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Dual Kamas Prime or Kronen as end-game melee weapon?




so I've been playing Warframe for a while now, a bit more then i would care to admit. As I'm not the best with aiming, i resort to melee, which i thoroughly enjoy in this game, but my question is regarding the preferred weapon for end-game content, or basically the 'best' (for the lack of a better word - dont like to use these kinds of words in discussions, but have to now) melee weapon you could recommend.

I've tried a bit of them, I go for crowd control over single-target, since I find thats way more useful in the long run, and here's my dilemma. I got the Dual Kamas Prime. Now I got them modded with pressure point, berserker (some might say a useless mod on a rather low-crit weapon, but i have that buff almost all the time), fury, jagged edge and some elements, not even True Steel, and of course Reach.

With this kind of a setup, I find myself wondering why would i ever use a different melee weapon? The crowd control is over the top (not using combos, just have my primary equipped), since the hits are AoE all the time, with the Reach mod it can get those pesky flying ospreys and whatnot, and the speed on them is just bloody insane especially with Fury and Berserker proccing all the time, which works wonders to keep enemies staggered all the time.


Same scenario with Kronen, albeit it would need forma-ing to get some more decent mods in there, as it comes with zero polarities. The Kronen is noticeably slower than the Kamas, but looks oh so much cooler in my opinion... Also, even with the Reach mod, it's strikes seem very horizontal, so it can't get those flying Ospreys at all (maybe if i equipped them and it was doing the combo?)

In any case, I resort to the Kamas almost all the time unless I know im not going against Corpus (cuz of ospreys), thats when i switch to Kronen, just cuz of how it looks. Get much more enjoyment out of it.


So the question is - is there any weapon that can equal the Kamas in terms of speed, multihit strikes, reach and damage? Should I try something else? I tried the Dragon Nikana and was thoroughly disappointed in the attack speed (an attribute I place great value on) even with Fury, as well as the utility (attacks launch you forward a lot of the times) and the lack of multihit strikes (although I suppose that could be fixed with some decent stance?), so even though I was looking forward to it like Christmas, I don't use it at all now... Kamas are by far and wide the best melee I found so far. But since I don't play as long as you guys, I thought I'd ask for advice here, since I find myself constantly wondering...



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Never liked the Kronen that much, so I didn't press them much past putting a catalyst in. They're probably quite capable, but I dislike them so I can't be bothered.

The DKP, however, is certainly capable of taking on lvl100 enemies quite successfully. It's mostly a matter of tactics and leveraging the massive slide damage with maiming strike to put down stuff like bombards and napalms quickly. The fact they have very high status chance doesn't hurt. The stances aren't all that, but these aren't for equipping if you can help it, though the speed is quite good--and you should be using berserker. They also interface well with what Valkyr needs and that's never a bad thing.

As for corpus, well, I don't normally equip melee and certainly don't for them. The sentinel can handle flying vermin and the warframe can handle the rest. I tend to avoid corpus and when I can't, well, that's what MagP is for.

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I never used DKP (I could probably build Trinity Prime army), albeit Kronen with Berserker build (or even w/o, but Blood Rush and Maiming Strike came out) is really viable in the end game, but it suffers from it's lack of range (or I would rather say, lack of mod slots since all mandatories are wasting tbe space). I would not listen to myself if I were you bcs I indeed am really... Let's say "original" in what I do, but I am certainly capable of using it viably in the end game, whatever you say, i'm shredding through enemies. No I don't consider end game earth survival.



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If you're just going to slide attack, use Boltace. Boltace has the highest slide attack in game. Use it with Maiming Strike when you get it ofc.

If you want a usable regular melee, use Dual Kamas Prime. It also has a higher slide attack than Kronen and Dex Dakra. Boltace is still higher though.

Dex Dakra looks the best imo. That awesome slam attack shockwave animation. It has the same slide attack damage as Kronen.

Honestly, I'd use Boltace if using only slide attacks and with Maiming Strike. DKP for everything else.

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Dual Kamas Prime FTW. it's has high critical chance 15% (quite high?) and considerable status chance 20% (same as kronen). you can have 2 build on dual kamas and not required maiming strike for bersecker build, but on kronen you will need maiming strike if you want to use bersecker.

what should considered here is the price; Kronen is much much cheaper than DKP (Dawn of King Polish?).

and dual kamas look way cooler when you have it in hand, but kronen give you a pair of wings when hostle.

p/S: crossive build on kronen can be on pair with most high level melee weapon, and it's base damage is suprisingly high but primarly slash.

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The 3 best (DPS-wise, with maxed builds) melee weapons that I know of are War, Scindo Prime, and the Mios. War is better than the Scindo in most cases, but is extremely difficult to obtain.

All 3 weapons can be quite fast when using the proper build, particularly the Mios.

Another note of worth is that the Mios reaches ~25 meter range with a maxed Primed Reach. That's longer than the range of some guns, I'm pretty sure...

If you don't like aiming, guns you might want to try are the Sonicor, Phage, and Ignis.

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I use the Dual Karmas Prime in endgame and I rank them among the best melee weapons in Warframe. They have a lot going for them. Basically all their hits hit multiple targets and with Primed Reach those can take out whole groups of enemies in just a few swings. They attack very fast and most combos have many multihits in them so despite only having 15% crit chance they have no trouble procing Berserker. They also make short work of enemy armor with corrosive procs thanks to the very high attack speed and all the multihits.

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Its difficult talk about this two weapons in end game, but the DKP have more chance of give you survivability against high level enemies. I prefer this weapons with a build of red crit (event mods + bersrker, naramon proc  a nekros despoil for T4 S (only solo game). With this i can do easily 70 - 80 minutes alone

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I personally love the dual kamas prime and they actually do a fair bit of damage. The issue is that we don't have the shadow debt mods on console to truly make them shine. However, if you're looking for a compareable weapon I would go with the Prisma Dual Cleavers. It's honestly the most fund I had with a weapons in a long time. High status chance, high crit and just go for a straight crit build with it with the syndicate mod and bam you have an amazing weapon that procs corrosive like crazy, crits like crazy, and has the blast effect from syndicate mod that helps you do finisher damage for the bigger guys.

This not even mentioning the crazy high attack speed you can get since berserker will stack very very fast. Combine this with Naramon shadow step and you might as well be a Loki, with any warframe. 

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Thanks everyone for their input, it's invaluable to me.

It kinda saddens me that im basically stuck with 1-2 weapons if i want to be melee-viable in the endgame, but o well... I'll go by looks instead ^^ Which brings me to a point that im playing to be a space ninja, not a local butcher gone rouge, so the cleavers are absolutely out of the question for me, haha.
Need to get more of them focus lens so that i get some of that sweet sweet shadow step. Also, im on PSN, so thanks for the Shadow Debt suggestion, but we ain't got that (yet) :/

Anyhow, again, much appreciate everyone's answers, you guys are awesome! :)

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Okay. Here's a build I've been using for a week now, and I find it to be very effective. Maybe you can give it a try and tell me how it compares to your DKP.

Orthos Prime > Primed Reach, Body Count, Blood Rage, Maiming Strike, Organ Shatter, Pressure Point, Elemental, Elemental. I go for corrosive for the elements. The playstyle for this build is to basically spin attack anything and everything.

In the past, I've always been put off melee weapons because while they can do decent damage, you just aren't mobile enough for most game types. That lack of mobility means you end up taking more damage and lack kill speed.

The new shadow mods changed that, and allowed something like the Orthos Prime to actually do very respectable damage, so now I just go around spin attacking everything, even going into sorties with nothing but the Orthos Prime.

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