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Simple Quality Of Life Changes To Make Underused Frames Less Unwieldy


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Here are some minor and theoretically easy to implement changes that in my mind would go a long way to making certain frames less of a chore to play. I'll give the change and a short statement explaining the change for each frame I've thought of. I couldn't come up with anything for Banshee and Volt because their issues are less of "one irritating thing blocking them from being effective" and more along the lines of "their powers just suck."



-Change: Vex Armor taunts enemies in a radius around him.

-Reason: Chroma is a ball of numbers and very little else. The only thing he can use for real CC is effigy, but then you cut armor in half. Vex Armor taunting allows it to stack faster, and makes Chroma have more of a presence rather than just be ignored by enemies targeting something else.



-Change: Renewal no longer turns off at full health, alternatively becomes a full toggle.

-Reason: This is the big reason that Oberon is not played, as every time the Oberon or someone on his team gets hurt you must recast Renewal and sit through the long animation. Furthermore while this ability in theory would be best against sustained damage, with power strength mods you are most likely to heal your entire health bar instantly, meaning you will be recasting the ability much more than would theoretically be needed.



-Change: "Pacify and Provoke" as well as "Mend and Maim" remain active through the transition of day and night form.

-Reason: While Mend is in need of a change to be a heal over time as you kill enemies rather than a burst heal that is inferior in all ways to Trin, this would in theory be an easier change and would address the problem of only day form equinox being used. Not having to sit through cast times for those two abilities again, as well as being able to switch the stacks of Mend and Maim to whichever is needed would help encourage players to take full advantage of the form shifting mechanic.



-Change: All abilities can be cast while moving

-Reason: While in desperate need of a rework, a change to his first ability to function like Ivara's where he can switch between single and area target would fix him in my eyes, this is an easier change that would make him less frustrating to play. In higher levels, even with natural talent, the cast time of rift walk can still get Limbo killed, the same applies to the wind down time for Cataclysm where the bubble is active but Limbo is still finishing the animation and can't move. This, while not fixing his core problems, would allow a less frustrating time playing him.



-Change: Firewalker does not turn off after teleporting with the chakram, taunts enemies in the first three second of Warding Halo

-Reason: The casting animation stops movement and adds an unwieldy step to the flow of battle. Add a small energy cost instead if there must be a cost to using the explosion. Adding a taunt maximizes the effectiveness of Warding Halo by taking in as much damage as possible.



-Change: Tentacle Swarm can be cast while moving

-Reason: While better targeting for the ability would be better, this would atleast prevent situations where Hydroid casts the ability in the middle of a cluster of enemies, and then dies because all the tentacles spawned on a wall across the room and he's still stuck in the animation.



-Change: Taunt added for the first three seconds of Iron Skin

-Reason: Maximize the effectiveness of the ability. Prevents enemies from just ignoring Rhino.




Edited by TwevOWNED
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You know, the changes listed here are not the end of of the problems facing almost all of the frames listed. But honestly i feel sometimes like DE is too busy/afraid to make such big changes to some of these frames so this to me seems like a vary reasonable compromise to make the frames more effective without DE needing to take on a nightmarish workload.   

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These suggestions are pretty great imo.


Personally I'd just change the proposition of



The explosion after teleporting with the chakram should use Warding Halo as the explosion source.

Damage would depend on how much "health" was remaining in the Halo OR the remaining health  would affect the Range of the explosion.

Why? Because this would be the only way to reuse the Warding Halo in a tactical way (Nezha is really squishy, and it's a shame not being able to recast this ability in some "not OP" way (you know when only 2 percents are remaining and you know you'll die but you can't do anything about it?). This would be a good fix. And Nezha would still be vulnerable after the teleportation depending on cast speed and momentum for the explosion.



The taunting ability should be "Roar", imo. It just fit better. And add more synergy between powers. Iron Skin is already very powerfull for a second power.



Seeing your suggestion for Chroma made me think that in fact, "taunting" enemies should be the passive of Chroma. And when Chroma uses Effigy, all this taunting is for his Effigy (with 100% taunting with his AoE scream), and he no longer has this passive when he's walking "nude" :)




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I think the limbo change you suggested would add some flow and survivability to him (and maybe get people to stop saying he's crap tier cause he's not XD) and may actually negate the need for a rework (like nyx's QoL changes did).

Edited by NKDG
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The more underused frames tend to have good utility. It seems people just want raw power or something that makes grinding easy.

I reckon the better option is finding a way to get Tenno away from "optimal damage output" and start pairing frames together. Passives when certain frames are together or something so they are more selective.

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It's a good change on Oberon for what I'm seeing, but also it's just the Top of the Iceberg and nothing more.


Oberon needs to survive longer, needs abilities that are fitting the playstyle of the game and need something else than Smite to help the team on the battlefield.


Standing on carpets isn't only just bad as concept but will also make you more vulnerable to enemy fire, enemies also completely capable of getting near you without any real harm from the carpet itself.


Also the ultimate have got small range, doesn't kill lots of times and have the two CC effects actually too much short and inefficient(you will still be the first target of the enemies if you're near them, not like Nyx's Chaos or so).

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