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Return Volt To His Former Glory (Petition Needed, Sign Your In Game Name After Thoughts!)


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Just want to say I agree, Volt is GARBAGE right now and I would never ever make one.

I wouldn't say that he is garbage as he is still better then Mag, Rhino, and to some extent Frost. He just needs a skill rework. Devs need to stop nerfing and get to buffing. What happened to the "Make X as good as Y" thing? And how would you know if he's garbage if you never even had him? I get higher kills and less damage taken then Excalibur's on Infested missions. And no, most of those excalibur's don't suck.

Either make Volt a real offensive frame like the description is said or just become dirty, dirty liars.

Edited by Solaurus
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Just want to say I agree, Volt is GARBAGE right now and I would never ever make one.


the only reason he's 'garbage' is because he's outclassed by other frames *coughvaubancough* as other frames can do what Volt can, but better, for example Vauban's Tesla is essentially an upgraded grenade form of Volts Shock, making that skill more useless then it was before, because I mean, why only hit one target if you can hit all the ones you want with only 25 energy?


another example is that Frosts Snowglobe outclasses Volts Electric Shield, why only have a small portion protected when you can have a large area created AND majorly slow down enemies that enter it?


Volt is seriously outclassed, and unloved, seriously DEvs, FIX THE DAMN VOLT WARFRAME!!

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Ha how?

And DE we have over 50 replies and over 1000 views, it's obvious people want this so please make it happen! We believe in you pink sho- I mean Devs!

Wait, 50 replies and over 1000 views does not mean people want this or agree/disagree with you. It just means most have nothing say or no reason to say anything.

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I just started playing Volt and i was immediately dissapointed with him. Even though i´m lvl 25(potatoed) now, i think

he should do way more damage, even to Corpus goons all his abilities seem to do only average damage.


He is advertised as an powerfull alternative to gunplay, but actually he needs to run away from the action, cover with electric shield (which doesn´t allow you to shoot through it since the last patch anymore btw.) and use a weapon. it´s sillly.


Here is how i would imagine a fix:



-deals ~500 electrical dmg to target and chains to the nearest 2/3/5/7 Targets

-stuns every faction for a set duration (~3sec)



-rename to "Overcharge"!

-overcharges Volts Body with electricity greatly increasing his running Speed and mellee attack speed.

-enemys close to Volt get shocked for 100 electrical dmg and staggered.

-increases jump height.



Electric Shield:

-rename to "Electromagnetic Shield"!

-remove the damage reduction!

-bullets fired through electric shield do +50% electrical dmg and have achance to knockdown opponents.

-make the shield larger!

-Enemys who aproach the Shield get shocked for 100 electrical damage and pushed back(staggered).



-flat damage increase to 1000 electrical dmg.

-makes EVERY maschine in range explode, including grinneer weapons!(doesnt render them unuseable)

-stuns for the whole duration of the animation!


I think this way Volt would be much more effective in kiteing enemys with his first 3 abilities and really deliver some pain with his ulti!

This may seem op, but consider that he only does electrical damage, for which infested have a 300-400% resitence i think (not sure about th nr.). So he would be devestaing for corpus, very effective against grineer and at least moderatly effective against the infested this way. 


Comments and critics are welcome. What do you think??

That my friend is a great idea!

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Wait, 50 replies and over 1000 views does not mean people want this or agree/disagree with you. It just means most have nothing say or no reason to say anything.

Well only 10% of people posting here say Volt is fine, and I'm pretty sure that means most people want a change.

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I agree with a volt buff.


- shock should be buff in damage. it should at least be able to kill the small fries, not stun or wound. Shuriken got a buff so shock should too.

- speed is fine.

- electric shield. Currently frost with snow globe is a priority for corpus defense, volt isn't, and it shouldn't be like that, because Volt is electricity. globe is a lot better than shield by more than a mile, everyone knows it, and they both cost the same amount of energy. Maybe a reduce in energy cost to 25, so a volt can spam shield on corpus defense on a few side; and either remove or reduce the 'reduced shot damage', well.. just remove it.

- overload needs a buff in damage, on areas without nearby electronics; um.. maybe just forget the nearby electronics, put a flat electricity damage and flat range that can be increased by mods.

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great to see this thread is still gettin attention (and that some like my idea^^).

After some serious timeplaying him now i can really say that except his ult, (which itself is only moderate) all of his skills are near useless,

They iffer little utility and no significant damage output at all. So seriously DEvs, as soon as you get back from E3 this should be a top priority!


.. still love you guys though^^...

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+1 on volt change

IMO you should be a highly mobile spellcaster as described in the text about him, my favorite of his abilities is speed and one of the few reason i still stick to the dude, it's a awesome feeling to outrun enemies attacks and such, while still dealing damage to them with shotguns and or Melee Attacks.
The shield is nice but doesn't really give us anymore options to how to play more then to put a shield and hide and help in defense.
Shock is horrid, I have it gathering dust back in the arsenal atm. We really need to get some changes to it. Actually noticable damage on anything 10+ would be nice, casting while moving would be awesome together with speed to. I like the chain shock ideas previously in this post, but otherwise a damage buff so we have a reason to use it.
Overload... I rarely use this, I would like to say i did use it alot more then i did. But I do not like how Warframe are designing their ulties atm. Most are just big red buttons yelling "I #*($%%@ up, Save me" I dislike the concept of having that. So I won't contribute anything here

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Bumping this now that devs are back from E3. Volt needs a few changes to skills! Shock(at least as much damage as shuriken without the two projectile feature but with a DoT) Shield needs to be bigger or follow Volt as he moves to keep pacing. Overload is mainly fine, probably a small buff to base damage without electronics

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I'll sign for a Volt buff.


I started playing one for mastery purposes, but really noticed how he's lacking in quite a few ways quite early on. I've since forma'd and potatoed him and still find him lackluster when compared to many other frames.

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Really annoyed at change in the shield animation when you shoot through it.


Didn't mind the trade off of reduced damage for electrical damage.


But now with this newish animation, can't see a damn thing when you shoot, which for a game that relies somewhat on your ability to aim, makes it pretty much useless.

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Having just made a volt I will definitely sign on for a buff because as it stands now he is most certainly not "an alternative to gun play." If it wasn't for my guns (forma'd latron prime and akbolotos) he would not be a viable frame in high end solo play. Shock should be at least as effective as slash dash which rightfully kills almost any trash mob it touches, maybe a two shot in high end. Overload needs to be less situational.

Edited by Carcharias
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Volt Redone:



1.Chain Shock (cost 25)

Fires a shock at a targeted enemy which deals high damage and chains to nearby foes.

-deals 500 electrical dmg to the targeted enemy and chains to all enemies in a 2/3/5/7 meter radius for 300 electrical damage.

-stuns every enemy hit for 3 seconds



2.Overcharge (cost 50)

Overcharges Volts body with electricity, shocking nearby enemies and greatly increasing his agility and melee attacks.

-actually the speed buff needs to be greatly reduced to a more controllable amount for this ability, while still being a very noticeable mobility booster.

-increased jump height (~2x) (no, too similar to Excalibur's super jump and Volt can leap close to 2x currently (how I used it anyway)

-melee attack speed is also increased (~50%).(also increases reload speed and switching speed)

-melee weapons deal +20/30/40/50% electrical damage and have a 10% chance to knockdown enemies. (except heavy gunners, bosses and ancients).(change knockdown to stun)

-lasts 3/4/5/6 seconds

-enemies in a 3m radius around Volt get shocked and staggered for 100 electrical damage.(instead of 3m make it to enemies that touch him) 



3. Electromagnetic Shield (cost 75)(barrier)

Volt shoots a electromagnetic blast in front of him, that creates an impassable electrical charged wall of protection.

-needs to be much larger as before (~3x as big), to really serve as a protective wall.

-on cast, pushes enemies in front of you back.

-no damage reduction for bullets fired through the shield!

-bullets fired through the shield should in fact do 20/30/40/50% electrical bonus damage and have a 10% chance to knockdown enemys. (except heavy gunners, bosses and ancients) (stun enemies and accelerate bullets that go through it and is a two way barrier) 

-enemies who are close to the wall get shocked/staggered for 100 electrical damage and pushed back.

-lasts for 3/5/7/9 seconds



4.Overload. (cost 150)

Volt channels large amounts of electricity through enemies and his surroundings, causing a chain-reaction of explosions.

-As before the level determines the reach of this ability.

-Flat damage increase to 1000 electrical damage.

-EVERY crate, door, gun, corpus body, light, etc., triggers a 100 electrical damage explosion in a 3m radius.(not EVERY crate, most of them)

-the explosion of grineer guns doesn´t render them unuseable for them.(maybe reducing shield regen also)




I agree with all of the ideas that you have suggested, but I suggested other things that will add on or replace some attributes of some abilities. (which are in bold above)

If I need to explain let me know.


Also, some other suggestions and questions:

   -Fix how Volt and Excalibur's transition from wall-running to Overcharge (speed) and super jump and vise verse. When I using Volt and Wall-running he just falls off the wall and Excalibur just doesn't perform the jump but just sucks up energy.


-Does Frost's Snow globe reduce damage of shots fired from inside? I mean you are shooting through ice.


-This is a tip to Volt players that didn't know about this, I did this a couple of times in a run. If you have the energy to spare you can "move" while using Overload. Just use Speed then run and slide and then Overload and you will slide while  doing the animation of Overload which can be helpful when you don't want to get hit.     

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i actually have an reworked version of my post somewhere around page 3 on this thread with stat changes included. Would love your opinion on that.^^ (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/61360-return-volt-to-his-former-glory-petition-needed-sign-your-in-game-name-after-thoughts/page-3)


i think your idea to change knockdown chance to stun while shooting through the shield is great, it doesn´t seem as overpowered as my idea! But it shoud be a wall that protects you from incoming fire to provide some needed utility for Volt.


How can i send this Thread to DEScott? He said in the last livestream he would take another look at Volt, i would love to see what he thinks about our ideas!

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Suggestion for the Speed power:

+X/X/Y/Z% to movement, recovery, and basic (not charge) attack speeds, plus a chance to dodge enemy attacks for T seconds. Affected by Continuity, Focus, Fury, Handspring, and Rush.

Less of a speed buff, this would be a short-duration melee buff that would turn the Volt into a human-sized blender.

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