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"we'll Add A Speedrunner Toggle For Public Matches"


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As far as I can tell they simply increased the slide cooldown compared to before simply because right after the hotfix the cooldown was short enough that you could abuse slide-boosted ninja flips to REALLY rush (like...infinite slide melee speeds without the melee). I'm kind of sad that such an amazing speed trick was nerfed on the same day, but oh well.

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Yeah, make sure to savor that seventy-fourth Hyena kill. Fifteen Control Modules down, only need about forty more now!



You mean like how players who enjoy the game the way I do are essentially going to quit? Yeah, this update sure is getting me to play more... just not warframe.



Ooh look, children on the internets!  You must agree with me or else I'll go all emo nerd troll on you!  Be terrified of the raging power of these letters I post on this thread on my computer! Grrr!


I like it.  You don't have to like.  Don't want me to say I like it?  Don't post a thread in a public forum.

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Ooh look, children on the internets!  You must agree with me or else I'll go all emo nerd troll on you!  Be terrified of the raging power of these letters I post on this thread on my computer! Grrr!


I like it.  You don't have to like.  Don't want me to say I like it?  Don't post a thread in a public forum.



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Ooh look, children on the internets!  You must agree with me or else I'll go all emo nerd troll on you!  Be terrified of the raging power of these letters I post on this thread on my computer! Grrr!


I like it.  You don't have to like.  Don't want me to say I like it?  Don't post a thread in a public forum.

Well that's what led to this stupid patch :)

By people like you I assume? :)

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I think it was more like... people wanted bugs like the "Could not update account information, progress was not saved" bug fixed. Spending time gutting a moderately entertaining way of getting around while bugs that delete your progress are lurking around kind of peeves some people.


Agreed. Fix game breaking bugs first, Not entertaining, And not too destructive ones later or not at all. Especially if they feel like it should have been apart of the game in the first place.

Edited by SJunior
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Farfegnugen, that's what. Or humuhumunukunukuapua'a if you prefer.


Well that's what led to this stupid patch :)

By people like you I assume? :)


Yes, I told DE to fix their slide exploit and they were like "Sure Zonzai, whatever you say, right away sir!"  :rolleyes:


Don't blame me because you can't use an exploit any more.


As far as I can tell they simply increased the slide cooldown compared to before simply because right after the hotfix the cooldown was short enough that you could abuse slide-boosted ninja flips to REALLY rush (like...infinite slide melee speeds without the melee). I'm kind of sad that such an amazing speed trick was nerfed on the same day, but oh well.


I agree. 


Agreed. Fix game breaking bugs first, Not entertaining, And not too destructive ones later or not at all. Especially if they feel like it should have been apart of the game in the first place.


How can so many people know so little about coding?  Some bugs are easy to fix and some require you to really dig into the code or even rewrite large chunks of it.  Adding a delay to prevent an exploit is a very easy quick fix.  You can actually prevent an exploit like that and work on actual bugs at the same time.

Edited by Zonzai
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Zonzai.... they haven't actually removed the REAL speedrun "bug". That's the $&*&*#(%& thing. They just removed the ability to chain together melee attacks.


Oh, well in that case I understand your complaint.  My bad. 

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You mean like how players who enjoy the game the way I do are essentially going to quit? Yeah, this update sure is getting me to play more... just not warframe.

If this is enough to make you quit then that just goes to show how much you actually enjoyed the game its self.

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If this is enough to make you quit then that just goes to show how much you actually enjoyed the game its self.

What do you enjoy in this game that you can't get from triple-A titles? The Parkour. The melee. Which have all been negatively affected by the most recent patch. I might just dust off ME3 at this rate, at least they had a larger selection of guns...

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What do you enjoy in this game that you can't get from triple-A titles? The Parkour. The melee. Which have all been negatively affected by the most recent patch. I might just dust off ME3 at this rate, at least they had a larger selection of guns...

There are games that do "the parkour" better even. I'm generally satisfied with the gameplay when it doesn't bug out and randoms don't make it a boring slog and the fact that it's,mostly, free is a huge plus.


If them fixing an exploit is that damning for you then maybe you should go back to mass effect or something? Not like using the wave dash exploit was even part of "the parkour" to begin with.

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What do you enjoy in this game that you can't get from triple-A titles? The Parkour. The melee. Which have all been negatively affected by the most recent patch. I might just dust off ME3 at this rate, at least they had a larger selection of guns...


Mirrors edge! Best game ever =]



Its just missing the space and lazors and stuff :P



If they take out the mobility stuff that i actually use (air slide) then i have no reason to play this game over planetside2.(at least there i have a jet pack or i can drive something instead of walk around)




From what i can tell in this thread it seems they just crewed over the macro users and maybe a few that where ground sliding super fast.( i still don't know the details of the nerf lol)

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There are games that do "the parkour" better even. I'm generally satisfied with the gameplay when it doesn't bug out and randoms don't make it a boring slog and the fact that it's,mostly, free is a huge plus.


If them fixing an exploit is that damning for you then maybe you should go back to mass effect or something? Not like using the wave dash exploit was even part of "the parkour" to begin with.

My bad, I didnt elaborate that I meant: parkour + shooter.

It's not the wave-dashing that is an issue for me. It's the forced frontal flip after wall climbing. It's the strange feeling when your second slide goes noticeable slower. It's the advanced melee combos people were doing that has been rendered obsolete.

Edit: if you didnt read my previous post, the actual movement exploit is still untouched.

Edited by CloudPies
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Zonzai.... they haven't actually removed the REAL speedrun "bug". That's the $&*&*#(%& thing. They just removed the ability to chain together melee attacks.


What's the "real" speedrun bug?


EDIT: I figured it out. Yikes, this really solved nothing.

Edited by hiryu64
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If this is enough to make you quit then that just goes to show how much you actually enjoyed the game its self.

Agreed. It shows that I like what made the game stand out from the other generic shooter titles. The mechanics of movement and the blending of gun, magic and blade.

So when patches continually damage that, patch after patch, and one drops that makes melee combat clunkier needlessly to solve a problem that it doesn't actually solve then yeah... I have a problem with that and I'm not the only one that does and at a certain point enough is enough and what used to be really enjoyable becomes stale and samey.

You're not paying attention to the fact that while it does nerf some aspects of rushing it doesn't really stop the behavior (you can just be loki with a maxed sprint and zoom past everything and go right to the boss if they nerfed all forms of parkour and melee altogether) but it does make the gameplay experience, especially the melee, less fluid.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Yeah, you also can't slide/forward flip/slide anymore. There's no way to land in a slide from a forward slip, which is really annoying- and that maneuver wasn't exactly abusable because you always lost momentum from it. Ugh, just after I'd figured out how to do that awesome and cool looking ninja maneuver, and DE decides NOT TODAY.

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Space Ninjas don't exist. Your conceptions of how they're supposed to behave are irrelevant.


What is relevant is this statement, that can easily be found in the warframe FAQ.

Our coming updates continue down this path even more so, emphasizing the agility and speed aspects of the ninja. We hope to convince you this is a better path for Warframe and that slow and tactical, although great on its own, just doesn't fit well with Warframe.


Speed running is a byproduct of a system that emphasizes mobility. In order to discourage speed running while maintaining mobility, the game has to incentivise players to not rush.


Simply saying "We're going to remove speedrunning" means nothing. Implementation is important, and simply changing current slide/sprint mechanics will not be anything more than a bandaid solution. Will they nerf wall running next, when players find out you gain a stupid amount of distance when jumping off of wall running?


The problem is the fact that rushing is optimal, because of the popular opinion that rushing and killing bosses is the best way to get resources. I feel that they should change this aspect of the game, and perform changes that incentivise players to not rush, rather than simply crippling their abilities to rush without addressing the underlying causes.

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if you decrease everyone's speed then you make it harder for people who need to farm. Personally i'd love to speed run when i have to fight Sargus Ruk 30+ times just to get a freaking ember systems. There is plenty of content and i do enjoy a lot of it but when you know every tile in and out like the back of your hand it gets repetitive and speed makes it more enjoyable. Being able to find the quickest ways in and out of tiles is one of my favorite things to do. Granted there are other rushers that rush just to rush for rushing's sake, i don't think you need to kill the movement for people who've played through your content already and want to find more efficient ins and outs of it with the use of tricks and flips, slides and turns and whatever they find. they've already fixed the slide after slide after slide thing and i'll be honest most everything else people are talking about here like "wave dashing" i've never heard of or seen. there can't be THAT many people trying to rush through content for actual endgame material. 

TL:DR -> can we play at our own pace please? farming makes content boring, speed makes finding faster routes fun. don't make grinding more boring by forcing us to walk through every tile we've seen 100+ times.

PS: don't take me too seriously, i can still get around pretty quick.

Edited by MusiXGhost
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We tenno are super soldiers in exo skeletons. That's like Captain America wearing Iron Man armor. Are you saying we are not allowed to run faster than a car even though 1000 years earlier a skinny white boy got injected with a shady serum and could do so?

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We tenno are super soldiers in exo skeletons. That's like Captain America wearing Iron Man armor. Are you saying we are not allowed to run faster than a car even though 1000 years earlier a skinny white boy got injected with a shady serum and could do so?


  Technically Iron Man is more powerful then the Tenno. He has swagger to go with all that power.

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Neverminded, i can still be a rusher as using Loki and Ash with rush mod,

try to ignore unnecessarily killed enemy

and keep constantly move and wallrunning give me the quickest way to the objective.


Joking LOL


Just want to say this can fix any problem from rushers, so don't mention this point anymore LOL.

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Our coming updates continue down this path even more so, emphasizing the agility and speed aspects of the ninja. We hope to convince you this is a better path for Warframe and that slow and tactical, although great on its own, just doesn't fit well with Warframe.

Oh, wow. I have never read the FAQ before, but how badly this movement nerf conflicts with that excerpt is staggering. I still can't believe that they didn't just give a matchmaking filter for "I want to rush" and/or "I want to explore".

Edited by Apsalus
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