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Please Help Newbie With Argon Crytals



Hi guys, I have been on the quest to get myself a kubrow. Now I used to want a Sentinel, but after researching this on the forums and finding out that lategame, well-modded kubrow > well-modded Sentinel (and also they looking f-ing badass),I have decided to try and procure one. After many tries, I finally got a Kubrow egg, but there was still the small matter of the Incubator Power Core. Well, I have procured everything I needed for it already except for that pesky Argon Crystal. Now I found out it was a Void drop. I was wondering if anybody more experienced then myself could help me out by accompanying me to the void on a defense or survival mission, so that I dont get ripped apart. I am a Mastery 3 player, still using his starter primary and secondary weapons (though Im working on that, crafting Kunai as we speak, and getting clan key to craft daikyu). I will get ripped to shreds the second I step in. Is anybody willing to step in, squad up and help me? 

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Since you are MR3, I suggest you go take the practice test for MR4 at Cephalon Simaris' room on the second floor of the relay.  Argon crystals drop in the MR4 test for some reason.  If you haven't done so already, you should farm some keys doing Earth excavation.  You shouldn't have too much trouble doing Tower 1 Exterminate and check out all the rooms and open up all the boxes/lockers for argon crystals.


Instead of getting a kubrow, I recommend you get a carrier sentinel instead which will make your life a lot easier.  Kubrow is pretty much a money sink for long time players who have more credits than they need.  It's less costly now than when kubrows were first introduced, but it's still an expensive undertaking especially if you want level up some of its mods.  You're only just started the game.  Now is not the time to worry about end game stuff.  I would focus on leveling up your mods for your frames and weapons before min-maxing kubrow.  


I know it's a bit off topic, but may I ask why do you want to get a Daikyu instead of buying blueprints for other bows (or other primaries) that are easily available in the market and aren't very resource intensive to build?  Daikyu needs a forma, which unless you're lucky and got one from an alert mission, are found mostly in the void.  Even better than building Daikyu would be get marked by Stalker and wait for him to drop his Dread blueprint when he comes to visit.  Dread is still one of the best bows in game, and if you build for crit (and you should) it's viable even in high level missions.

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You don't really need to do defence or survival missions to get argon crystals. Do as Leavith said and just open all the containers and lockers in some T1 missions, like an exterminate or capture. T1 exterminate and capture missions should be easy enough as long as you bring level 30 weapons (no potato required).


I usually end up with one argon crystal every run if I scavenge the whole map. Some times I get two, but almost always will get one in one or two void missions.

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but after researching this on the forums and finding out that lategame, well-modded kubrow > well-modded Sentinel (and also they looking f-ing badass)


Wait whaaaat ? Firstly, if you don´t have a sentinel get one. Most of them are pretty cheap and pretty useful. I recommend a shade, that invisibility makes life alot easier or a carrier, because why should you run after mods/resources , when they also can come to you. And seriously, most players tend to use sentinels over Kubrows. Damage wise, as far as i am informed, no sentinel weapon/kubrow beats a well modded carrier prime. And Sentinels tend not to be as suicidal as kubrows. Running around to traps and enemys they should not try to attack. On endgame kubrows die much faster than sentinels. Yes you can revive them, but most of the time it puts you in a very uncomfortable situation.

tldr : Kubrows aren´t as good as you think. Prisma Shade Master-Race

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Wait whaaaat ? Firstly, if you don´t have a sentinel get one. Most of them are pretty cheap and pretty useful. I recommend a shade, that invisibility makes life alot easier or a carrier, because why should you run after mods/resources , when they also can come to you. And seriously, most players tend to use sentinels over Kubrows. Damage wise, as far as i am informed, no sentinel weapon/kubrow beats a well modded carrier prime. And Sentinels tend not to be as suicidal as kubrows. Running around to traps and enemys they should not try to attack. On endgame kubrows die much faster than sentinels. Yes you can revive them, but most of the time it puts you in a very uncomfortable situation.

tldr : Kubrows aren´t as good as you think. Prisma Shade Master-Race

I don't agree on the Shade/Carrier part(Helios/Diriga ftw), but I mostly share what he thinks; even if a Kubrow can probably hit harder if well modded(which I'm pretty sure you have no idea how many forma and time will require), Sentinels are way more useful and will outlive you most of the times, dying only while you're downed.


Anyway, on topic, when I farm Argon I usually:


- Run a T4 and wait for Corrupted Vor as he has a 50% chance of dropping one; plus I look for any crate and enemy drop

- Run a low level defense, like T1 or T2 for a few waves, I never have to go beyond wave 10 to find at least 2

- If I'm desperate I buy resource boosters, but that's really a desperate move

Edited by siralextraffo
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Now I typically go the other way than most and use my Kubrow. That being said, the utility of some of the Sentinels can not be denied and you should work on getting at least the ones that make certain tasks easier. Here is my personal breakdown:

Carrier - this sentinel is simply the best at what it does, picks stuff up so you don't have to worry about missing drops. Even if you only use it during farming missions, it's worth owning.

Shade - great for spy missions, especially if you don't want to run Loki/Ash/Ivara. You can't beat free invisibility.

Helios - this is great for getting scans if you are a player who may want to complete their codex at some point. It's Simaris mod can also detect weak points on enemies. 

Diriga - has a lot of fans, not sure it's appeal as it's too hideous for my tastes, but have heard very good reviews on it's damage output.

Wyrm/Dethcube/Djinn - I leveled these and put them away. I would consider these personal taste Sentinels at best as the others are just far more useful. Of course you will have those that are fans of them, but hey, everything can be put down to personal choice at some point.


Now you may be wondering why someone who is a Kubrow fan is advocating for Sentinels. It's very simple really, as a new player, they are extremely resource heavy. And to get them to the point you are talking about is very labor intensive as well. Also, depending on what you want it to do, you will sacrifice what makes each breed special. 


For example. My favorite dog is the Sahasa I got after completing the quest and hatching my very first egg. It has some sentimental value to me vs. my other Kubrows, four of which are there to have one of each and a few are just cool looking fur patterns/colors. This monster can pretty much kill or at least tackle any enemy I have come across and I have seen it wipe the floor with some pretty high level ones and come out on top. That being said, he doesn't function at all like a Sahasa anymore. None of the breed specific mods are installed. Which means he doesn't dig and no other "secondary" type function mods are installed either like Scavenge which allows one to unlock lockers. He is all damage and shield/health mods all maxed out. This took a ton of resources to max all the mods and 7 forma, that's right, 7 forma in a Kubrow. He has more than most of my frames and weapons!!!! LOL 


My advice is if you really want one, get your Argon crystal and hatch it. Level it to 30 and then work on getting one of the sentinels to make getting Kubrow mods and other resources easier. Come back to your dog after you have put enough resources in your bank to up keep it without hindering any of your other projects. It's basically what I did. I had all the Sentinels and one of each Kubrow breed leveled to 30 before I put a single forma into my favorite one. 


As stated above, any low level defense should yield at least one crystal and if you can get a Nekros or Hydroid to go with you, a T1 Survival should also generate one. Also, someone mentioned lockers. In the void, it's one of the few places I bother because I have gotten quite a few crystals from them. 

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Since you are MR3, I suggest you go take the practice test for MR4 at Cephalon Simaris' room on the second floor of the relay.  Argon crystals drop in the MR4 test for some reason.  If you haven't done so already, you should farm some keys doing Earth excavation.  You shouldn't have too much trouble doing Tower 1 Exterminate and check out all the rooms and open up all the boxes/lockers for argon crystals.


Instead of getting a kubrow, I recommend you get a carrier sentinel instead which will make your life a lot easier.  Kubrow is pretty much a money sink for long time players who have more credits than they need.  It's less costly now than when kubrows were first introduced, but it's still an expensive undertaking especially if you want level up some of its mods.  You're only just started the game.  Now is not the time to worry about end game stuff.  I would focus on leveling up your mods for your frames and weapons before min-maxing kubrow.  


I know it's a bit off topic, but may I ask why do you want to get a Daikyu instead of buying blueprints for other bows (or other primaries) that are easily available in the market and aren't very resource intensive to build?  Daikyu needs a forma, which unless you're lucky and got one from an alert mission, are found mostly in the void.  Even better than building Daikyu would be get marked by Stalker and wait for him to drop his Dread blueprint when he comes to visit.  Dread is still one of the best bows in game, and if you build for crit (and you should) it's viable even in high level missions.


How do I do Mr4? Which relay are you speaking of? I know there are many relays on different planets. I will get a sentinel as well as a kubrow and try both out. I have an Excal currently, but I will soon be getting a Loki frame, that I am already working on. Which Sentinel works best for Loki? 


I would like daikyu because I use different weapons for different types of enemies. My primary for Corpus and Infested is my Strun because it has higher impact and slash damage than my Mk-1 Paris, which I'm using now. But my Mk-1 Paris has waaay more puncture (and is good for Stealth, which is viable since most Grineer maps are pretty large and easy to hide and sneak in rathe rthan the tightly packed corridors of Corpus and Infested), able to one-shot many Grineer. Now that I am looking to replace it, I would also like a weapon that is mainly high puncture damage. I do like the style of bows too, which means either Daikyu or Paris. Which one of the two is better in your opinion? 

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Cephalon Simaris is in all the relays.  To make things easier, just go to the one on Mercury.  His room is upstairs on the second floor.  Take the elevator up and the door that connects to Simaris is in the same hall way as the elevator.  Darvo is also on the second floor.  As you enter Simaris' room (official name is the Sanctuary), on the right hand side you will see a bunch of terminals, each has a mastery rank symbol.  Access the fourth one and try out the mastery rank test.  Check out the wiki entry.  It explains things so much better than I can: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sanctuary_(Cephalon_Simaris)


Glad that you already know what damage type works better on which fractions.  I would still go with Paris instead of Daikyu because Paris has high crit rate than Daikyu.  Daikyu is better status percentage, but if you can do head shots, crit damage will be great and better than status chance.  I recommend Paris over Daikyu for now because resources to build Paris is easier to find.  You could also go straight to Paris Prime, which is a straight upgrade of Paris.  I see people selling Paris P sets for pretty cheap on the trading chat or you can farm its parts yourself or with a team since all of the parts drop in Tower I and II.  If you get duplicate blueprints, try you luck in trade chat and see if someone is willing to trade for the parts you don't have.


As for sentinels, someone up top already gave a nice summary of all the sentinels.  Carrier is by far the most useful of the sentinels because of its loot pickup ability, and it works well with any frame.  With Loki, you won't need to bother with the Shade sentinel because Loki has his invis power which is a lot more reliable than Shade's cloaking ability.  FYI, I find Huras' cloaking ability (stalk) more reliable than Shade's.  Something to keep in mind for future missions.

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Cephalon Simaris is in all the relays.  To make things easier, just go to the one on Mercury.  His room is upstairs on the second floor.  Take the elevator up and the door that connects to Simaris is in the same hall way as the elevator.  Darvo is also on the second floor.  As you enter Simaris' room (official name is the Sanctuary), on the right hand side you will see a bunch of terminals, each has a mastery rank symbol.  Access the fourth one and try out the mastery rank test.  Check out the wiki entry.  It explains things so much better than I can: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sanctuary_(Cephalon_Simaris)


Glad that you already know what damage type works better on which fractions.  I would still go with Paris instead of Daikyu because Paris has high crit rate than Daikyu.  Daikyu is better status percentage, but if you can do head shots, crit damage will be great and better than status chance.  I recommend Paris over Daikyu for now because resources to build Paris is easier to find.  You could also go straight to Paris Prime, which is a straight upgrade of Paris.  I see people selling Paris P sets for pretty cheap on the trading chat or you can farm its parts yourself or with a team since all of the parts drop in Tower I and II.  If you get duplicate blueprints, try you luck in trade chat and see if someone is willing to trade for the parts you don't have.


As for sentinels, someone up top already gave a nice summary of all the sentinels.  Carrier is by far the most useful of the sentinels because of its loot pickup ability, and it works well with any frame.  With Loki, you won't need to bother with the Shade sentinel because Loki has his invis power which is a lot more reliable than Shade's cloaking ability.  FYI, I find Huras' cloaking ability (stalk) more reliable than Shade's.  Something to keep in mind for future missions.

Thank you man, it is always nice to find an experienced player who is very nice and helpful rather than a snob. Can I add you and maybe we could play together sometime? what is your ign? Also, I never seem to find open squads on the Void. Everytime I hover over a tower it never displays an open squad :-(

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Thank you man, it is always nice to find an experienced player who is very nice and helpful rather than a snob. Can I add you and maybe we could play together sometime? what is your ign? Also, I never seem to find open squads on the Void. Everytime I hover over a tower it never displays an open squad :-(

You're welcome! I remember how hard this game was as a new player and this was even with help from real life people who play this game so I can't imagine if you just started this game with zero help.  Sure, feel free to add me to your friends list, and I'm happy to answer questions or help either here or in game.  My ign is xiaodenden.


Yeah, like the guy above said, Voids don't have open squads because of the keys.  

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You're welcome! I remember how hard this game was as a new player and this was even with help from real life people who play this game so I can't imagine if you just started this game with zero help. Sure, feel free to add me to your friends list, and I'm happy to answer questions or help either here or in game. My ign is xiaodenden.

Yeah, like the guy above said, Voids don't have open squads because of the keys.

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Yea I realized that so I just went and did some T1 void missions by myself. It took a lot longer than it would have wuth a team but was quite easy. I think I will build Paris in the meantime but try to go for Paris Prime. I have the lower limb already and the other parts should be quite easy to hey as they are T1 and T2 drops. I'm worried about blueprint since it's T3/4. Can I trade something with you for the bp if you have it? I have Boltor Prime Stock.

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