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Finding Mods For Specific Weapons.... And Warframes



So right now I'm trying to figure out what mods to look for, to use with my paris and boltor. I might ask about other weapons in this thread later on.


So what mods work great with the regular boltor AR and Paris bow?

And where do I go to get these specific mods?


Right now I'm dealing with a really squishy max level 30 volt, and rank 4 account.

I guess I should ask what warframe mods to look for, to make volt more survivable, and also duh, where to get those mods.

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7 answers to this question

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Serration for a damage increase on both.  Grineer Scorpions (skinny hookshot chicks) drop it as well as some infested crawlers.


Shred for a fire rate and punchthrough (projectiles will pierce thin cover and enemies), fire rate will help the Paris draw quicker.  This is a nightmare mode mod though, which can be difficult to obtain.  You need to clear a planet 100% and then randomly nightmare missions (orange color) will show up, beat that mission in nightmare mode to get a random nightmare mod.


If you can't get a Shred, Speed Trigger will be more fire rate on both of the (Paris doesn't really need punchthrough).  Infested Charger (huge mutant space dogs) drop it.


Split Chamber from many sources, but is rare so it can be hard to get.  Gives a 90% chance per shot to generate and extra free projectile, so it's about a 90% damage increase after everything else.


Other than that, elemental mods will continue to add more damage and drop from varying locations.

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It kinda depends on what you're playing.

For Warframes, I prefer a balanced build for most missions: max Vitality, Intensify, Constitution, Continuity, Streamline, Stretch, Flow, and Mobilize or other parkour mod.

For weapons, you might want to start with max Serration, Heavy Caliber, Split Chamber for most weapons. Corrosive damage for most missions (toxic + electric damage mods) or magnetic for Corpus (electric + cold damage mods). Beyond that, + crit if the weapon has a base of 15% or up, Fast Hands if it has long reloads, Ammo Mutation if it's really fast firing.

The wiki is your best resource on where to find mods if you haven't filled your codex by scanning.

Edited by DaftMeat
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for Volt, it depends on what powers you want to focus on. the two main tyes usually being Speed/Shield Volt, and Overload Volt. if you want longer lasting speed boosts and shields, focus on Power Duration. Strength also helps as it will increase the speeding effect and also have the added Bonus of a more powerful Shock (though most don't really use it) if you want a super effective Overload, build for Range and Strength to hit as many people as possible. note however that Volt will be getting reworked, so these builds could become obsolete, depending on what DE actually does with him.


for a Paris, like any Bow, Raw damage and Crit mods. Multishot as well if you can get it. you could also get Thunderbolt, though I've never found it useful unless it's on the Attica Repeating Crossbow. try and get your Crit chance up as high as you can, the Bows are supposed to reward Precision with high Crit output.


for a Boltor, you can generally get away with Damage, Multishot and elements of your choosing. since it's a Puncture weapon, I would recommend Corrosive so that it can be even more effective against Grineer.


oh, and definitely make sure you have a Vitality or Redirection on Volt, he's still a little squishy, but it's not a problem if you remember to use Shield and speed to block and avoid gunfire.

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Core Primary Mods:










You won't use Heavy Caliber and all four elements on everything, but it tends to be a starting point. Hellfire is probably the lowest priority. Stormbringer, Infected Clip and Cryo Rounds can make both Corrosive+Cold and Magnetic+Toxic, which will serve you well for most of the game.


Doing low level survival you will find plenty of copies of Fast Hands and various ammo mutation mods to fill in gaps left by not using Heavy Caliber or elemental mods for certain weapons.


I do not include critical related mods because frankly they're common and easy to rank up. You will find Point Strike and Vital Sense without trying, and with only five ranks you can easily max them if you find yourself holding a crit weapon that would benefit.






Core Warframe Mods:












Warframe builds vary greatly because they hinge on lots of corrupted mods that tweak stats both up and down, but generally speaking you want all the core, basic mods first because if you put on a corrupted mod it's either to stack with basics or you will need basics to counteract it's drawback.


Rage has powerful synergy with the melee mod Life Strike when fighting higher level enemies, where it allows you to get power from being damaged, then use the power to channel a melee attack to get the health back.


Corrosive Projection is often run by all four players of a group to totally remove enemy armor. This not only makes them MUCH easier to kill, it changes their resistance profiles by totally removing the armor's effects. This lets you use Viral damage with the useful Viral proc, to kill anything and everything. This is often thought of as a high level strategy, but nothing stops you from employing it at any level where you have three other people with the aura.


Enemy Radar stat from the Enemy Sense mod is rarely talked about and almost never mentioned as being in builds on the forums, but you'll find in game that many like to use it. knowing where enemies are coming from and where they're bunching up for AoE's translates directly to doing more DPS and surviving better in practice, even though none of your numbers change on paper.

Edited by VKhaun
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or you can put shattering impact + viral  on your melee weapon and don't ever have to use corrosive projection aura and still down a heavy unit with less  effort and save ammo working with volt's  first ability and his speed boost. volt is much more fun to use this way than to hide behind a shield and a aura.


 still it comes down to what playstyle you prefer.

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some of the mods that you see thrown around in builds are pretty hard to get -- and that's ok, you will get them in time.  


A number can be found in void vault missions, which you can read about on the wiki (its involved).

A few are found in higher tier spy missions.

A few are from events ...  like the no longer in game puncture mod.

Some are from nightmare alerts / sectors which open after you do all the nodes on one planet.  Rhino helps get this done as a new player, counteracting the most challenging nightmare mode (no shields at all against higher than usual damage for the level enemy).

Also some weapons have specific mods from the faction/reputation system, which drop large modest damage aoe bombs every few shots. 


You really do want a  "shred" for boltor.

Early on, don't be afraid of using utility like reload speed or ammo mutation.  

On top of shred, bows "charge up" faster with speed trigger (if that is the rifle one... I get mixed up on names, but you want fire rate increase on bows).


Getting a real (not damaged / starter) serration maxed out and the 4 main element mods would be a great starting place.    Same for the bow .. get that done to start with. 


Try asking your clan or others.   Many higher level players have many copies of basic mods just waiting for someone like you to come along,  at "no charge" (well, you have to trade them something due to trade system but it can be like a common mod).

Edited by jonnin
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