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Are There Any Plans To Port Warframe To The Nintendo Nx?


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What a laughable statement - Nintendo aren't part of the console wars because they don't need to be.

The Wii U didn't do so well because Nintendo put out solid machines that don't break and bust like the other consoles - no one needed a Wii U because their Wii's still worked just fine.

Hardware matters, eh? Then why are you paying a premium for aging, midgrade tech? If hardware matters to you - then you'd have a PC.

Nintendo will never be 'done' - they have their place and they stick to it. Frankly I'll take them and their solid releases that ACTUALLY WORK over the buggy down-scaled garbage that the other two have consistently produced over the last 10yrs.

Nintendo aren't in the console fight because Microsoft and Sony are firmly centred on kicking each other in the shins - so why get involved? The console wars are ALL about marketing a shoddy product to gullible consumers - I wouldn't want to be a part of that either if my reputation was built on being solid, dependable and above all else - Fun!

You know hardware does actually matter though, right? Why does everyone think it's a matter of making games look shiny and realistic whenever anyone mentions hardware? It's not. Like you can't put The Witcher 3 on the Vita, no matter how much you gimp the graphics.

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What a laughable statement - Nintendo aren't part of the console wars because they don't need to be.

The Wii U didn't do so well because Nintendo put out solid machines that don't break and bust like the other consoles - no one needed a Wii U because their Wii's still worked just fine.



That's stupid. People don't upgrade their consoles because their old ones break, they upgrade because the new ones are better. I have a PS4 but my PS3 still works just fine, I have a PS3 while my PS2 works just fine, I have a Wii despite my Gamecube working and a Gamecube despite my N64 still working.

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Really? Where? Because there wasn't one in the post you quoted.

It looked like you were saying "ah yeah, even if they release their NX, it'd still be underpowered..."


Third party devs avoided Nintendo because the hardware was garbage, the formats were garbage, and the list goes on.

Has nothing to do with image. Nintendo's image is their own doing. If your platform is weak, no one can work with it, you're left with what you put out yourself and thus create your own image.

This has been an issue with Nintendo for ages, and now their first hd console was a complete flop.

If they don't get their asses in gear and realize hardware matters, then they are done.

Harsh,but true in many aspects. They need more power,no one can deny that. (at the SNES time, it was seen as a powerhouse)


They don't need to make the same as their competitors, but they still need power...

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Speculating a release on a speculated console. RIght.

Hey we can at least know if they're interested or they'll laugh at the suggestion : some developers already received their development kits for NX games, so they can expect a little what strenght this console got...

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