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Is Founders Still Upgradable?


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   So, I know that its been over for a while now, but I didn't actually realize that Founders could upgrade their accounts for the difference in pricing until a couple months ago when I was wandering around the wiki. I'm guessing the answer is "No, Founders cannot upgrade anymore", but I would like to point out that I would gladly throw more money at DE in order to get the Skana Prime and (more notably) gain access to the Design Council. Oh, and the extra two thousand plat is nice too. :)


   And just in case my post is misunderstood, I am NOT asking that the Founders program be opened back up, I'm more just wanting people who are already Founders to be able to further support DE with more upgrades. And I also realize that Prime Access is kind of a modern Founders, so this probably won't ever happen. No harm in asking, though, right?


   Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong section of the forums, I wasn't quite sure where to put it.

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To be fair, saying "I would gladly throw more money at DE in order to get the Skana Prime" is no better than non-founders saying "I would gladly throw more money at DE in order to get Excalibur Prime".


It's over, and there's no chance of this opportunity ever coming again.


That being said, be happy - Hunter is by far the coolest sounding title. I wouldn't trade it for something lame like Master or Grandmaster.

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to be honest the design council isnt even really much of a thing anymore. its been overrun with random new people and really no longer holds a significance of any kind. youre also like 2 years late to the party. It ended in a november IIRC.


Also the skana isnt that good its just a shiny trophy. you really arent missing out on much.



That being said, be happy - Hunter is by far the coolest sounding title. I wouldn't trade it for something lame like Master or Grandmaster.

i was going to agree with you... but then mfw

Edited by Zhoyzu
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to be honest the design council isnt even really much of a thing anymore. its been overrun with random new people and really no longer holds a significance of any kind. youre also like 2 years late to the party. It ended in a november IIRC.


Also the skana isnt that good its just a shiny trophy. you really arent missing out on much.

i was going to agree with you... but then mfw


How did the design council get overrun by new people? I thought it was only open to grandmaster founders

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to be honest the design council isnt even really much of a thing anymore. its been overrun with random new people and really no longer holds a significance of any kind. youre also like 2 years late to the party. It ended in a november IIRC.

   It makes me a little sad to hear that the Council isn't doing well, I really liked the concept. And I do realize that Founders ended two years ago, but as I mentioned in my post I didn't know it was upgradable until a few months ago. Otherwise I probably would have made this post a long time ago.


Also the skana isnt that good its just a shiny trophy. you really arent missing out on much.

   Yeah, the Skana Prime would just be a nice bonus. I was mostly thinking of the Design Council and the extra plat.


To be fair, saying "I would gladly throw more money at DE in order to get the Skana Prime" is no better than non-founders saying "I would gladly throw more money at DE in order to get Excalibur Prime".

   Asking for Founders to be able to upgrade their status is slightly different than asking for the Founders program to be opened up to everyone again, but I do realize that most likely this will never happen.


   I was a aware of the Council recruiting new members, but twenty five people a month out of all the people making forum posts does not give very good odds. Not that I'm saying they should bring in more per month, it's just chances are I'm not going to get that lucky. Then again, I still hope for the platinum prizes during the Devstreams, which don't have much better odds.

Edited by Yargami
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