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Will There Be Another Guides Of The Lotus Recruitment Any Time Soon?



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Probably in the future, but the last recruitment session just ended, unfortunately.

I don't know when the next will be here but keep an eye on the forums and prepare yourself during this waiting time like helping other players, be cool. This is probably the best hint I can give you.

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I don't see why i needed 500 whole hours of playtime, when a guide's job is to be asked questions. I recruited newbs into my clan quite often in the past, and always gave a satisfactory answer to all their questions. I mean really, ask me any warframe question right now, i'll answer it   

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After 500 hours of playtime DE would assume you're relatively experianced in Warframe regarding the gameplay and somewhat Lore. It's a reasonable request. I got in and my playtime is just under 700 and I have a decent knowledge of the gameplay systems and Lore.

Can't answer questions if you do not know the information. (Not saying that you don't, just a general statement..)

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Don't be sad. I have 4000 (which is double than have most of actual guides) hours in game and guess what, i was not selected, but i don't care very much. I was a helper long time before GOTL program and i will be same helper much more after GOTL will die. I help people not only in chat but playing sometimes low level missions and help newbies there with informations or unlocking missions for them, also giving away starter usefull mods and teaching them how to use. Nothing give me more satisfaction in this game than seeing old starter newbies in my friendlist get actually to MR 15 or higher, after i helped them first steps in this game. If i was not selected is definitively not my lose, however i don't want to be confused with those colectioners who aplied to GOTL program only for badge and moderator privileges (i wish this program to be usefull and collect good guides but i am skeptical, i know 2 of them from game and i saw they have bad behaviour and are selfish not helpers, saw another new guide in relay being so proud after his first kick). So my advice is anyone who like to help just do it without any kind of rewards and don't wait for do this depending of any GOTL or so.

Edited by -Qui-Gon-
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I was a helper long time before GOTL program and i will be same helper


This is basically the attitude I have. I have about 1.4K hours in Warframe, and I applied, but wasn't selected for this round. This is possibly due to the fact that I'm not active in the forums, really. I mostly answer questions in Region chat and help new players on Mercury, and that won't change whether I'm a Guide or not, and really shouldn't affect you, too.


You can still be helpful and help others enjoy the game, even if you didn't get selected this round. Maybe next time it comes around, you will!

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If i was not selected is definitively not my lose, however i don't want to be confused with those colectioners who aplied to GOTL program only for badge and moderator privileges (i wish this program to be usefull and collect good guides but i am skeptical, i know 2 of them from game and i saw they have bad behaviour and are selfish not helpers, saw another new guide in relay being so proud after his first kick). So my advice is anyone who like to help just do it without any kind of rewards and don't wait for do this depending of any GOTL or so.

If you see this kind of behavior, please report it to Support via the Support form, or to Danielle on the forums via PM.

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honestly a lot of the Gotl don't know their stuff which is weird. I went into an earth relay and a purple text guy was answering questions about frames and saying the best way to get a lot of the frames is to get carried.... seriously were trying to make better players not teach them to be leaches

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Do not worry, i also tought i was going to be selected given the multi languange, experience and european region player, but i am guessing they prefered other users or simply liked the replies in the form a bit more.


It's nothing to be upset about, the new juniors will hopefully become seniors and they will help the staff in the game, especially tutoring the new players, in the meantime just do like me, keep cool and continue helping new players, eventually a new opportunity will arrive, then you can apply again, the only difference will be that you will have even more experience.


If you do this for the rewards then it's better not to do it at all, but if you think you can help, then just wait for another opportunity.

If you really think you are better then some of the existing GOTL, then you have nothing to fear, when given the opportunity you will likely try hard to show and improve the overall quality of the program.

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The GoTL recruitment always come after 1 year , according to my research. As for the Applictaion is concerned , The number of hours are restricted to 500+ ( I wrote 470+ hours only and they didnt even care about me :( ) and in the Applictaion form they ask for a brief passage for ' why u helping  players breh ? ' TRUST ME they aint gonna see the most heart touching story , and your Heroic spirit. XD

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