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Best Weapon For The Aiming Impaired



Hey, My daughter loves this game and plays it with me nightly. However she is just starting off in video games and her aiming skills are still in development. What would be the best weapon for her to play till she builds her skills. I was thinking the Synoid Sim but she is only MR 6 currently. I am about to drop some plat on her and wanted some feedback.


Thanks in advance.

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23 answers to this question

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Ignis, Atomos and Amprex come to mind.

With Ignis being the most forgiving, and Amprex/Atomos requiring actually hitting a target - while the chains deal with the rest.

Recommend getting the +range mods for them, though, if you go that route.

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Aside from what people have already suggested, I would say an explosive weapon or something with very high ammo efficiency, like the Quanta or Phage.

Also, this is quite possibly the cutest topic I've ever seen. :3

Yeah absolutely felt the same.So cute.


The Ignis would be perfect but it is a clan research weapon :/ Maybe you can get it because you have a researched clan?

Edited by K0bra
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Agree on the cutest topic. I can totally imagine your daughter sitting on your lap, completely focused on getting kills >.<


Aside from the already mentioned weapons, give that Staticor a go. I haven't tried it myself yet, but someone on the forum used Staticor and Dragon Ball Z in one sentence, so now I really need to have it, shooting energy balls is always fun.

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To make progress in the game:

A spread shotgun ..  sobek  spreads pretty well.   Phage hits everything in range until you pull the beam up tight.

Spray & pray guns ...  any full auto really, just chase the target with your aim dot and put a mutation on for her to keep ammo supplied.


To build skills:

Try a very accurate hit-scan weapon like Sybaris,  tiberon, or something similar.    Set up the mouse so that it moves quickly -- the fastest she can handle, and move the fire button OFF the mouse to a keyboard.  I use wasd controls (just out of habit) and swapped the a to aim and d to shoot since I can steer with the mouse in this game.   Trying to mash the mouse button causes you to move the mouse off target; Its like those DAO pistols, you squeeze the trigger so hard you pull your aim off, for a real world counterpart -- its doable but its harder to learn and control.     Other real-shooter skills do apply to some degree... non hitscan weapons, you have to learn to lead the target,  and control of your body (breath, etc) so that you are not jerking your aim around due to fidgeting still applies (though the game is more forgiving), and for slow shooters (snipers, bows, etc) waiting for your shot rather than missing (patience) is also a skill to learn.   But start off with a hitscan accurate gun and practice in a low level area until able to get 75% or better hit ratios per run.  Once she can do that,  learning additional aiming skills for non hitscans will be easier.

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Ignis in conjunction with an Ember is by far the easiest.


Accelerant stuns all things in a radius for a short bit and primes them all for extra crispy goodness.


World on Fire just cooks *anything* in the area as long as the energy bar holds out, no aiming required.


For secondary Sonicor would be the most forgiving I believe.

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Agree on the cutest topic. I can totally imagine your daughter sitting on your lap, completely focused on getting kills >.<


Aside from the already mentioned weapons, give that Staticor a go. I haven't tried it myself yet, but someone on the forum used Staticor and Dragon Ball Z in one sentence, so now I really need to have it, shooting energy balls is always fun.

lol She has her own gaming rig already daddy got her setup for Christmas. She calls defense missions candy guards because she thinks all the enemies are coming to steel the candy inside the pods :P

Yeah absolutely felt the same.So cute.


The Ignis would be perfect but it is a clan research weapon :/ Maybe you can get it because you have a researched clan?


We have a clan with research. Think ill try the Ignis route see how well she does with that. Thank you all.

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Shotguns were used when my friend has fps hell before so thats a great start, the steel meridian shotgun is a monster weapon with a  explosion damage boost as well to make her feel super powerful and enjoy the game more. Synod is also a good pick for inaccurate shooting but again needs good ammo conversion mods if your gonna spam it willy nilly. and last but not least the Ignus because who doesn't like flames shooting everywhere.


So ya in short shotguns, beam weapons, flame weapons will do you good. Also make sure (but I'm sure you know this already) the levels are low enough were if she wants to try more accurate weapons she can be a trinity or Rhino and be hit forever while using Grinner as target practice ><.


Hope this helps you.

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Surprisingly no one else has mentioned it yet but the Synoid Simulor is pretty easy to clear rooms without aiming with.  Just put several orbs somewhat near each other while sliding through a room and watch the explosions of affinity.

Well he did mention she is "only" Mr 6. So no Synoid Simulor for a while ;-)

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I'd say a shotgun, such as the Hek.


Shotguns can be used without precise aiming, but they do still need to be aimed. You want your daughter to get BETTER at aiming, and she can't do that if you've completely eliminated any need for it with the likes of Ignis, Amprex, Tonkor, Synoid Simulor etc.

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I'd say a shotgun, such as the Hek.

Shotguns can be used without precise aiming, but they do still need to be aimed. You want your daughter to get BETTER at aiming, and she can't do that if you've completely eliminated any need for it with the likes of Ignis, Amprex, Tonkor, Synoid Simulor etc.

Good point.

At that junction of almost say Sobek, it's got the same range and spread as the Hek (both of which have higher range and tighter spread than the other shotguns in game) but the Sobek has a larger clip and smaller damage, so it's more forgiving of missed shots while being accurate at medium range, it's the gun I really learned to aim on.

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Opticore.   Seriously.   



1.It's a big laser, you can see clearly where the shot went. So it's easy to understand how/why you missed when you do. Unlike with most hitscan weapons.

2.Even if you're a little off splash damage kills things 

3.The charge mechanic gives you time to aim while it's charging, firerate mods can dramatically alter how long the charge is (from a second or two down to nearly instant with a high firerate setup)

4.The high power allows even low skill players to kill powerful things and feel like a boss

5.You cannot kill yourself with an opticores splash damage.



1.Requires a bit of setup to be an effective training weapon(probably about 2 forma)

2.Pretty much demands you equip a punch through mod or groups of enemies will overwhelm you.Even with high firerate it gets hectic without punchthrough.

3.Becomes a liability when knockdowns and stagger/stuns are plentiful.



Shotguns are a decent second choice but the falloff at range and variable spreads won't really teach aiming so much as pointing in the general direction of things and hoping for the best because your aim only has limited relation to where the rounds actually go on shottys.


 Being able to see where your bullets are going is a lot better for someone trying to learn. You can clearly see "hey my bullets aren't hitting the guy so i should aim over a bit." so you naturally move to fix that and get better by default.


The Dera is a really good weapon for learning to aim as it's a recoil-less automatic rifle and a solid dps weapon overall and if Opticore is too hard to use the Dera is probably the best choice, and it's a low MR req if i remember correctly.


 Beam weapons are another good option for teaching aim  Beam weapons have the flaw of limited range though and Ignis has a glitch in it's range that creates a deadzone where no damage is dealt so i wouldn't use that for a beginner.  Amprex or glaxion would be ideal beam weapon primaries, Atomos for secondary.

Edited by Dekallis
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Sybaris ( high level aiming needed)

Grinlok (zero recoil)

Buston/prime (ez to aim, burst mechanic)

Braton/prime (full auto when needed, could shot in burst)

The first rule in aiming simulation is: no spay and pray.

2nd rule : always aim for the head

3st : Idk.

And I don't recommend shotgun because mostly you will need to use it at full blank to maximise damage and they use pellets not bullet, you won't see where your bullet hitting.

And that clunkz noob just don't comment when you have nothing to contribute.

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