2: his teleport is just plain fine, it should have a group aoe effect instead though, single target on allies, but grouping on enemies

this way he can switch with whole groups perhaps?

but regardless, it could have a 100% radiation proc and confuse any enemy he switches with

while removing any procs on his allies he switches with


3: Lokis disarm should be untouched, like seriously, add his augment, its just plain enterainment


4: Refer to 1...


5: passive, would be nice if he had a radiation aura, would make him a trickster, but i thought radiation was Nyx/Oberons thing?


i like the passive


but still cbdfhhfllldgdfgksdflgkdjsfkllllgjdsflkgjdlk



Loki is a Q

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The only real issue I have with this is combining his Decoy and Invisibility. The whole idea of Invisibility is it's pure stealth. You hit a button, boom, can't be seen or targeted. Simple. If you combine it with Decoy, it loses virtually all of its advantage, because the Decoy's purpose is to alert enemies to its presence. Not just that, it would then alert enemies in the area to your presence. Trying to stealth kill? Too bad. Didn't want anyone tripping an alarm? Too bad.

I'd have to agree with Tomplexthis; just take your idea for his 4 and stick it in Decoy's place. I think RD is just fine as an ult; it forces everything to use melee and it's a permanent change. Throw on the augment, and everybody's smacking each other about for several seconds.

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I have the same problem with the decoy/invisibility combo that the others have. Let's use a spy vault as an example. See an enemy near a door you need to get through? Time to invis. Oh, shoot... now it knows I'm here from the decoy with a nasty trigger finger I left behind.


As for passives, I can see the radiation almost being the same issue; making enemies fight each other randomly is basically the same as telling them you're there. Why not have a passive similar to the Shade's effect, where within a certain range of the enemy, you become invisible, assuming you've been out of combat long enough?

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I have the same problem with the decoy/invisibility combo that the others have. Let's use a spy vault as an example. See an enemy near a door you need to get through? Time to invis. Oh, shoot... now it knows I'm here from the decoy with a nasty trigger finger I left behind.


As for passives, I can see the radiation almost being the same issue; making enemies fight each other randomly is basically the same as telling them you're there. Why not have a passive similar to the Shade's effect, where within a certain range of the enemy, you become invisible, assuming you've been out of combat long enough?

He is a trickster.  not a stealth frame or at least that's the title they gave him, both directly and indirectly(they named him after a trickster).  if you're worried about stealthing for short periods of time to avoid being seen Ash does exist, he is a frame, he has an invisibility

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