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Sortie Missions With An Additional Exterminate Objective After Completion Is Bad


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Sabotage, with an Exterminate objective of 100 enemies or more, put in a timer and hurray you get a mission impossible sortie.


Spy, Snipers Only (the one class that does no damage to Lvl 80s), drop in an Exterminate objective after all that bull, hurray another mission impossible sortie.



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The timer on Sabotage missions can be a bit of a mess at times. I personally haven't had the timer on Sabotage missions, but I've heard that it was problematic when Exterminate still had spawn problems. As such, I agree that the timer probably shouldn't stay on Sabotage Sorties.


Spy missions don't turn into an exterminate unless you activate the alarms in literally all of the vaults. Bring Intruder if the Ciphers prove too problematic. Use Loki/Limbo if you don't want to worry about enemies/lasers.


Snipers work fine on Sorties. My Vulkar has a bog-standard build on it and does fine (OHKO on headshot crits) at level 80. Level 100s have a bit more resistance by way of more EHP, but it still fares well enough there. Consider investing a Sniper that you can enjoy, since Sniper only missions are bound to show up again.

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Sabotage is something I agree with. There's no reason to it except for forcing the mission to draw out for a few extra minutes. Player doesn't even get a choice in the matter really, it's all RNG whenever Lotus would want to be nice to you or make you suffer.


Spy missions on the other hand give you whole 3 chances to avoid the exterminate extra. Just hack at least one objective out of three without being detected which isn't anywhere hard for infested spy anyway. They have no means to tigger the alarms and you can literally be as subtle as a freight train crashing through a china shop, just make sure to not be caught in lasers or magnetic barriers (which are static objects anyway).

I mean really, not even failing a hack triggers the alarms anymore, and infested don't spawn regulators in the vaults, how can you get caught on infested spy 3 times in a row? XD

(Personally I passed it with 0 kills lol)

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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not even failing a hack triggers the alarms anymore, and infested don't spawn regulators in the vaults.

Failing no longer triggers alarms?! I must have been living under some rock because everytime I go to hack a cipher I get really paranoid if I miss even one notch on the grineer ciphers.

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Racing the meltdown timer + exterminate sounds like a bug. You'd think they'd be possibilities on the same table of possible events after blowing up the objective.


Sniper vs Spy+Exterminate doesn't sound like a problem to me. What frame/sniper were you using? What specifically went wrong?

Edited by VKhaun
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Failing no longer triggers alarms?! I must have been living under some rock because everytime I go to hack a cipher I get really paranoid if I miss even one notch on the grineer ciphers.

Nope, not anymore since 18.4.10


  • Hacking terminals in Sortie Spy Missions will no longer trigger alarms when failed, giving only the damaging shock to the player.
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I mean really, not even failing a hack triggers the alarms anymore, and infested don't spawn regulators in the vaults, how can you get caught on infested spy 3 times in a row? XD

(Personally I passed it with 0 kills lol)


When frame rates drop while hacking, things go wrong in so many ways. And no it still triggers an alarm when you fail the vault's.


Sniper vs Spy+Exterminate doesn't sound like a problem to me. What frame/sniper were you using? What specifically went wrong?


Frame rates won't stop fluctuating -.-

Edited by LeeAmatsu
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Artificial difficulty has always been the main point of sorties. A time-limited exterminate would actually sound fun if it were not for bullet sponges for enemies though. Spy and then exterminate makes me wonder about the point of doing the spy part to begin with. Oh you have to murder everything anyway? Why even steal the info when operatives can just do it after you've cleaned the place?


Two objective missions bring me back to the early days though. Back when things could get interesting. Or when Lotus just changed the plans and wanted to watch you murder everything.

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Artificial difficulty has always been the main point of sorties. A time-limited exterminate would actually sound fun if it were not for bullet sponges for enemies though. Spy and then exterminate makes me wonder about the point of doing the spy part to begin with. Oh you have to murder everything anyway? Why even steal the info when operatives can just do it after you've cleaned the place?


Two objective missions bring me back to the early days though. Back when things could get interesting. Or when Lotus just changed the plans and wanted to watch you murder everything.


If it was a just a change that would've been okay. But when it's a combined one? That's just stupid.

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