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Something Wrong With My Damage That Pops Up? Only 5K On Exalted Blade Compared To 250 K With Valkyr Hysteria.



Hey guys. I was wondering if there was something wrong with my damage that pops up. When I use exalted blade with scindo prime; it should be showing tons of damage. It is doing it to the enemy; but strangely it only shows up to 15 k rarely... Something is wrong with this. I know I should be getting tons since I have scindo with around 125 slash damage. It doesn't even make sense how you get 250 k, which someone got with valkyr hysteria. It confuses me because on the warframe wiki the forumla for damage is actually higher for exalted blade then hysteria from valkyr. Idk how you even get that damage; but something is obviously wrong. I've fought heavy gunners and I kill them quicker then my friend; yet it pops up more damage for him. I've not seen a screenshot; but he said he gets on average 80 K ?! It doesn't make sense because he has those dual axes with super low damage, and the wiki shows how it has more damage in the math.

Plz Help :P

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Weapon doesn't matter. Only mods. Then you look at the damage and stats of the ability which scales with power strength and weapons. Hysteria attacks much faster, and by virtue of being forced into melee range actually builds the combo counter, exalted blade will only build combo counter with melee strikes, not blade-waves. Finally, hysteria has a massive base crit chance (50% iirc). Exalted blade is easier to use, and deals damage to multiple enemies easily with one attack, hysteria will ultimately hit harder on fewer targets faster.

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You are assuming that everything depends on the base formula, and that is the problem. Not everything about the skills are accounted for in the base formula.

Modified Base Damage = Base Damage × (1.1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength). Exalted Blade Formula.

Modified Base Damage = Base Damage × (1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength) Hysteria Formula.

They both have the Base Damage of 250

Both are for base damage, and yet the biggest problem is not in the formula itself but rather.

200% critical damage multiplier with a 15% critical chance. Exalted Blade

200% critical damage multiplier with a 50% critical chance. Hysteria

As you can see the crit chance already pulls far ahead with Hysteria, add in a few more mods (They both scale from melee mods) and Hysteria pulls ahead even more, another factor you did not account for is that people are not getting insane attack damage with Hysteria's normal attack. But rather the Slide attack, further changing the formula.

As we can see bellow if we exchange the values into slide we will have.

Modified Base Damage = 535 × (1.1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength). Exalted Blade Slide Formula.

Modified Base Damage = 750 × (1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength) Hysteria Slide Formula.

add to the fact that Hysteria slide damage is not only modified by the higher base slide damage, but also that her slide attack strikes five times, would explain exactly why Hysteria is dealing so massive amount of damage compared with Exalted Blade.

Edited by Hellmaker2004
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You are assuming that everything depends on the base formula, and that is the problem. Not everything about the skills are accounted for in the base formula.

Modified Base Damage = Base Damage × (1.1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength). Exalted Blade Formula.

Modified Base Damage = Base Damage × (1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength) Hysteria Formula.

They both have the Base Damage of 250


Both are for base damage, and yet the biggest problem is not in the formula itself but rather.

200% critical damage multiplier with a 15% critical chance. Exalted Blade

200% critical damage multiplier with a 50% critical chance. Hysteria

As you can see the crit chance already pulls far ahead with Hysteria, add in a few more mods (They both scale from melee mods) and Hysteria pulls ahead even more, another factor you did not account for is that people are not getting insane attack damage with Hysteria's normal attack. But rather the Slide attack, further changing the formula.

As we can see bellow if we exchange the values into slide we will have.

Modified Base Damage = 535 × (1.1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength). Exalted Blade Slide Formula.

Modified Base Damage = 750 × (1 + Base Damage Bonus) × (1 + Power Strength) Hysteria Slide Formula.

add to the fact that Hysteria slide damage is not only modified by the higher base slide damage, but also that her slide attack strikes five times, would explain exactly why Hysteria is dealing so massive amount of damage compared with Exalted Blade.

So; 535 is appx around 5.5 out of 7.5; when rounded it's about 5 to 7 :/. If I get 5k how is he getting 80 k and that 5000 to 7000 just isn't right... Which do you think is better? It doesn't make sense though :/

Edited by pvwatermelon
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So; 535 is appx around 5.5 out of 7.5; when rounded it's about 5 to 7 :/. If I get 5k how is he getting 80 k and that 5000 to 7000 just isn't right... Which do you think is better? It doesn't make sense though :/

The math isn't hard - you'll be using the flung blade, not a melee spin attack.

That's the top eqaution.


The Valkyr will be using primarily Spin Attacks, and critting a lot more often (2x base crit multiplier).

Depending on how the mods are set on Valkyr and the Melee weapon, and the hit modifier this will affect these numbers further.


You will honestly rarely, if ever use an actual spin attack on Excalibur using Exalted due to Spin Aattack providing a mini-blind attack.

You rarely use Exalted Blade as an 'actual' melee weapon, generally just lobbing waves at things.


As to which is better.... both.

Both do very different jobs.

Excalibur is a map clearer. If it can kill one target, it can kill all targets. It hits through enemies, walls, everything. But it's relatively fragile.

Valkyr is immortal as long as she has energy, but is purely limited to close in melee. She'll just keep plodding regardless though.


Put them together and you make both better.

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The math isn't hard - you'll be using the flung blade, not a melee spin attack.

That's the top eqaution.


The Valkyr will be using primarily Spin Attacks, and critting a lot more often (2x base crit multiplier).

Depending on how the mods are set on Valkyr and the Melee weapon, and the hit modifier this will affect these numbers further.


You will honestly rarely, if ever use an actual spin attack on Excalibur using Exalted due to Spin Aattack providing a mini-blind attack.

You rarely use Exalted Blade as an 'actual' melee weapon, generally just lobbing waves at things.


As to which is better.... both.

Both do very different jobs.

Excalibur is a map clearer. If it can kill one target, it can kill all targets. It hits through enemies, walls, everything. But it's relatively fragile.

Valkyr is immortal as long as she has energy, but is purely limited to close in melee. She'll just keep plodding regardless though.


Put them together and you make both better.

Ok; so the crit multiplier gives the 80 k? That's only what I'm confused about why it's so much higher for upgrading from a starter to a warframe that's easy to get.

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Ok; so the crit multiplier gives the 80 k? That's only what I'm confused about why it's so much higher for upgrading from a starter to a warframe that's easy to get.

Critical hits can go very high sometimes. My EBlade has damage around 6.9k per hit, but I've seen up to 300k critical hits with it.

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