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Most/least Satisfying Weapons


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as far as someone who's only sunk 60 hours into the game so far


Most enjoyable: Despair


There's something just enjoyable about hearing "Fick fick" then dead. Plus what's more ninjja badass then throwing knives so fast it outpaces some guns.


Least Enjoyable: Sicaurus


It was the first weapon I got, and much like my first warframe, I regretted it. The power it packs it great... up close... sometimes... but not as good as bronco's. The recoil made most of the shots miss, sure you could offset it by aiming centermass, but what fun is that when headshots are just so easy and satisfying. Then there was the massive reload time, and since most shots would miss I would have to do so often and I never seemed to have enough bullets to feed the greedy beast ever. Once i got my bolto, I never looked back. The sound also tended to get on my nerves, though it did remind me of the magsec from Perfect Dark, which coincidentally was also an underwhelming burstfire pistol.

Edited by ZekeMidasWolfe
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I love using swords, so long as I can cut enemies in half with them. Which makes me a bit sad because it happens less often when you stick most elemental damage types on them, and elemental damage types are kind of important for keeping around viable melee weapons in this game. My Pangolin Sword is oh-so-pretty and delightful to use, but it seems to be doing much less in the way of meaty bisections lately.

That aside, the Braton is now ridiculously satisfying to use. It was one of my favorite weapons PRE-update 8, and with its new, bass-ridden firing sound there's nothing not to like about it. (Ignoring the lack of polarity, since I already blew a Forma on it. It does everything I want it to, while looking, feeling and sounding amazing all at the same time. Huzzah.

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I love the Grakata, Lex, Gram.


Akbolto are not quite as satisfying as the Lex.


Never got to love the Bronco, and the Hek was good but just felt iffy to me.


Also the kunai were also an icky weapon, that much damage but with no feedback. The animation irritated me too.

Edited by Sixty5
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Note: The following is my personal opinion.




-Ogris: This thing is a beast when used properly (for example, Loki in Xini sitting on top of the pile of boxes, spamming decoy to lure the infested to one spot and just sending body parts flying in general. 2000+ AOE damage is frequent when using this. Be careful or you may take yourself out as well.

-Supra: I was very surprised to find that this gun shreds ancients like pie, lesser mobs don't stand a chance. May take some practice to adapt to the slow bullet velocity.

-Boltor: Also known as the high-velocity dildo dispenser, it makes short work of pretty much all factions. Eats ancients for breakfast. Armor ignore is a huge bonus.

-Hek: It's a shotgun, 7x20 damage by default. If you can aim you can put all of the pellets on an ancients' big boot, esentially insta-gibbing them up to around [80].

-Latron (prime): Very accurate with a high damage (40/45), insane ammunition economy and a large clip. It does well in any job.

-Gram: Cuts through enemies like a hot knife through butter. With maxed Fury and Reflex Coil, it is insanely fast for a heavy weapon and coupled with maxed Killing Blow and Loki's Invisibility, it's a boss killer.

-Reaper prime / Hate: Same as Gram.

-Acrid: This gun is just god mode. Nothing comes close to it. Kills Phorid in 2 clips (rank 30, potato, no forma), that's 30 shots.





-Boar: The damage drop-off is just too big. Ineffective, ammunition hog.

-Burston: Meh.

-Grakata: A weaker version of the Viper. Who put this in the primary weapons category?

-Sicarus: A pain to use.

-Daggers: By that I mean all daggers. Too weak and their range is too short, not worth the time.

-Ignis: A single-target, non-penetrating "flamethrower"? In my opinion, not worth the materials, though some people might disagree.

Edited by Shallowfish
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Only listing those I've taken used:


Most: Latron, Hek, Kunai/Despair, Lex, Bronco, Braton, Boltor, Bolto, Gram, Twin Vipers.


Least: Strun, Kraken, Vulkar, Paris, Sicarius, Dual Ether.


The ones in the latter category simply for being too slow, except dual ether which just doesn't feel good. The Paris can be ok, Strun, Kraken and Vulkar are simply too slow, particularly the reload. Lex is slow too but feels more satisfying to use, Lex > Kraken, Hek > Strun, Latron/Lex > Vulkar. Sicarius is just fail all over.

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The Boar, Strun, Lex, Bronco and Dual Broncos (The latter outshining the former), Braton, Grakata, all the heavy melee weapons, dual cleavers, and Paris are all extremely satisfying to use. They have good sounds (the Braton's sound update makes it sound pretty darn good), good power, and all around the right feeling and looks (Except the Lex. That thing is too darn small.)

Obviously, our lists will be subjective, and I honestly don't enjoy dual weapons more of the time, nor did I enjoy the Hek. But that's me. THe unfortunate thing is that there are weapons that seem to be almost universal in having a bad feel about them.
The Burston, often the Ankyros, and daggers to name a few. They're unreliable, have little umpf behind the hits, and just generally don't have much to them.

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Dual vipers and in particular afuris are awesome fun, you can fire them in bursts and take down most things and when you get angry you hold down fire and something gets 100 bullets in it in 2 seconds and gets deaded.

Gorgon with an extended clip is great fun too, I love dueling it out with level 90 heavy gunners in the void and holding my nerve and emptying the whole clip into them.

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Lex - High precision + high power. I absolutely love weapons like this in any game, thus Lex gets my seal of approval - especially with its thundering fire sound. The only disappointment with this though, is how it looks. For such a powerful sounding revolver, it looks like a pea shooter.


Braton Vandal - definitely the best "assault rifle" in the game.


Lato Vandal - I tend to switch from Lex to this one when I feel the need to have a faster secondary.


Hek - People call it mainstream, but I frankly don't care. I love shotguns. I love range. Hek delivers on both accounts.


Orthos - I absolutely love polearm weapons. Not only is this one fast and stylish, it's also very powerful.


Gram - Who doesn't love this weapon if they're into two handed melee? It's great all around.


Glaive - Just plain fun. May not be as useful as other weapons, but it's very enjoyable.


Least Favorites:


Sicarus - Horrible accuracy and doesn't feel good at all.


Kraken - I'd rather have one powerful, accurate headshot (Lex) than two shots that force you to aim for the body and hope the second shot hits the mark. Both Lex and Lato Vandal out performs this weapon in their own ways, at least for me.


Fang - Fang can be powerful thanks to its speed and crits, but I don't like its animations. Since it relies solely on speed, you end up looking like your swinging your arms around at a ridiculously fast pace. No thanks.

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I've only recently become an advocate of the Lex. Despite how easy it is to get, I didn't bothering giving it a shot based purely on how ugly it is. But in functionality? Perfection. I wouldn't change a thing in that regard! Even the sound effect of firing is nice. However, the model itself, it just.. Looks out of place in Warframe to me. To modern. To small. I would love a new model all together or at least an alternate skin.

Braton: The new sound on the Braton makes the weapon even more fun to use! The Braton is a dependable versatile staple, a good mainstay of any Tenno's arsenal.

Latron/Prime: Like the Braton, Latron is simply one of the most dependable weapons in the game. It's ammo economy is unrivaled. It's damage is excellent.

Gorgon: The Gorgon is cool and fun. I really love the Grineer aesthetics in general! Some people complain about the spool-up time, but it helps make the player feel powerful as he/she inches forward while the firerate steadily increases as you watch your foes get shredded in half.

Kestrel: Rag-Doll effect = Win. I prefer this over the glaive! The crowd control implications work famously with a lot of different load outs. It also speaks to my inner Zelda fan.

Fang: I only like the Fang on my Loki, mostly due to the short range and single target nature of the weapon. However, on Loki...Well...It turns him into a chainsaw shaped like a man.

Vipers: Satisfying. Fun. Bullet hose weapons. Preferred the old sound effect, made it feel more visceral. The current sound effect lacks the brutality I associate with this weapon.

Hate: Beautiful design and animations. Versatile weapon due to how it can be built for normal attacks, charge attacks, and it's huge knockdown AoE.

Furax: A potent weapon with brutal animations. What's more fun than punching people in half?

Orthos: Beautiful animations. Just beautiful. I don't own one, but I've seen them in use. Kudos to the animator(s).

Dual Cleavers: Because nothing looks as awesome on Ember's back.



Single Longswords: I love the style associated with these weapons, they are pretty. But they don't feel like they have purpose or 'unf'. They seem to be in need of balancing (last I checked) the only one of these remotely interesting was the Dark Sword.

Single Daggers: Single daggers are in the same boat as Longswords.

Machete: I know the Machete counts as a longsword, but out of the group it's the least satisfying. It looks AMAZING but.. It's damage output isn't so great, there is no interesting mechanic that sets it apart or makes it feel unique, and the new animations-----as beautiful as they are mind you-----are far to artistic and poetic for swinging around a machete.  I get that Tenno are not Grineer in this regard, but I expect more of  heavy set but graceful brutality rather than an interpretive dance.

Edited by Rudest
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I think the Machete needs a damage buff, and should be single target, especially given some of it's attack animations.For how the weapon looks and acts compared to how it actually performs, it's disappointing. At least make it multi-target, and maybe a +5 to base damage, or give it great charge damage like the dark sword. Idk, it looks really awesome, so it should be awesome. Then again this goes for all single longswords and daggers.

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Enjoy: Anything shotgun related. They have supremely wonderful sound effects! It feels so good to just click and send something flying!


My Boltor has been my favorite rifle all the way back from its overpowered closed beta days to now. It will always be my favorite rifle, even with its lame new impact sound effect. Pinning people to walls is just fun! It handles perfectly too!


My Twin Viper has been a dream as well! The way it roars! Or at least used to. I stopped using it the second they changed the sound effect. Gonna have to go back in later and see if its better now.


The Fragor. This weapon is THE weapon for me. It is a big heavy beat stick and way fun! I love knocking down large groups of enemies then executing them on the ground!


My Glaive is a beast too! The sound effect is perfect and I love the way it chops people in half when it touches them! Spinning death for sure!


The Furax are my last favorite. They were my first melee weapon after the Skana, and I used them exclusively through the closed beta. There is nothing quite like punching heavy grineer in half.


Meh: The bows are not too fun for me. Just not my style. Longswords too. They just can't do the job, which is especially disappointing because Mire is one of this game's coolest weapons! Dual Heat swords are not fun either, nor the Plasma Sword.

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Gonna post again I guess


Most Satisfying

Amphis: Same as I have mentioned, this weapon is just too brutal


Dual Broncos: Everything I wanted it to be and more, never expected it to be a sniper shotgun


Boar: DPS machine right here, burns through its enemies and its ammunition supply like nothing.


Strun: My loyal companion until Rank 4, I have no complaints about this weapon unlike with the Hek.


Hek: Too pro


Lex: Like I may have mentioned several times: Big bang, Small package


Latron Prime: Never thought I would enjoy this weapon but damn, it's quite a beast when modded well.




Least Satisfying

Glaive: It's... meh at best. Too ineffectual and ineffective.


Dual Zorens: Really only good for the Zorencopter, though it performs decently against Infested.


Twin Vipers: They're pretty strong, but just not as good as I hoped it would be.


Last, and definitely least, the Burston. Ranked to 30 and potato'd cause I like the gun, but it works nothing like how it should be. It's not a bad weapon until you start comparing it to the other guns available. You'd do better with anything that isn't this gun, except for Furis of course. Still my favourite rifle next to the Latron Prime though, but this weapon is just too unremarkable, too unimpressive and too ineffective. This thing could be a whole lot better. It sucks to hear everyone saying that your gun sucks. It's worse because you know it's true.

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Let's see...




Braton: One of my first weapons. A little standard, but very reliable and accurate.


Latron: Reliable, accurate, deadly and nice firing sound. 


Gorgon: CRY SOME MOAR!!!!!!!11!!!!


Hek: Sound reminds me of Hawken's HEAT Cannon, and it resembles TF2's Force-a-Nature by blowing things across the room! (Except when it blows said objects across rooms, it also instagibs them)


Boltor: Reminds me of Half Life's crossbow. 'Nuff said. 


LEX; The almighty Space Deagle. Too bad it's model is unfittingly small...


Twin/ Viper/ s: Fires wall of lead. 'Nuff said.


Kraken: Interesting, solid THUD THUD. Still have to get the hang of it though.


Dark Sword: Looks like a giant Kunai, plus high damage.


Gram: Who doesn't like eviscerating foes with a hunk of metal with slicey plasma emitters? (Even if the model isn't the most original) 


Orthos: 'Cause double bladed galives are COOL. (Original definition of 'Glaive') 




Grakata: Not bad I'll admit, but a little mediocre, plus waaaaaaay too much screen shake. Even more so than Gorgon. 

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Most dissapointing gun?

That new sniper rifle (vulkar was it?), sold after 1 mission..

And the strun never clicked for me, so to speak.



Favs so far: Hek,Akbolto,DVipers,Dread,Lex,Orthos,Dethers & the boltor.

Also the flux rifle.

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