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Game Is Not In Beta


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"Its launch date was the 30th April, when it launched, feature complete, and started accepting money for in-game purchases."


I know it's about Neverwinter but it also applies to Warframe. Stop saying it's in beta!

You should take a look at the definition of open beta. It's the developmental stage that some games enter to increase the player base and finish polishing the game for full release.

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In Beta you get premium currency (plat) for free to test it out and give feedback. Then you have a release with a hard reset. 


Warframe chargers you more then a AAA game to have access to all features, so it's definitely not beta anymore. 

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Maybe they will release it WHEN I CAN ACTUALLY CHAT

contact support(as i've previously suggested to you), or stop whining about your inability to properly configure your router in every thread you post in.


Chat works fine for most players.



This is beta, it is not feature complete. Did you miss all of the hotfixes and content and feature additions that occur on at least a weekly (though sometimes it seems daily) basis!

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Warframe is the buggiest game i've seen (even for beta) so idk.


Try Marvel Heroes which HAS launched. THEN complain about the bugs in this game, if you dare. You ain't SEEN bugs... They REALLY needed to keep THAT game in beta for about 6 more months.


You dont play many betas do you?



Betas are a testing phase. We are here to FIND problems and REPORT them. This is NOT a pre-game demo. This is NOT an early access to the whole game. Betas continue as long as the developer can justify the wait to fix game breaking problems.


People expect this game to be pristine, perfect. It is NOT going to happen. Even at launch it is NOT going to happen.


You want perfection? Make something yourself. You want to playtest a cool game and help them make it cooler? Stick around.

Edited by Kalenath
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Fanboys will be fanboys.

Warframe is not in beta. Being in beta would imply that they are asking us to test a game that they have developed, free of charge.


The second they start offering things for money (at exorbitant prices, at that) it is no longer in beta.


There's nothing wrong with this except that you are using bad terminology, and using 'beta' as an excuse for them to not internally test a lot (if not most) of their patches.

The clan weapons, for example. Many of them are very, very poor. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is overpowered or underpowered.


It's okay for them to not be in beta. It's not okay for them to not internally test and then ask us for money to test it for them. Get it?

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Fanboys will be fanboys.

Warframe is not in beta. Being in beta would imply that they are asking us to test a game that they have developed, free of charge.


The second they start offering things for money (at exorbitant prices, at that) it is no longer in beta.


Lol. A comedian! We needed one!


No, they wouldn't want to TEST the cash shop, would they? They want the same thing to happen as has been happening in Marvel Heroes. Half the time, people can't even BUY GOLD in that buggy POS. No, its gonna be PERFECT as soon as they they put it up in a FRICKING BETA. ROFL!


You are hilarious. Keep it coming. I need the laughs.



There's nothing wrong with this except that you are using bad terminology, and using 'beta' as an excuse for them to not internally test a lot (if not most) of their patches.

The clan weapons, for example. Many of them are very, very poor. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is overpowered or underpowered.


It's okay for them to not be in beta. It's not okay for them to not internally test and then ask us for money to test it for them. Get it?




I don't know what I find sillier. The apparent self centered-ness, the sense of entitlement, or the sheer idiocy. I am almost literally falling out of my chair laughing at this. Well done. You have a future as a comedian.


It is funny. In a sad kind of way, but funny. Nicely done. I need the laughs these days.

Edited by Kalenath
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No, they wouldn't want to TEST the cash shop, would they? They want the same thing to happen as has been happening in Marvel Heroes. Half the time, people can't even BUY GOLD in that buggy POS. No, its gonna be PERFECT as soon as they they put it up in a FRICKING BETA. ROFL!


You are hilarious. Keep it coming. I need the laughs.






I don't know what I find sillier. The self centered-ness, the entitlement, or the sheer idiocy. I am almost literally falling out of my chair laughing at this.


It is funny. In a sad kind of way, but funny. Please, keep trolling. I need the laughs these days.


Like I said. Fanboys will be fanboys. And trolls will be trolls.

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Indeed, and excepting money for items that could be nerfed. It's a risk to purchase or invest feelings or develop a playstyle around anything in this game at the moment. Will it always be the case? Who knows. But I do know this, I've spent a lot of money on this game. More than I would for any other I'm sure. I'm supporting the development of this title by choice. This is their method of income. Think of it as a kickstarter if you want. I believe the term beta is incorrect, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that you have the choice. No one is forcing you to play, nor is anyone forcing you to pay.



But I agree, it's not okay for them to offer items for real money that they could change in a way that leaves you feeling ripped off. But that's just the way it is and no amount of b****ing is going to change it. =/

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Lol. A comedian! We needed one!


No, they wouldn't want to TEST the cash shop, would they? They want the same thing to happen as has been happening in Marvel Heroes. Half the time, people can't even BUY GOLD in that buggy POS. No, its gonna be PERFECT as soon as they they put it up in a FRICKING BETA. ROFL!


You are hilarious. Keep it coming. I need the laughs.





I don't know what I find sillier. The apparent self centered-ness, the sense of entitlement, or the sheer idiocy. I am almost literally falling out of my chair laughing at this. Well done. You have a future as a comedian.


It is funny. In a sad kind of way, but funny. Nicely done. I need the laughs these days.


Mocking someone in such a way surely speaks volumes of your character or lack thereof.

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Like I said. Fanboys will be fanboys. And trolls will be trolls.


Keep it coming, Mr laughs....


Oh... You are NOT being silly? My bad. I apologize. I THOUGHT you were being sarcastic.


If you ARE serious then, please check your terminology.


Look up the word 'Beta'. Cross reference to 'Open Beta' and 'Closed Beta'. Even Wikipedia has good definitions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_testing#Beta_testing


NOWHERE in ANY of that will you find what you seem to be seeking. The right to scream at a game company for not giving you what you feel you are entitled to.


And calling THIS game's prices exorbitant? Again, try Marvel Heroes. THEN complain about Warframe if you dare. Seriously, this game has NOTHING on that one's problems.


You know...


I may actually be a Warframe fanboy now that you mention it. I like where the game is going. I LOVE the way that DE actually interacts with it's player base (Try getting ANY other game devs to come on and just CHAT with you sometime. Just try it.) I like how they LISTEN to our problems/concerns/complaints such as the problems with the Rhino immunities bug. (And yes it was a bug despite peoples screaming about conspiracies) I for one am HAPPY with the beta. As betas go (and I have been in a bunch), this is a probably the most seamless of any I have seen. They are not even making us reset at the end. And people want to scream about THAT? What a bunch of... Nah, can't say or I get reported for telling the truth.


I call them like I see them. DE makes mistakes. Oh hell yes, they make mistakes. Do I scream and yell and carry on and compare the devs to awful people from history to vent my spleen? No. I try to find constructive ways to express feedback.


So, yes. By some definitions, I guess I am a fanboy. At least I am not a self entitled idiot who assumes this beta is here for my personal amusement as early access to a full game.


Again, I apologize. I really thought you were being silly.

Edited by Kalenath
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de decides when its ready or not. every single f2p game with founder programs (like firefall for eg) sell ingame currency and items. it's a part of the business plan. and noother than de can say it's complete.

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