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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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Limbo is by far the worst frame and most annoying, if I see a limbo hop on my mission whilst I'm playing trinity, I just stop EV'ing all together because of how much I hate them. After that it would be Ash or Wukong.

Oberon and Hydroid are good frames. Oberon is an all rounder and Hydroid is the best of the best for farming along with Nekros. He's just a situational frame.

Edited by Lulaloo
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Loki. He's just a Ash wannabe.

Fixed that for you. Everyone knows Ash is the true ninja.

On topic:

Yes I dislike the current and possibly future chinese frames, Limbo, Oberon, Hydroid and Zephyr.

Edited by Oranji
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I'd also like to add that in terms of functionality I tend to dislike "one button frames", such as ash, excalibur and pre-rework saryn.

They're only one-trick ponies if you don't know any other tricks. For example, my mate runs a Radial Blind Excalibur Prime. Of course, he can still use other abilities just fine, but Radial Blind is his prefered ability as it's got good CC and it's not a one button nuke. You actually have to kill them yourself still.

I, on the other hand, run a mean Ash. I Blade Storm when I need to. Otherwise, I'm using Shurriken (no Augment) and Smoke Screen without sacrificing Duration to feed the Strength for BS. Mine's more an all-round Ash, with focus on Duration and Strength with Streamline (because screw Fleeting) in the mix.

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There is no such thing as bad frames, there are people who can't use them.

Oberon, Zephyr, Limbo and Wukong have their niches.

I agree but if I had to answer from the depth of my heart it would be valkyr and second ash. I love every frame almost equally except those 2. Those 2 can go behind a bush and do whatever they want.

And on topic Hydroid is actually quite op and mainly shines in infested mission or with a Loki. It is possible to go to infinite interception waves with just 4 hudroid so easily that you would fall asleep cuz its that easy.

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I don't mean to offend you, but you've been playing in rock-scissors-paper games far too much.

Niches are not as narrow as you think (heal, crowd controld, damage, buff)

Oberon is a mixed heavy support unit with sligh crowd control capacities; Zephyr is a mobile semi-tank (frost-subtitute) with, again, slight crowd control capacities; Limbo is... Limbo (he has his own style)

Each frame has it's playstile. the fact you don't like it (or can't see it) doesn't make them useless.






As for worst frame. Wukong, not because he's bad, it's because he is so... boring... to play. Most tedious 6'000 affinity I ever got.


I don't mean to offend you, but you're taking this way out of context. I never said they were useless. There are simply other frames that do what they do, only better, and the only reasons why anyone would take, let's say, Limbo over Frost is to break the monotony of using the same frame over and over again despite them being the best at a particular role.


None of them serve a purpose that would make them stand out amongst the others save for unique designs, pretty lights and flavor text


Fun > Efficient


Also, they can often do things better, but require more practice to get used to.

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the only reasons why anyone would take, let's say, Limbo over Frost is to break the monotony of using the same frame over and over again despite them being the best at a particular role.

I take Limbo to Interceptions because I'm lazy as xD Rift Walk for myself with max Duration, and then Banish and dispatch any enemy that attempts to re-capture the point xD

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I'm sorry. Can I change Excalibur opinion to Chroma? I absolutely HATED Chroma. I couldn't play him. I needed to get my mate to finish him off. I could only do 12 Levels of him before I just plain game up and said "Nup. Not playing him anymore". The only reason I still have Chroma is for when my mate comes over and doesn't wanna use my horrible builds xD

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They're only one-trick ponies if you don't know any other tricks. For example, my mate runs a Radial Blind Excalibur Prime. Of course, he can still use other abilities just fine, but Radial Blind is his prefered ability as it's got good CC and it's not a one button nuke. You actually have to kill them yourself still.

I, on the other hand, run a mean Ash. I Blade Storm when I need to. Otherwise, I'm using Shurriken (no Augment) and Smoke Screen without sacrificing Duration to feed the Strength for BS. Mine's more an all-round Ash, with focus on Duration and Strength with Streamline (because screw Fleeting) in the mix.

Huh. I used cont saryn even before her rework, so I can uderstand your and your mate's aim for diversity. But there is one infernal thing called statistics. 90% of modern excaliburs go full exalted blade and don't make a single gunshot per a mission, which is depressing.

Edited by Teloch
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Fun > Efficient


Also, they can often do things better, but require more practice to get used to.


Loki is fun AND efficient. :)


Yeah, they can, yet such things are things that people can generally live without. I'm not bashing on Oberon. I like Oberon. I just know that DE hasn't given him the proper love and care for him to truly shine.


Fixed that for you. Everyone knows Ash is the true ninja.


How's that damage scaling going for you?


I take Limbo to Interceptions because I'm lazy as xD Rift Walk for myself with max Duration, and then Banish and dispatch any enemy that attempts to re-capture the point xD


That's actually not a bad idea, but like I mentioned before, it's really one of those extremely specific situations that most people wouldn't notice or think about until they actually witness it for themselves.

Edited by (PS4)InstaShark
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I haven't tried many frames yet, only Volt, Limbo, and Rhino so far. Looking at the skills, though, Volt feels like my least favorite. He just feels really boring to me. Spam lighting bolts, a shield I never used, a Movement and Melee speed buff, and better lighting bolt. It didn't feel good, especially since he didn't have the Energy to support skillspam like other caster frames. But then again, I love everything about Limbo, except when environmental effects hurt me in the Rift. *shrug*

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Can't say I hate any frame, some just need more love than others.

Oberon does need some TLC from DE, not a lot but some of his skills are lack luster or... Well like the healing orbs... Your team mates can accidentally out run them with ease. And the Sacred Ground... Fairly tiny and in a straight line so not overly useful except in small coradors.

Limbo I'm getting use to but he is a utily frame, Novas should love him since he can fuel them for free and anything getting within his rift can be nuked by frame powers and those outside.

I'm still getting the hang of him though, he can make for a great tank of sorts due to enemies focusing on him while rift walking and he can essentially assassinate key units by banishing them and using the ground finishers.

Why people hate Hydroid? Dunno if built for not just spamming tenticals he is quite a mean caster that is mostly defensive but his #1 is great for.. Well orbital bombardments.

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Although every frame is good for something, limbo gave me the most trouble so far while leveling, just give limbo the ability to use all consoles and pick items up while rift walking, hell, it's basically like Valkyr staying in histeria mode while hacking consoles, just ignoring enemies bombing her.


Limbo is still fun during sabotages,capture and rescue missions though, simply the best if you wanna move fast.

Edited by BlazerEraser
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So many hates Limbo it makes me sad...



I hear you there, man. He'll probably end up being my main forever, even against other frames I plan on using (Oberon, Chroma, Nekros, Loki [Prime, specifically, for that FashionFrame], and Frost). I've always enjoyed more technical, utility-based support classes and skills in almost all games.

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