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New Tenno Here, In Search Of The Famous:


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So yeah...I'm new...approximately 5 hours old. I came to the system after getting information from an old friend, and discovered the Legend of Clem. I believe I have currently begun to understand how to jump (After an unfortunate incident involving getting stuck in an infinite loop of falling into a alloy pit on a Grineer vessel). So in other words, I am a complete scrub, and shouldn't be trusted with the space bar.


I do have some questions however.

1. Is the Trinity a good frame to aim for in early game?

2. Is Prime Access worth it? If so, is this upcoming Saryn alright, or should I wait for Valkyr?

3. How do I get good at maneuvering and not fall off every available edge?

4. What is the inflation on Vaulted Primes?

5. What should I grind for since I am mastery 1, and how should I go about it?

6. I see Loki Prime's set selling anywhere from 65 Platinum to 250...why such a large price gap? Also, good uses for Plat?

7. Am I over thinking this?




Edited by ArchangelusAlpharius
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1. Depends on your play style. She's a support frame.

2. Depends on your play style as well and go for it if you're looking for the accessories.

3. Know the map. The more you play, the more you'll understand the map layouts. And don't spam jump all the time.

4. You won't be able to farm them until they get introduced again in the future. So the prices in trading chat spike.

5. Don't go for prime frames right from the start. Get the normal frames and use them. Once you like them, go farm the prime counterparts.

6. The price gap depends on the sellers. Beware. Don't get scammed. Main use of plats is to buy inventory slots for frames and weapons. You can also buy accessories with plats. If you're lucky enough, you might get 75% off to purchase plats. Good luck.

7. Yes. Keep calm and enjoy the game.


Welcome to our community, Tenno!

Edited by Verouzer
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I wouldn't trust the "Space Bar" anyways, it doesn't even contain alcohol.


1 - If you can get somebody to help you get the parts, since it's an annoying fight later on in the chart.  Trinity's great for team support but not special in most cases on her own as her abilities are almost purely defensive in nature.


2 - It saves a hell of a lot of headache gathering the parts from the void.  That said, it depends on what's in it.  Prime frames generally have minor stat increases and no inherent ability buffs so people usually go for primes after the normals.  Seriously, don't fall into the "I NEED PRIME" trap.  You can get the normal forms of frames like Trinity and Saryn in hours, but it might take you weeks or a month to get the primes for some minor stat buffs and polarities you could do yourself with Forma in a day.


3 - I honestly have no clue how to answer this, I haven't seen it asked before.  Note that you can jump once in the air, and by holding right-click you'll glide and can delay touching the ground for a moment or two.


4 - "Too damn high".  Rhino Prime hasn't even been vaulted yet and people are trying to act like it's the rarest thing out there despite having been in the drop tables forever.  Try to find friends that don't trade and so have lots of spare stuff laying around.


5 - Grab some basic weapons from the market and rank them up for now.


6 - The trade system in this game is cumbersome in every single aspect of it.  There's no market or automated trading at all, all advertising and such is traded manually so people set prices.  There's guides but they're rough guidelines.


7 - I like turtles.

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1. Trinity is a must have. Not only does it help provide your teammates with health, it also fuels them with energy, and properly modded can allow many Warframes to use their abilities endlessly. Not to mention that it also provides immunity to yourself and your teammates, depending on what you're aiming for.

2. In my opinion, straight out buying items makes the game dull, and it's a lot more entertaining to just grind for them and eventually craft them. You might as well get Saryn right now, seeing as it will be about two months, if not more, for the next prime, and it's yet to be revealed.

3. Practice your parkouring skills... that's really about it. Learn every movement action available and use them together for amazing tricks.

4. It usually depends on the Warframe but it does sky-rocket. You can check this website for prices on every item available in the game. Just look for the sets of the vaulted primed Warframes. (e.g.: Ember Prime Set. It should come up right away.)

5. Try to rank up everything you have at hand. After that just buy some blueprints, gather resources, eventually jump in on the Orokin Towers for improved gear.

6. People are greedy, and since the trading prices are ruled by the community, people outright sell items for scandalous prices. In the end, you should save your Platinum for slots. That's what you will always hear. Get slots and more slots!

7. A little bit. Just go about it calmly and normally. No need to think ahead of yourself. You'll get there eventually.

Edited by JRMC
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First of all: Welcome to the community bro!


Lets see how I can best answere your questions (remember these are my personal answeres, not pure facts)


1) Trinity is a frame all players should have since it is an either mandatory or extremely appreciated support frame in all situations. Personally I wouldn't aim for it as on of the first frames, get something tanky or whatever sounds like fun to you to get you through the starchart and not be a pain in the a$$ when your joining a squad by dieing all the time or using a support frame that makes ppl expect something from you when youre still learning. But heck forget all that, choose whatever sounds right to you. Eventually youll have a diversive arsenal.


2) Yes it is worth it imo for new players. The platinum has an amazing discount. The frame/weapons are usually great for new players when you dont't have near immediate access to other stuff. And if you go full on Prime Acces the 90 day credit and affinity boosters are really helpful.


3) Don't worry you'll get used to it


4) Imagine a set going from 40plat to 200plat. But really I can't give you a good answere since it depends on what set, some are more usefull or more hard to get then others.


5) Work on getting yourself past mastery rank 8. At that point all important weapons are available to you. This will involve getting new frames, weapons and leveling them all to 30. So do the starchart to get all the frame parts from all the bosses, farm some credits on Seimeni Ceres to buy new weapons , level your stuff on Draco Ceres quickly or have more fun leveling them on survivals (Apollodorus, Mars or Cassini, Saturn are my suggestions).


6) The fact that some people don't know what something is worth means sellers will always try to take advantage of that. My advice: go to warfame.market to check on prices before you buy (or sell). Usually quite close to the worth.


Platinum should always be used sparingly when you start out. First priorities are weapon and frame slots. When trying to get to higher mastery rank you might want to sell weapons to make space for others once youve hit rank 30 on them. Just watch out you dont sell stuff that you'll regret later on. Secondly use plat for mods that are essential and kinda hard to get if you aren't able to play the missions they drop on yet. When you get farther in the game you'll see that earning plat with trading isn't that hard and that's when you have spare plat to get yourself some cosmetics and get in to REAL end-game: Fashion Frame.


7) Nah everyone gets a little overwhelmed and clueless when starting out in WF. Wiki is your friend and also I strongly suggest getting in to a clan. Usually once you get in a clan the members have no problem helping you out with questions or getting you through a mission you need to do.


GL HF out there

Edited by AntarcticMantis
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Thanks a bunch guys and gals...

Just a few more things to put my mind at ease if you don't mind.

1. I have Trinity's Blueprint, but I can't figure out where to get the Head, Chassis, and System BPs or dropped premade.

2. Is it risky to buy a Loki Prime Set for 65 Plat, or should I be safe and buy it for 100 or so? Are scammers an actual threat?

3. Sets usually have the Overall BP as well as the finished Head, Chassis, and System, right?

4. Where should I start farming, with regards to building weapons and frames, since I have now only 6 hours in the game?


ArchGrakataWing release when?

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Thanks a bunch guys and gals...

Just a few more things to put my mind at ease if you don't mind.

1. I have Trinity's Blueprint, but I can't figure out where to get the Head, Chassis, and System BPs or dropped premade.

2. Is it risky to buy a Loki Prime Set for 65 Plat, or should I be safe and buy it for 100 or so? Are scammers an actual threat?

3. Sets usually have the Overall BP as well as the finished Head, Chassis, and System, right?

4. Where should I start farming, with regards to building weapons and frames, since I have now only 6 hours in the game?


ArchGrakataWing release when?


1. The Head, Chassis and Systems BP are all rewarded from a certain boss after the mission. You have to beat said boss, extract off the planet and hope to RNG you got the BP you were hoping for. This is true for most of the regular frames. Prime parts on the other hand are a totally different story...


2. 65 seems fair. Hell I've seen it go for lower sometimes. DE seems to have taken pains to prevent any sort of backpedaling during a trade, and you do see what is being traded. Still, I'd advise you to always be cautious when making trades.


3. Yes. Otherwise, the seller should specify whether they're selling it as a full set, or if they're selling a set minus a part missing from said set. 


4.  As for farming... I'd say just complete planet nodes for now. Your materials will just build up over time. Once you unlock Saturn/Jupiter, then you can start thinking about farming, especially since most frames require Orokin Cells/Neurodes/Neural Sensors to be built.


Also, welcome Tenno!

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