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7 days without a catalyst


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If the rare drop rate of catalysts is too much for u to handle and creating this much of a problem then buy plat or wait for this game to be out of beta...

His feedback is valid and is kind of the entire point of being a part of a beta. You don't wait till the beta is over before you feedback, dude.

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As a Founder and avid gamer I can sympathize with the frustration here. However I would like to call to attention the fact that this game does offer several different ways you can supercharge your equipment while most F2P games (of which I have played many. Dear God. Too many T_T), only offer it as a cash shop item or during events.

Sure, it sucks that the drop rate / alert ratio is low, but not only do you have a chance to make one yourself, you have a chance to get it simply by logging on AND as alert rewards. At the end of the day you'll always be playing the odds, but at least you're not 100% stuck all of the time.

Still, I think a good way around this is to either make it a one time bonus drop when you kill a particular system boss (just once, so no farming Mercury boss for it), or allow people to still put points into the expanded tree at a much steeper EXP per point (unless supercharged) rate.

Alternatively, maybe unlock the skill tree at the outset, but lock the Warframe ultimates and add some kind of attractive passive that is supercharged only.


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Well claiming he is going to quit cause he is done with this game because hes not getting the blue print for an item isnt really feedback, i can understand everyones view of catalyst's needing to drop more but if he cant sleep properly because of it then beta testing here is probably too much for him

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If the rare drop rate of catalysts is too much for u to handle and creating this much of a problem then buy plat or wait for this game to be out of beta...

Initially, I had wanted to buy the founder's program to support the developer for this awesome game. But once I found out that my progress was actually restricted unless I get these Catalyst and Reactors to upgrade my Warframe & Weapons because I can no longer upgrade them beyond level 15 stats. I went to google and found out about the means of getting Catalysts and Reactors.

Then it comes to the point that if I had to spend platinum on those catalyst/reactors based on the bad design of these alert missions. Just nope. I would only spend the platinum on cosmetics and inventory/warframe slots. Spending platinum on these catalyst/reactors makes me feel like the cashshop is taking a step towards the wrong direction.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this game initially. But I just realise now that I am not enjoying the game anymore because all I do is check my smartphone e-mails before, during and after I sleep. I feel like I am actually working rather than playing. I want to play this game anytime I want. Like.. Oh I got two hours to spare now, lets boot the game up and PLAY it.

Instead of playing the game when I want and how I want. I feel obliged to check my e-mails constantly waiting for that Alert mission with a catalyst blueprint drop. Getting a catalyst blueprint is an obligation if I want to progress the game to the higher levels.

And this comes to the point where I hit the wall with two options.

1) Spend platinum on multiple Catalysts

2) Wait for the cough"random"cough generated alert missions notification like a retard by checking e-mails constantly and hope it is one with the Catalyst drop

-3- Come on, the login reward is predetermined. No one believes it is a random dice roll going by 1/9. Chances of getting a Catalyst blueprint by logging in is probably 1/101 and you might never get it. I have came across too many similar gimmicks such as this to know better.

Edited by Ronteque
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Initially, I had wanted to buy the founder's program to support the developer for this awesome game. But once I found out that my progress was actually barred unless get these Catalyst and Reactors to upgrade my Warframe & Weapons because can no longer upgrade them beyond level 15 stats I know the next thing I need is either the Catalyst or Reactor in order to make progress in the game.

If I had to spend platinum on those catalyst/reactors based on the bad design of these alert missions. Just nope. I would only spend the platinum on cosmetics and inventory/warframe slots. Spending platinum on these catalyst/reactors makes me feel like the cashshop is taking a step towards the wrong direction.

Further down the road im sure there will be more cosmetic items in the cash shop, i think right now they are just focusing and getting new content into the game such as new map tiles (since i think everyone can agree we need more than the corpus ship >.< ) and fixing bugs and balancing mods/warframes. The drop rate for catalyst blueprints are really low right now but atm its the rarest thing in the game so we cant expect to get em so easilly (excluding plat users) Once we get more content more lvls and items im sure we will see alert missions offering catalyst rewards more often. Just be smart with em once u get em we all get 50plat when we first start this game which will buy you 2 catalysts, thats enough for your main warframe and main gun :) which in my opinion is all u need unless you want to plow through missions with no challenge >.<

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people should realize this system is so much better than the last system, the only premium pro upgrade sucked, now you can actually upgrade your weap/warframe without premium at all which is generous enough, although only once a week, still its like giving 20 plat to everyone that plays the alert

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people should realize this system is so much better than the last system, the only premium pro upgrade sucked, now you can actually upgrade your weap/warframe without premium at all which is generous enough, although only once a week, still its like giving 20 plat to everyone that plays the alert

People already realize that, but it's still not enough, and I agree. It's completely random, no progress. Just gift from the sky. I'd rather have to work for it.

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I'm with FrydHamstr a rare boss drop would be nice, atleast something to work for. It is a real shame to have to hope that you win the lottery to be able to progress without paying money. Those of you against the idea i just have to wonder why. "The devs need money." Well there are plenty of ways to get money without hindering progress plus the shortcut can still be there.

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IMHO, the entire system of upgrading weapons is horribly flawed. Each weapon has a skill "tree" of sorts that functions merely as a linear upgrade path, and mod slots along the way are the only actual customisation options. They could easily have made enough money w/o messing with the already horrible progression system and halving it for the free/unlucky players.

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I wonder how it would effect things if say, the tougher enemies and bosses had a fairly rare drop of like 1-2 platinum. It wouldn't be enough to let players buy a bunch of stuff with plat really easily, but if people saved and played and played. They could get a catalyst or reactor every once in a while.

Another idea would be to implement a different currency that drops how I've suggested instead of platinum. This currency could only be used to buy specific cash items that are needed to take away growth walls like the ones described in this topic. The devs wouldn't have people buying everything up in the shop with rare currency that was found playing, but people could get passed the pay-wall if they really played.

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I wonder how it would effect things if say, the tougher enemies and bosses had a fairly rare drop of like 1-2 platinum. It wouldn't be enough to let players buy a bunch of stuff with plat really easily, but if people saved and played and played. They could get a catalyst or reactor every once in a while.

Another idea would be to implement a different currency that drops how I've suggested instead of platinum. This currency could only be used to buy specific cash items that are needed to take away growth walls like the ones described in this topic. The devs wouldn't have people buying everything up in the shop with rare currency that was found playing, but people could get passed the pay-wall if they really played.

Rarer than certain blueprints? Then all we'd have are complaints that such an item isn't dropping enough, or wherever it drops from would get farmed to death like things are currently. Wouldn't solve much if its as rare as the catalyst/reactors alerts. Adding a whole new currency detracts from the current model as it is.

Being a F2P game, anyone can play it and all options are technically open (save for extended inventory slots). This isn't a 'free trial' like The Old Republic or WoW, it's a F2P game, with the option to pay in to do a little more.

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Rarer than certain blueprints? Then all we'd have are complaints that such an item isn't dropping enough, or wherever it drops from would get farmed to death like things are currently. Wouldn't solve much if its as rare as the catalyst/reactors alerts. Adding a whole new currency detracts from the current model as it is.

Being a F2P game, anyone can play it and all options are technically open (save for extended inventory slots). This isn't a 'free trial' like The Old Republic or WoW, it's a F2P game, with the option to pay in to do a little more.

That's the thing though. If it's about as rare as an event, but can happen in any level with tough enemies, it prevents the main problem. Which is poeple not being able to get to events when they aren't online or can't be online. It allows people to try and get them on their own time. Soloing or coop, whether they are farming, or just playing through the game. Progress on your frame and weapons could be made by playing the game and having a good time. Yet it would still be slow enough to encourage impatient people to buy platinum. I really don't see how this detracts or doesn't solve the problem. You're argument doesn't show how my model doesn't work.


Thought of an idea that sounds more on the fair side when comparing the secondary currency to finding the blueprint in an alert. Instead of outright buying the cata or reactor, I would say that it should be a blueprint. That way the people who are doing the alerts don't feel ripped off for having to find a rare event and still having to craft it instead of just collecting currency.

Edited by Draxxon
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maybe they just should put some time restriktion in the Radome allert so if the last cat drop was on 1 am EST the next will minimum being 2 hours bevor or after the last time. so every timezone has a chance do get into an alleart from time to time within a daytime and no need to fear if the next alleart may came in the middle of the nicht again

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