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Steve Has Been Working On Smoke Physics


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I'm not very knowledgable about this stuff, but that sounds a bit unlogical in my mind.

Sure, changing a certain code-line that is part of a large set triggers could cause additional issues somewhere else. But i doubt that changing a few lines of explosion graphics rendering, would suddently break warframe movement physics for example.

You also mentioned weapon balance changes, which is literly just changing a few number values. Hell i've litterly done this myself for a few simplerly coded games. Adding weapons and changing their stats, as long as you have no need for different animatiin sets or graphics is realy simple.

The only difficulty with more complex games is that it would be harder to find these these lines of code in the gigantic mass of code thats in the game. (I immagine gamedevelopers have something more advanced then notepad to read out their code)

I say this cause you make it seem like the WHOLE game's code is deeply interconnected and changing ANYTHING could potentially mess up ANNYTHING else in an UNPREDICTABLE manner. If this was not what you meant, I apologise.

I know your just trying to stick up for DE/Counter the negativety. I'm not trying to undermine that.

It just sounded a bit extreme and illogical to me thats all.

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Sure, a fog physic isn´t affecting FPS but a few more particels are?

Like I already said, they are "nerfing" weapons and frames, although it shoudl be up to everyone themselfs to reduce the effects, but making this.

I am playing a PC game, so I can adjust the settings myself if the framerates aren´t godd enough.

Because smoke is less demanding that physx particles. Whether that's because of detail or lack of optimization, I have no idea. As for options, it's easier to fix the problem for everyone, and come back to it later to add options (which is a lot more complicated than just adding a toggle). It sucks, but that's how it be.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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I would also like to point out, Steve mentions a particular person, implying he's the guy making these effects. So if you're getting butthurt about DE focusing on smoke and not other issues, keep in mind, it's one single person focusing on making these effects, and he wouldn't have the skills to fix bugs or change focus.

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Guys, please try to refrain from going OOT. This thread is about a cosmetic project being worked on by the approriate department. It's not a debate on the merits of human resources allocation within DE. If you folks would like to debate where they should focus their efforts, there's a place for that and it's not in this thread.

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Do you have a time in warframe to just sit and see if a smoke being affected by your actions? Cuz i don't, and majority of players don't ether, cuz they bullet jumping around the places like mad. This is so insignificant and yet steve waste his time on it-yeah, it's bothers me, and no, steve isn't just one random member of DE, he one of a few people who actually lead the team, decide what direction warframe take. I want at least a dedicated dojo servers, let aside actual ingame not a smoke physics, and when last time DE talks or post a tweets about those? And ye, they maybe they work on it, then i want a tweat like-"hey dudes, we make a progress about dedicated servers, there some stats and graphics" not a "Check out this cool smoke"

I believe someone asked about dedicated servers not too long ago in a stream. They replied no plans, and only relays have dedicated servers, so I wouldn't expect those for a long, long time. There's no need as dojos are being made more obsolete. They're even looking into more ways to move trading out of them, which other than labs are pretty much the only reason ppl go to them.

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I'm not very knowledgable about this stuff, but that sounds a bit unlogical in my mind.

Sure, changing a certain code-line that is part of a large set triggers could cause additional issues somewhere else. But i doubt that changing a few lines of explosion graphics rendering, would suddently break warframe movement physics for example.

You also mentioned weapon balance changes, which is literly just changing a few number values. Hell i've litterly done this myself for a few simplerly coded games. Adding weapons and changing their stats, as long as you have no need for different animatiin sets or graphics is realy simple.

The only difficulty with more complex games is that it would be harder to find these these lines of code in the gigantic mass of code thats in the game. (I immagine gamedevelopers have something more advanced then notepad to read out their code)

I say this cause you make it seem like the WHOLE game's code is deeply interconnected and changing ANYTHING could potentially mess up ANNYTHING else in an UNPREDICTABLE manner. If this was not what you meant, I apologise.

I know your just trying to stick up for DE/Counter the negativety. I'm not trying to undermine that.

It just sounded a bit extreme and illogical to me thats all.

While I thank you for taking the time to reply, it doesn't look like you actually read what I had posted. So I'd just like to point out a few things I feel you've misunderstood. As it looks like you've simply skim read through my entire post, picked out certain things and then regurgitated it in your own words without giving a proper explanation. Again I'd just like to say I'm not a code guru, I just have a little experience in the field. I also mean no offence at all as it's hard to determine emotion through visual text format. So if I come across as stuck up etc please ignore it and continue reading.

- Im not very knowledgable about this stuff, but that sounds a bit unlogical in my mind.

Sure, changing a certain code-line that is part of a large set triggers could cause additional issues somewhere else. But i doubt that changing a few lines of explosion graphics rendering, would suddently break warframe movement physics for example.

Firstly, you state you aren't very knowledgeable about this subject and yet mention it seems illogical to think that ''changing a certain code-line" that's part of a large set of 'triggers' could cause additional issues somewhere else. I'd just like to point out that this is the exact reason why problems/glitches bugs exist in most games on the market today. The reason for this is because the code built around a specific "Trigger" is unique to that particular set or whatever you'd like to refer to it as. So if a problem occurs within that element depending on if it's directly integrated into the engine (I.E PhysX) then it could cause significant problems within the Game World.

This also applies to programs other than games, case in point - On July 22, 1962 at 9:20 PM, the Mariner I was ready to make history with hopes of successfully completing a flyby survey of Venus, So this is a big thing. Tragically less than 5 minutes after take off the Mariner I exploded setting back the U.S Government $80 million. The cause of this problem which seems to be illogical to you albeit being a different subject still holds the same principle. A single hyphen, which was embedded deep in a hand-transcribed mathematical algorithm. I understand this was an event which took place over at NASA, I'm just simply showing you what problems can occur even if one digit is missing from a line of code.

- You also mentioned weapon balance changes, which is literly just changing a few number values. Hell i've litterly done this myself for a few simplerly coded games. Adding weapons and changing their stats, as long as you have no need for different animatiin sets or graphics is realy simple.

The only difficulty with more complex games is that it would be harder to find these these lines of code in the gigantic mass of code thats in the game. (I immagine gamedevelopers have something more advanced then notepad to read out their code)

This is why I invite you to go back to my original post and read it properly, as I mentioned absolutely nothing about weapon balance changes. The only thing I did mention was right at the very start of the post "In a nutshell, everything WarFrame... From the models, weapons, lighting effects etc" was all made up of code. That's it. I think we can both agree that changing weapon DMG values is a far more simple procedure to undertake then rebuild bad structure code but it's irrelevant to the actual subject.

However, you did strike upon a point when it concerns animation sets. Of course with new animation's there needs to be new code entirely. This is where Developers can either reskin using material/coding already in use or make it from the ground up. It's their choice depending on if there's any limitations. I don't know if you've noticed but there's a lot of clipping issues within WarFrame, even the Lead Animator for DE mentioned it briefly on a Twitch stream. It's a slow and steady process to eliminate small hiccups.

As for the last part of your paragraph, it's an obvious fact that a complex game with endless lines of code is going to be an absolute pain to fix, this point should be taken into consideration when people wonder why the developers for their personal favorite game are taking so long to fix certain problems.

- I say this cause you make it seem like the WHOLE game's code is deeply interconnected and changing ANYTHING could potentially mess up ANNYTHING else in an UNPREDICTABLE manner. If this was not what you meant, I apologise.

I'll have to disagree my friend, as this whole topic was centered around one particular subject within WarFrame so I was just shedding some light onto the matter regarding changes in Smoke FX could indeed improve performance. What I had posted neither hinted or suggested the "whole games code" is deeply integrated, those where your words not mine. although.. I'm not entierly sure why you chose to capitalize certain words to add emphasis on your thoughts... however I will accept the apology. I'll also apologize if this comes across as patronizing. (refer to the very top of my post)

As for me sticking up for DE, countering negativity... I've never met you before in my life, however you're able to determine who I am as a person. Just so you know I'm relatively new to WarFrame and only signed up to the forums a week ago or so simply to find some drop charts. I had no intentions of joining up specifically to defend DE. That kind of says a lot about yourself if you can come to that conclusion just from reading my post. I can honestly say I expected that comment.

I mean it's a common practice in a forum society to instantly assume someone is siding with the Devs because of their post. I'll admit to that being a sarcastic reply as I hear it all the time. It's hard to say anything nowadays without being labelled as a fanboy etc.

Stay frosty

Edited by (XB1)SERI0USB33F
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