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Valkyr Rework -Being Invulnerable Should Have A Cost


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There's is a reason why no one uses Nyx anymore. Her mindcontrol (after  her nerf) is just a radiation proc assets but before it was full on control no friendly fire. After that go nerfed people start focusing on absorb. Well Absorb got nerfed for the amount of dmg you can take in, now there is a cap. 




As for ash's bladestorm. Ash has been in the game since closed beta and blade storm hasn't been touched at all. DE said it was going to get reworked but from what I can see and how people abuse him for whole map nuking I don't think it's going to get touched anytime soon. Not even mesa or saryn was this strong. Plus after going around bladestorming your carrier can just pickup energy drops near your clone and replenish ash as soon as he stops. 

Stand on the edge of the map

Spam 4 until you hit something



Regardless of what happened in the past Nyx is one of the best frames. You could try actually playing her. What you're saying doesn't match up with reality.


Mind Control is her 1, which targets 1 enemy. It has no friendly fire.


Chaos is the one that's similar to radiation procs. The difference is it makes enemies count as hostile towards each other, so their auras no longer benefit each other and some other miscellaneous effects happen.


Her most underrated ability is Psychic bolts. It has a 60 meter range and Nyx just needs to have seen an enemy in the past few seconds for the enemy to be targeted by it. It can be cast while shooting/reloading, and it has a 50% chance to radiation proc. The augment adds a 10 second guaranteed stun.


Her ult still does its job. It's fine.

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So Valkyr should not exist cause people will abuse her mechanic and be lazy. I am pretty sure that is not a valid argument to nerf / rework a frame because people are lazy.

She needs a rework. And a few people have given some good ideas how. But there are more pressing issues at hand than worrying about Valkyr.

Valkyr offers 100% Damage resistance while in Hysteria, at the cost of low range melee forced attacks and a poor toolkit at best.

Nova offers a 75% Damage per second reduction to foes, 75% movement reduction and a +200% Damage done to same enemies. And she got a much Better toolkit than Valkyr beside Ultimate.

Self damage Trinity offers 99.9064% maximum Damage resistance to the whole group with a high uptime and there are no side effects beside the "work" she has to put in, and she has a overall better toolkit than Valkyr.

Chroma can reach 98.66% damage resistance and keep using his weapon and get a great damage increase as well, all this while having a better "still a bad" overall toolkit than Valkyr.

So yes, being invincible is maybe not fun. But there are a lot more frames that need reworks, re balances and there is so many more frames that can be abused to hide the player in a afk safe zone. And valkyr is hardly a frame that break the system more than any other frames to warrant a emergency fix.


why is everyone forgetting Wukong?

No damage-resistance ok ^^

But with Fury it's incredible strong - and there are no downsides :)

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So Valkyr should not exist cause people will abuse her mechanic and be lazy. I am pretty sure that is not a valid argument to nerf / rework a frame because people are lazy.

She needs a rework. And a few people have given some good ideas how. But there are more pressing issues at hand than worrying about Valkyr.

Valkyr offers 100% Damage resistance while in Hysteria, at the cost of low range melee forced attacks and a poor toolkit at best.

Nova offers a 75% Damage per second reduction to foes, 75% movement reduction and a +200% Damage done to same enemies. And she got a much Better toolkit than Valkyr beside Ultimate.

Self damage Trinity offers 99.9064% maximum Damage resistance to the whole group with a high uptime and there are no side effects beside the "work" she has to put in, and she has a overall better toolkit than Valkyr.

Chroma can reach 98.66% damage resistance and keep using his weapon and get a great damage increase as well, all this while having a better "still a bad" overall toolkit than Valkyr.

So yes, being invincible is maybe not fun. But there are a lot more frames that need reworks, re balances and there is so many more frames that can be abused to hide the player in a afk safe zone. And valkyr is hardly a frame that break the system more than any other frames to warrant a emergency fix.


You mentioned Chroma and there is no reason to bring him over Valkyr on missions. They basically have the same job; revive duty, and she is way more reliable at that than he is. Her damage scales better than Chroma, she needs less mod slots to do her job, she has no weak points where she vulnerable(just energy management which is stupid easy with Energy Restores), her invincibility requires no setup, and she offers more team support(can you freaking believe this) than Chroma. The only reason to use Chroma over her is range(which other frames do WAY better than Chroma) and nullifiers, which are still dealt with by Valkyr because of Primed Reach.


She almost completely outclasses Chroma at this point, and people can say "no one asks for Valkyr on their team", but I can't remember the last time anyone asked for a Chroma either.

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Fun is subjective.

If you have problems with other players using frames or weapons the way they do, it is not the problem with the frame or weapon.

It's like saying you should change the other person's job just because he earns more than you but doesn't do much.

This is a coop game not a pvp 1.

Unless the world centers around you otherwise it doesn't make sense to change a frame or weapon just so as to force others to play it the way that seems fun to you.

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? Wut

Valkyrs damage scales better? Chroma has a multiplicative damage buff plus the freedom to pick whatever he likes to let this damage rain down upon his enemys. Be it a furis that indeed makes him invulnerable as it regenerates health constantly without cost, a broken weapon like the tonkor or a melee weapon of choice, performing better then valkyr ever could due to the recent combo mods... i mean melee IS about where channeled abilitys are now....that was the whole purpose of these mods and chroma puts a pretty good buff on top...

Revive duty+raw damage that surpasses valkyr by far+active CC depending on the element you pick vs invulnerability as long as you're able to substain yourself.

Chroma >>>>>>>>>>>>> valkyr as it stands.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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For starter, she should be affected by eximus energy drain aura.

It might be more interesting if she had a lower energy drain but lost energy when she took damage QT style during Hysteria.


I like a lot the idea of exponential energy drain and buff. She could move faster, attack faster, hit harder all the things but the powers come with increasing energy drain. Sounds good to me, in theory, idk about gameplay though.


Maybe a damage reduction up to 99% that increase the more enemies are killed and slowly go down if you're not attacking.


A good way to give valkyr more team support is to make paralysis "bloody" up the target, allies attacking them will have X buff for X seconds. Be it life steal, damage up, damage reduction or speed buff (or whatever fit really).


And I think ripline should have a decreased cost during hysteria.


Well, I sold valkyr a while ago cause I needed space and I wasn't a fan of godmode. So take what I says with a grain of salt valkyr players. Though any of those would probably have me playing her.

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