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Feeling Out Warframe


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This game is much better than I expected. Downloaded it on a whim and it sat in my Steam Library for a few months, but I picked it back up this week and have been really enjoying it. It looks so freaking cool.


I know I have yet to really break into all it has to offer but I am looking forward to it. (Although I am nervous that it is going to become a GRIND, which I'm not pumped on being a recovering WoW player)


If anyone wants to post links to guides or tips for new players I would be in your debt, y'all got's lots of jargon to learn.



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A lot of people say Warframe is a grind, but I say the opposite: It's only a grind if you choose to have it be one. I've gone the entire game and haven't grinded once, and I've been around since the beginning. I suggest playing what you feel like doing, and having certain short-term goals rather than a bunch of long-term ones. Less burn-out that way.

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WTS - Want to sell

WTB - Want to buy

LF - Looking for a type of frame (ex. LF Frost)

WTT- Want to trade

Draco- Ceres, Draco. A node on ceres thats favored by most of the community because it gives a lot of xp. (Know I'm going to get hate for this, just a term though)

Speedva- Speed nova

Slowva- Slow nova

etc, some frames are named after augment mods(pilfering hydroid, fosuced on looting bodies for farming) or powers like ev trin(foscused on using energy vampire, to replenish the teams power)

Edited by DoorRF
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A lot of people say Warframe is a grind, but I say the opposite: It's only a grind if you choose to have it be one. I've gone the entire game and haven't grinded once, and I've been around since the beginning. I suggest playing what you feel like doing, and having certain short-term goals rather than a bunch of long-term ones. Less burn-out that way.

Whats this guy know ^. phfff only 12k posts.. plz

jk :)


totally agree

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Draco- Ceres, Draco. A node on ceres thats favored by most of the community because it gives a lot of xp.

Speedva- Slow nova

Slowva- Speed nova


Don't recommend Draco, let people explore the game at their own pace rather than immediately pointing out the quickest way of ranking up everything.


Also what. Speedva = Slow Nova/ Slowva = Speed Nova? Since when.


Oh, and welcome to the game killslikewhoa.

Edited by DeMonkey
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I'd say not to worry about farming things like affinity or prime parts. Enjoy the game at your own pace, don't rush mastery rank. Also, if enemies seem to be too tanky, I advise you to check this and use appropriate elements against them, it helps a lot.



Some bosses have tricky mechanics, don't be afraid to ask for advise, or check the wiki if you struggle.

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Don't recommend Draco, let people explore the game at their own pace rather than immediately pointing out the quickest way of ranking up everything.


Also what. Speedva = Slow Nova/ Slowva = Speed Nova? Since when.


Oh, and welcome to the game killslikewhoa.

Its just something commonly said he might want to know, let him choose what he wants to do. Also the slowva/speeva part I got them mixed up on mistake.

Edited by DoorRF
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Welcome to this awesome game :)

If you're looking for guides, check on this guy named InglriousB. He says he's specialised in guiding new players and also had a Youtube channel on it. But he seems to be a bit weird as well, speaking about himself in the third person from time to time.

Oh...wait XD

Anyway, welcome on the forums as well. I can tell you this game is awesome and unlike any other f2p game, this is truly f2p, which could be a crucial aspect for some players

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