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Help With Frost/ash Prime!



Hello everyone, my brother and I are fairly new and he rolls atlas as I Frost/Ash P.

How should I build Frost P?
With the new mods introduced.. What's the best build for a bladestorm Ash currently? 

Is there a better frame that works with Frost P? Atlas advice would be helpful as well.

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From my experiences, Frost Prime can work with pretty much any other warframe out there. His compliment of abilities allow for support and direct confrontation at will. Me and my friend used to run a Frosty/Banshee combo when we were MR10-ish. Defenses were a breeze.


For building Frost P, you can go a few different ways. Crowd-control builds mainly consist of a highly efficient Avalanche build and using Ice Wave Impedance to slow crowds along a section of the map. Be aware that Avalanche can strip anywhere form 30% to 52% of enemy armor rating using  mods like Intensify and Transient Fortitude. TF will ding Ice Wave a bit, but the added slowing percentage that comes with increased strength will help immensely. Support builds depend on the player. I've only played with one Frost/Frost Prime that used Freeze Forces to add cold damage to an ally. Most support builds focus on the Snow Globe (Uber Globe to some of the vets), which mods like Steel Fiber (adds additional armor rating) positively affect. Lastly, Pug builds. This is the one I tend to run, which utilizes a mix of support and CC. Steel Fiber, Intensify + Transient, and Primed Continuity are the staples for the power front, and then I add Vitality, Vigor, and any other two mods that I see fit for the situation at hand (Void defenses would make me add Redirection). It really just comes down to how you play. [Oh, and don't forget that casting Freeze against Snow Globe will cause it to explode and knock down enemies either inside or around the bubble.]


I never really play Ash much, but Body Count and a good melee weapon will help immensely from the get-go. As for Atlas, build him for efficiency so that you can mash the 1 and rack up that multiplier. On 4x (with Stretch, Intensify, and Transient Fortitude) I was knocking out entire rooms of Grineer, including the heavy units. Don't forget your defensive mods as well.

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My personal Frost build is maxed personal survivability -- Vitality, Redirection, Vigor, for a whopping 1505 shields and 860 health -- with "a little bit of everything" after that, meaning Stretch, Streamline, Intensify, and either Continuity or Constitution depending on how many forma you wanna throw down. That leaves you with one last slot (two if you wanna drop Vigor) for whatever you feel is the best fit for you; I personally use Ice Wave Impedance for one of the simplest yet most effective sources of CC in the game, putting down a massive -95% enemy movement speed that can't be absorbed by Ancient Healers


Really, as Dusty above me said, there's not a lot of ways to play Frost that don't synergize with pretty much any teammate out there. It's very hard to screw him up as long as you understand how to play to his strengths: cheap, quick-and-dirty casts that can either reach huge areas, keep enemies immobilized for long periods of time, or just deal a bunch of damage in one quick burst. Or, a little bit of everything, since Frost is one of the few frames who is viable without any Corrupted mods (not that they make him any weaker)


Last piece of advice: casting Globe while inside a Globe will add +100% health to the Globe. This stacks up pretty much infinitely, so don't be afraid to sit next to an EV trin and build up a huge globe with a couple million HP

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Frost P (no forma)


Ash P (no forma)


This is how I build them. These are relatively advanced builds with somewhat balance /general purpose but also fun gameplay in mind. Meaning I tend to use all of my powers not to spam one thing mindlessly. You can try to achieve similar PWR/DUR/RAN/EFF arrangement /ratio even if you don't have primed mods.



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My default build (the one I run most often in all of this game, seeing as I main Frost Prime) looks like the image below. It's designed around a "little bit of everything" playstyle where I can slow everything down to a crawl, but still have usability in any other department. I also have the Arcane Squall helmet (+15% strength, -5% shields).


Every ability has its use:


I use Freeze for single targets (mostly while reloading, so I don't have to deal with their attacks during the reload).

I use Ice Wave for mass-area slow (having Ice Wave Impedance and duration really helps).\

I use Snow Globe for Area Protection and for a "get back ye foul beasties" action (I once launched a Conculyst into the ceiling with it. It died).

I use Avalanche for wide-area CC and for the really-handy armor reduction it puts on things.


As for synergy with Atlas, his Landslide works really well against Avalanche-frozen targets because their reduced armor (also, them being stationary targets and all), especially because of the combo-stacking nature of Landslide reaching pretty absurd damage levels.




Since I took this screenshot, I've leveled the Primed Continuity up to 9/10, which perfectly cancels out the -50% from Fleeting Expertise, giving me 12 seconds of both Ice Wave Impedance and Avalanche-freeze. Exilus mod is 100% optional.


For Ash, I don't have as much advice, though a Bladestorm-oriented build tends to work well. Just make sure to stick a Steel Fiber, Vitality, and Rage on Ash so you're never strapped for energy with any build you make (and if you use melee well, Life Strike is a good way to get your health back).

Edited by MrBubbleSS
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My default build (the one I run most often in all of this game, seeing as I main Frost Prime) looks like the image below. It's designed around a "little bit of everything" playstyle where I can slow everything down to a crawl, but still have usability in any other department. I also have the Arcane Squall helmet (+15% strength, -5% shields).


Every ability has its use:


I use Freeze for single targets (mostly while reloading, so I don't have to deal with their attacks during the reload).

I use Ice Wave for mass-area slow (having Ice Wave Impedance and duration really helps).\

I use Snow Globe for Area Protection and for a "get back ye foul beasties" action (I once launched a Conculyst into the ceiling with it. It died).

I use Avalanche for wide-area CC and for the really-handy armor reduction it puts on things.


As for synergy with Atlas, his Landslide works really well against Avalanche-frozen targets because their reduced armor (also, them being stationary targets and all), especially because of the combo-stacking nature of Landslide reaching pretty absurd damage levels.




Since I took this screenshot, I've leveled the Primed Continuity up to 9/10, which perfectly cancels out the -50% from Fleeting Expertise, giving me 12 seconds of both Ice Wave Impedance and Avalanche-freeze. Exilus mod is 100% optional.

Pretty much what MrBubbleSS said. HOWEVER the intensify in that build is more of a preference thing imho.

Considering you're fairly new and will probably have a tough time getting Primed Continuity and Primed Flow, I'd suggest running:

Aura: Energy Siphon/Corrosive Projection/Rejuvenation: Energy Siphon is basically an energy regeneration option while Corrosive Projection is for those endless missions if you plan to stay in there for an extended amount of time. Alternatively Rejuvenation lets you heal over time assuming you're not taking damage and should be fine to use while investing forma into the other slots or if you just feel more comfortable with that on


-Fleeting Expertise at rank 3-4/5

-Streamline at rank 4-5 depending on Fleeting Expertise's rank: You normally want to have +70% efficiency at minimum

-Continuity Maxed: Later to be replaced with Primed Continuity, this makes the freeze duration on your skills as well as duration of any floors you ice over with Freeze or Ice Wave Impedance last long enough even if you can't balance it out, Avalanche Freeze and Ice Wave Impedance floors lasting roughly 6-7 seconds depending on Fleeting Expertise's rank

-Stretch/Overextended: personally from experience, Stretch is all you'll need to protect yourself from bombard rockets while overextended is more for covering an area to slow infested (assuming your team is fine with being inside with them), or just for more room to breathe and move around

-Vitality/Redirection/Steel Fiber/Flow: Health and armor stuff, pick whichever you like. Consider that Snowglobe gets 5x(?) armor added into its health, but it also absorbs 4 seconds of damage with the damage absorbed turning into health.

-Vitality/Redirection/Steel Fiber/Flow or Quick Thinking: Depending on the rank of your Vitality/Redirection/Steel Fiber a Flow+Quick Thinking combo can potentially give you more effective health than running a combo of Redirection+Vitality/Redirection+Steel Fiber/Vitality+Steel Fiber unless those are maxed...unless you're running a 9/10 Primed Flow minimum

-Augment: Ice Wave Impedance is honestly my favorite as Chilling Globe is a bit repetitive when it's a 50/50 chance to freeze i feel i may as well just recast snowglobe and since casting 3 will freeze AND eject them out of snowglobe regardless of the Chilling Globe Augment......

-Preference: Power Strength mods, more range, more shields/health/armor, more duration, whatever works with you. With my playstyle, I usually like to run with a bit more duration to get a breather, or range if i feel i need to cover a room


Exilus: Preference: I'll say i usually run Handspring though so i can immediately get back up in a sticky situation.

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