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Ban / Suspension Policy In Warframe + Personal Suggestion (Revxdev Video)


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Oh hey look its that awful youtube channel that stole footage from AGGP and Quiette Shy and then the videos got taken down because of plagiarism. So they made a video being aggressively homophobic to Rob and the video got so much negative backlash they deleted it too.

His voice is pretty great though.


He made that homophobic video because AGGP and Quiette shy were stated by DE to be like, supported youtube channels by them, there were others like Mogamu too. I believe there was an announcement on the front page (If someone can link that, that'd be great)


Saying that in Russia, they'd beat them and kill them or something.


Many aggressive comments towards them. Even saying that Quiette shy was a guy. I'm not joking.

Also stating that homosexuals should not represent Warframe.


I found the entire thing to be silly and just full of hate. He made a video in Russia so people wouldn't understand. Basically saying that men+men= death to man kind. Deleting every single comment proving him wrong with the adoption/sperm bank comeback. 


To the OP, I would never use RevxDevs videos as support to anything he says. Just saying. Steals videos, Toxic in PvP games, Hateful in general.

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The glaring issue with that video is that the story can't be corroborated. We don't know if the player who was warned had a history of abusive behavior towards others, we don't have chat logs of what was said, and we don't have access to the support tickets that were presumably submitted against the player. I would hazard a guess that the player mentioned in the video had a recurring problem with behavior towards others, because support does not immediately flat out ban users until the end of time if other users report them for bad behavior. It usually starts with an in-game warning, followed by a temporary suspension for a day or two, then a week, then it's forever.


For all we know, the story could be the victim of over-exaggeration in order to redeem or exonerate otherwise rule violating actions.


Also, in many other games, if you get banned, you lose all your progress and purchases--including Battlefield games, CS:GO, and DOTA, etc; and bans in CS:GO usually result in a VAC ban, meaning you get banned from ALL Valve games.


Beyond that, if a player receives a warning from support in regards to in game behavior, that player should open a dialogue with support. Even if you don't receive a warning from support, you should immediately contact support if another player threatens you with a ban. As in, if someone in game tells you "Enjoy ban" while you're talking with them, screenshot the conversation and send in a support ticket.


Best thing you can do is cover your own bases and have evidence to support your own defense. And also follow the rules. Following the rules is pretty crucial.

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a little more discussion would be a good thing


At worst, the auto-ban is a little trigger happy. I got hit by it once for no discernible reason, but the issue was resolved and my ban was lifted. At best, it bans what it should, and any overly suspicious/harmful behavior is stopped. It's not bad overall, especially since support is willing and able to help resolve inappropriate bans.


The banning policies are good. Unless the system is abused (which I'm sure support is weary of and can track), things go well. I see no reason to change it.

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a little more discussion would be a good thing


At worst, the auto-ban is a little trigger happy. I got hit by it once for no discernible reason, but the issue was resolved and my ban was lifted. At best, it bans what it should, and any overly suspicious/harmful behavior is stopped. It's not bad overall, especially since support is willing and able to help resolve inappropriate bans.


The banning policies are good. Unless the system is abused (which I'm sure support is weary of and can track), things go well. I see no reason to change it.


Can you at least try explain why first?

Oh I seems the forums didn't save my first part but basically a brief summary is that because of all the recent auto bans of people paypal for example being hacked and the hacker bought at least $100-200 USD of platinum and that the auto ban needs to be revise I know at least 6 people who been banned and have contacted support and each one told me via steam or Email that they have to pay the amount of platinum cost for example $200 for over 4000 p

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The glaring issue with that video is that the story can't be corroborated. We don't know if the player who was warned had a history of abusive behavior towards others, we don't have chat logs of what was said, and we don't have access to the support tickets that were presumably submitted against the player. I would hazard a guess that the player mentioned in the video had a recurring problem with behavior towards others, because support does not immediately flat out ban users until the end of time if other users report them for bad behavior. It usually starts with an in-game warning, followed by a temporary suspension for a day or two, then a week, then it's forever.


For all we know, the story could be the victim of over-exaggeration in order to redeem or exonerate otherwise rule violating actions.


Also, in many other games, if you get banned, you lose all your progress and purchases--including Battlefield games, CS:GO, and DOTA, etc; and bans in CS:GO usually result in a VAC ban, meaning you get banned from ALL Valve games.


Beyond that, if a player receives a warning from support in regards to in game behavior, that player should open a dialogue with support. Even if you don't receive a warning from support, you should immediately contact support if another player threatens you with a ban. As in, if someone in game tells you "Enjoy ban" while you're talking with them, screenshot the conversation and send in a support ticket.


Best thing you can do is cover your own bases and have evidence to support your own defense. And also follow the rules. Following the rules is pretty crucial.

Thanks, dogebrow.

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At worst, the auto-ban is a little trigger happy. I got hit by it once for no discernible reason, but the issue was resolved and my ban was lifted. At best, it bans what it should, and any overly suspicious/harmful behavior is stopped. It's not bad overall, especially since support is willing and able to help resolve inappropriate bans.

This is pretty much the case. If the ban was in error, it gets undone quick.


The only exception would be automatic bans due to negative platinum, because those require a bit of investigating/sleuthing from support staff to figure out from who that platinum originated (this relates to the platinum charge-back issue where player A buys plat for real money, trades it to player B for goodies, then player A reverses the charge to their credit card to get their money back, resulting in the system deducting the platinum in question from whoever is holding it--if player B has spent the platinum already, their platinum gets sent negative, resulting in an auto ban; if they haven't spent it then it seems like their platinum has vanished--in either case contacting support ASAP is the best course of action). 


But even the sleuthing and investigating by support staff into negative platinum bans is fairly quick; just make sure you're courteous and respectful to the support staff. Swearing, disrespecting and acting abusive towards support staff will likely sabotage your efforts to undo wrongful bans, and may result in the ban remaining. Remaining calm and composed is by far the best thing you can do for yourself when contacting support for account related issues.



Oh I seems the forums didn't save my first part but basically a brief summary is that because of all the recent auto bans of people paypal for example being hacked and the hacker bought at least $100-200 USD of platinum and that the auto ban needs to be revise I know at least 6 people who been banned and have contacted support and each one told me via steam or Email that they have to pay the amount of platinum cost for example $200 for over 4000 p

Read the above. Have them contact support and help in any way possible to help the investigation along. It may take a bit more time, but support is able to undo the trades which resulted in negative platinum, and/or undo the platinum expenditures which would have put them in the negative (i.e. if they then spent the platinum they received via trade, before the platinum was deducted from the charge back).


While purchasing additional platinum to put you in the positive will get you immediate access back into your account, this is by no means the final solution; waiting for support to finish their investigation and undo the damage caused by the player who reversed their credit card charge is the best option--it may take longer, but you won't have to pay money to regain access to your account.

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Change Auto ban to Game wide Mute.

I know some games that are terribly unfun when muted (Runescape for example)

That is for excessive rude behaviour tho.
Perma Muting a player can be very very unfun for them. Trust me :3 it is a very good punishment.



If yur hacking, then feel free to ban the hacker. 

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Change Auto ban to Game wide Mute.

I know some games that are terribly unfun when muted (Runescape for example)

That is for excessive rude behaviour tho.

Perma Muting a player can be very very unfun for them. Trust me :3 it is a very good punishment.



If yur hacking, then feel free to ban the hacker. 

I some how agree to this at least you can play the game

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Change Auto ban to Game wide Mute.

I know some games that are terribly unfun when muted (Runescape for example)

That is for excessive rude behaviour tho.

Perma Muting a player can be very very unfun for them. Trust me :3 it is a very good punishment.



If yur hacking, then feel free to ban the hacker. 

Well this is a good system, DE should consider making it a thing in the future 

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