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A word on Energy Regen and the trivialization of warframe powers


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I'll start saying this is old news...but is a situation of our very present that is only increasing. Energy Regen is nowadays so widespread, EV trinities, energy pads of different category, Energy Siphon and now... zenurik passive..

But hey what is the problem with having near UNLIMITED POWAAAA!!!!???, we can use our abilities more often than before and abilities is a core of the warframe gaming experience, what is wrong there?

I'll tell you, abilities are a core experience but not the only one and it becomes a sort of a matter when they become the only gaming experience...because it accomplishes what the full experience does.. but better and/or more eficient, there are so many strong abilities that affect the course of the battle (Bladestorm, Radial Disarm, Molecular Prime, Exalted Blade for naming some of them)... that i think were designed to give us an strong advantage at specific moments in the battle... but the reality is that we can spam them... so they change from being specific to being present all the time...

How many times were you fighting in a T4 or a sortie and saw that enemies were without weapons or slowed or just dead by shadows like more than 50% of the whole duration of the battle?, well you may say... nerf them, if they are so strong... nerf damage, radius or something... and problem solved... i personally think its not... because we will always find the way... if its not bladestorm it will be something else... so what?... nerf everything until balance?.

I don't want my favorite warframe nerfed... do you?... then lets take a different route... don't attempt to find balance on the powers themselves but in the way we activate them... starting with how energy is actually managed...there is so much energy at our disposal that spam is a thing in warframe...spam Snow Globe, spam Energy Vampire, spam Healing, spam Chaos... and so on...

But why?... this is a PVE everyone should be happy to win is not it?, if that is true then why are nerf threads so common?, what would happen if we as players were to choose when is a better time to activate our powers?, instead of spamm them, choose the right time to activate them... i want to feel powerful blinding enemies left and right... but not Doom God Mode powerful...

Also, a better management of the energy in the game would be a good help to DE, right know they should be very careful when creating a new warframe or something like mirage can happen... and you know you have your potato powered mirage on your inventory just in case isn't it?

So very good ideas can go to trash and never see the light just because they are too powerful for our current energy pool...

But this is only my opinion... its very important to know what the playerbase think...

Edited by EX-Zanki
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While you are entitled to your opinion, I just want today that different players have their own play styles. I love being a melee power user, it's why I love this game. If someone wants to use invincibility with valkyr, what is it to me? If I am that worried, I play solo. I've been playing warframe for well over a year, and I'm FINALLY satisfied with my energy thanks to zenuriks passive. The game has never been more fun. Some frames are good at power spamming, some are not. It's about choice. I like my choices that I've spent hard work and time on having very power efficient frames.

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considering our enemies have powerful explosives (Bombards), the ability to sap our energy immediately (Disruptors), and deny our power usage (Nullifiers and Modular Corpus troops), and the fact that there are WAY more of them than us, I'd say we need what help we can get. I'm a Zenurik user, but I don't always use my powers as often as I should, because it feels good to shoot and/or Stab people with our fancy customized guns. also, spamming powers like Snow Globe and Bastille do more harm than good, because the former completely ruins the flow of battle, and blocks all projectiles, whikle the latter's intense Grid-like presence can cause the frame rate to fall like a sack of reactors. I agree that power spam is not always the solution, otherwise we'd have no need to carry guns or blades.


that said, i say do what you like. i don't want to infringe anyone's right to have fun, because I wouldn't want them to do that to me either. 

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