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Building A Daikyu



For starters, keep your replies relative directly to my questions at the end.

Iv had a build idea similar to one in another thread where they used MAX gas damage and a storm bringer as aoe damage/cc.

My build being similar but using some crit rather than shock damage or max gas damage. As always your basic damage mods serration and split chamber are implied.

I chose gas damage for three reasons.

1. because it does extra damage to light infested.

2. Because the procs DOT is actually TOXIN damage, which ignores sheilds and does extra damage to grineer, giving it a use against all factions.

3. Because its AOE of course.

Other mods being Thermite rounds and its equivilent toxin mod to start the gas damage and bring the proc chance of each shot to 99%, point strike and critical delay for a 45% crit chance, and im debating between speed trigger and vile acceleration, thoughts on that please. And to top it all off (im afk) but i belive i filled it out with a vital sense.

Thats the current set im testing with.

Now my questions are:

Do we think I should go for an argon scope?

Should i try dropping crit delay and the fire rate mod to see if something else is more viable?

And id like some intensive playtesting based conversation on status and wether or not these things are true.

Acording to the wiki multishot from MODS will NOT cause shots to divise their procs, only innate multishot on a weapon such as a shotgun would. Check the affects listed on the enemy NOT what your damage numbers display.

That each attack from a weapon capable of procing seperatly (so acording to the wiki as said above)

That each damage source can apply TWO procs.

And that which avaible proc is applied is affected by the damage numbers on the weapon, and that physical damages are weighted 4 times higher than elemental damages.

Double checking that proc damage IS in fact affected by the damage of your initial hit after all modifiers such as crit headshot armor powers ect.

Possibly more questions to come back to mind that ive forgotten and undoubtedly more raised by comments.

Thankyou if your taking my intrest seriously!

If your here to say dread dont bother

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12 answers to this question

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A gas proc's toxin DoT deals damage based on your weapons "base damage". This does not include physical mods or elemental mods, so you want to use just Thermite Rounds and Malignant Force to get your gas damage type and some status chance.


Crit damage is included so you want to min-max for that. Since Daikyu is slow firing, I would min-max for consistency via crit chance rather than DPS where crit damage may or may not be higher DPS on paper, but you're not firing a thousand rounds a second here.


Headshots also count and a headshot which is ALSO a crit gets an additional hidden modifier for extra damage, so Heavy Caliber is very iffy. If you're playing Ivara or Loki where you can just stealth around putting both arrows in something's eye maybe Heavy Caliber works. For more distance you want to run a headshot build by swapping Heavy Caliber for Hammer Shot.


I tested this extensively using slash procs on The Jackal and was able to literally one shot kill him with one slash proc. Not with Daikyu though...


Believe it or not I have a loadout saved right now that is Volt Prime with a gas Daikyu for messing around at low levels just because Gas is AoE. When I get home I'll take it to the sim and see where it caps out if you want, but it's not going to be very high... Definitely not end game.

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Looking over the options again, I'd probably just fish for crits... Gas proc applies toxic in an AoE so you only need one big one and you poison everything and the DoT stacks so non-crits softening them up won't hurt either.


Serration / Heavy Caliber / Split Chamber / Continuous Misery

Thermite Rounds / Malignant Force / Vital Sense / Bladed Rounds


...eh... it's going to be firing a bit slow for fishing, but we're already not doing enough damage so I'm not sure what you'd drop to get Speed Trigger or Vile Acceleration... At some point you'll probably end up dropping Bladed Rounds because you won't be getting kills fast enough to keep the buff anyway. May as well go for stacking more procs by firing faster at that point.

Edited by VKhaun
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Im on mobile so i had no idea it did that honestly but thanks, never had to ask an admin for anything hers where can i do that :P

Duplicate thread hidden.

The next time, use the "Report" tool on your first post to request a deletion (be kind and explain the reason of your request when doing so).


May the Void be clement with you, Tenno.

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Zilchy you act like your questions unacceptably stupid, why so serious? :P

Im adding crit because one its some much needed damage and im not going to get it done with status alone. And getting a crit increases the damage OF the status.

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Nah just trying to be respectful of your thread is all.

Regarding your answer, fair enough I suppose, each to their own. I always use Status for CC rather than killing so I guess I've never really worried about adding Critical Damage. If you're really keen to do so then I don't think Argon Scope would be worth it in all honesty, I think in terms of getting red crits it would still be a tough task, I've used Argon Scope on low crit chance weaponry and while it does occasionally pay off, most times it's hit and miss. I'd say just add more raw damage and while not hitting the absolute heights of single shot damage, it'll be more consistent. Just personal opinion though.

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Being consistant is a bit more important yo me so :P

I was thinking maybe bringing my crit chance from 45% to 65% would help with that. Even if it is just on headshot

Also this isnt really for stealth im looking to make it viable just about anywhere i end up on impulse. So about the highest it gets is sortie missions some days me thinks.

Edited by Vortraz
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I realise you said you're building for Infested but the highest damage you'd get would be by building for Status Viral and halving the health of everything you hit. With higher crit damage on top of that, you'd occasionally do some solid damage. Check out Bladed Rounds as well, it increases crit damage upon killing, rather than increase chance upon headshot like AS does. So if you aim at lesser enemies to proc the effect you'll have a reliable Status damaging weapon with the potential to hit very hard(if it crits) vs tough targets after picking off a weaker one.

I've been doing this with Rakta Cernos and hitting extremely hard, gotta love bows :)

Edited by Zilchy
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I never said i was building for infested i said i was using gas and that its got a way to do damage to all factions :P

And i dunno how much i like the fishing for crits thing. Building crit damage and not chance and just firing arrows at something until i get a crit gas proc is a bit sketchy

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