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How to make MR matter


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Hello everyone,

At the moment there is no need to level up beyond Mastery Rank 12. This is because at MR 12 you have everything unlocked (syndicate primaries require MR 12). There will be those that argue that every mr gives you more trades per day and that this is another incentive for players to rank up. Reality is that most players rank up to show they've "mastered" the game and as a way of showing off, which is normal and fine. But there is no in game reason to be MR 21 or even MR 15. 

There are a few ways to make MR more important:

1. Lock more weapons - great incentive but it won't last, since you rank up get the weapon and then... nothing. Either you like the weapon and keep it or just destroy it.

2. Make planets / maps MR restricted - Yes it's a great incentive for some, but overall a bad idea. You wouldn't be able to play maps with friends that are way higher or lower, it would slow the pace of the gameplay since you'd likely have to clear planets by yourself and you'd not be able to get all resources.

3.Make Alerts MR restricted - Instead of carrying a squad of MR 1-3's you'd only be able to join in on squads roughly the same MR. For instance 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-13 etc. Making the reward "better" for the higher MR's but also significantly harder. Just like you wouldn't be able to join Archwing without an Archwing, You'd have to be in an equal MR squad. 

I personally like the 3. idea, but that must have been obvious already. If you wish to point out flaws, please do so in a normal manner. Open for ideas, tell me what or how you'd do it.



How about a minimal amount of kills with a weapon before you'll get the affinity - Rank it up until MR 30, but you don't get the affinity until you've made 100 -150 kills with said weapon. This would stop people from just Draco'ing. Kills would only count on enemies lvl 30+ or something. (in relation to your MR of course, you can't expect MR 0 - 3 to just kill 150 lvl 30 enemies with a single weapon / frame). Reward players every MR with 1 free weapon slot and every 4/5 with 1 free Warframe slot. (someone on page 4 suggested the free slots, not taking credit from him/her)


Just want to say thanks for replying I see a lot of awesome ideas floating around and of course those that poke holes in said ideas. This is why communities are important.




Edited by (PS4)idsie
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No, no no. NO. 
This sounds silly and im MR21.

Honestly MR should stay the same, it increases your chances of good daily reward. this game had enough content to confuse players as it is, last thing new players need to not to be able to do a alert they need, or access a planet to farm resources because they are low mr.

MR needs to benefit a player, NOT restrict a player eg = every MR rank increases each resource picked up by 1% more for example if i pick up 100 nano spores, since im MR 21 i get 121 nano spores.


Edited by Dextral
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Also MR21 here.

And I can say that, except the 1st idea(which I remember DE says they will be implementing in the future), I'm afraid that I totally disagree everything else you have suggested.

This will just create sort-of a MR barrier which do no good to newbies / gameplay.

Especially for idea 3, different rewards for various MR is totally unbalanced. Higher MR should not be a previlage of obtaining better rewards, even due to the fact that you have put more time on playing the game than others.

Just look at Sortie Missions, MR4 locked + harder enemies + better rewards, fits your description perfectly. Do you feel that Sortie Missions, in general, better on solving MR problems than normal missions ? I don't believe so.

But objectively speaking, MR is never a criteria of assessing the strength of a player, but sadly people now only judge others with MR solely, regardless of other things.

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3 minutes ago, SpryCrow said:

Also MR21 here.

And I can say that, except the 1st idea(which I remember DE says they will be implementing in the future), I'm afraid that I totally disagree everything else you have suggested.

This will just create sort-of a MR barrier which do no good to newbies / gameplay.

Especially for idea 3, different rewards for various MR is totally unbalanced. Higher MR should not be a previlage of obtaining better rewards, even due to the fact that you have put more time on playing the game than others.



When I mentioned better rewards I was thinking of an extended credit bonus or some resources. Not making a huge difference but just enough. Not making Buzz Kill a MR 21 reward or something xD

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)idsie said:


When I mentioned better rewards I was thinking of an extended credit bonus or some resources. Not making a huge difference but just enough. Not making Buzz Kill a MR 21 reward or something xD

I see, but my point still stands.

Let's say if I'm a low-MR player, and I saw a MR21 obtaining more items than me, given that we have paid off the same time in playing, I will be put off / rather rage-quit or whine about this, instead of making my way up to higher MR levels.

I don't think higher MR is a good reason to convince lower MR players, that I can obtain more items than you.

Even if the difference is minimal, it's still unbalanced.

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2 minutes ago, SpryCrow said:

I see, but my point still stands.

Let's say if I'm a low-MR player, and I saw a MR21 obtaining more items than me, given that we have paid off the same time in playing, I will be put off / rather rage-quit or whine about this, instead of making my way up to higher MR levels.

I don't think higher MR is a good reason to convince lower MR players, that I can obtain more items than you.

Even if the difference is minimal, it's still unbalanced.

I think what SpryCrow is trying to get at, which majority agree with. Is that MR shouldn't limit or benefit a player, it should do nothing other than be a overall counter for how much you own in game. 

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4 minutes ago, Dextral said:

I think what SpryCrow is trying to get at, which majority agree with. Is that MR shouldn’t limit or benefit a player, it should do nothing other than be a overall counter for how much you own in game. 

DE disagrees, seeing as they keep adding MR-locked equipment.

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The problem Mastery Rank has is a problem that cannot be fixed because it's a problem that lies in any leveling system. Once you hit that higher level, the system becomes irrelevant. The only flaw it has is that levels beyond 12 have little meaning/reason to exist. Personally, I'd rather see new unlockable content at those levels rather than restrictions placed on the content we currently have.

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Just now, ChronoEclipse said:

DE disagrees, seeing as they keep adding MR-locked equipment.

I think DE do this to try and make the game "last longer" as well if you get top tier guns eg soma prime at MR1 then well 95% of all the weapons in the primary group are just well, useless unless you want mastery rank.

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2 minutes ago, Valsako said:

The problem Mastery Rank has is a problem that cannot be fixed because it's a problem that lies in any leveling system. Once you hit that higher level, the system becomes irrelevant. The only flaw it has is that levels beyond 12 have little meaning/reason to exist. Personally, I'd rather see new unlockable content at those levels rather than restrictions placed on the content we currently have.

I think the issue with doing that is that well high MR's take alot to get (usually 500+ hours) which if you go locking alot of content behind this kinda turns into a mobile game with 80% of players going well thats nice you have added 10 new guns to the game but i can only play with one... (which i assume would start riots if they released guns locked at MR20)

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2 minutes ago, Dextral said:

guns locked at MR20

Not to mention the fact that Tonkor is what… MR8? Sancti Tigris is MR12…

If the current content-locking/progression patterns are followed, an MR20-locked weapon would have to be AkOpticor or something. It'd be totally ridiculous.

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29 minutes ago, SpryCrow said:

I see, but my point still stands.

Let's say if I'm a low-MR player, and I saw a MR21 obtaining more items than me, given that we have paid off the same time in playing, I will be put off / rather rage-quit or whine about this, instead of making my way up to higher MR levels.

I don't think higher MR is a good reason to convince lower MR players, that I can obtain more items than you.

Even if the difference is minimal, it's still unbalanced.

It's about creating an incentive for players to rank up. And on the other hand it's giving a challenge to those that have everything. At the moment you've got Sortie which can be challenging and fun but other than that you'd have to wait several rounds in T4 Int / D or minutes in Sur before it starts presenting somewhat of a challenge. If you'd go ahead and made a planet/map with lvl 80+ enemies it's going to be full with MR 1 - 7 that just want that little bit more exp waiting for a carry, just like draco is now. Why have MR if it means nothing, if you're not going to capitalize on a ranking system why have it.

- Focus is an okay idea but all it does is make (the majority of the) people grind Draco

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This is the problem of Warframe, trying to implement a progression system when there is no real Character leveling system.

Our gear has its own individual levels, and once that is maxed out, we know we are geared up and ready to tackle any content.

But surprise surprise, MR exists, which exists to only gate players right now.

MR is so meaningless in this game not because it serves as a gate, it is because our performance is not directly affected by MR, only affected by our Mods and Equipment.

The only real way to force players to Rank up is to tie MR to Equipment, down to the modding level, so lower MR players will definately be weaker than higher MR players.

BUT it will not work, because that is not how Warframe was designed. No one is gonna have fun leveling a weaksauce frame for hours on end to get higher MR, so that they can finally upgrade it.


Now that our Second dream counter parts exist, (I refuse to acknowledge the Operator as me, I refer to them as my pet), we can instead try a leveling system on them instead of MR.

For example :


For each Rank, players are able to input 1 point into 5 choices of stats.
Defense (Unairu)

Insight (Zenurik) 

Survival Instinct (Vazarin)

Force (Madurai)

Trickery (Naramon)

For each point in each respective stat choice, they will gain benefits like :

2% Damage Reduction 

2% Bonus damage with abilities

1% Chance to ignore Bleedout and continue fighting

2% Bonus damage with weapons

2% Bonus Sprint Speed


Each stat will cap out at a point so when we reach a stage, all these bonuses will be maxed for every stat and we have effectively scaled along with MR.



Edited by YasaiTsume
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There is no reason to have MR12+ beside: more trades (they can run out fast), standing (free void keys), and loadouts (never enought of these). And i like it. Playing game should keep people in, not silly number.

I dont even know why so many people would love to MR lock everything? To spoil others fun? MR is just a achievment system. 

Leveling MR generally means crafting alot of weapons and sentinels, and... never really using  them. Why that should matter?

If you want to imrove MR system: Increase Mastery points from node completicion and finishing Story quests. That at least tells something about "exploring the game". At least more than leveling 200 weapons on one map (and selling them just after). But when i think about start of "fixing" MR i thin it will end as "fixing" focus or Draco. Better not.

IF someone want to fix something, there is alot of good topics:

  • Endgame other than Void. Can we have more than one tileset to run, and be worth running?
  • Starchart. Can completing all nodes grant some rewards, other than self appointed achievment? Could there be a better balance of Void-Starchart runs?
  • Archwing. It could level up fast, and there could be some mods for that thing. Not to mention more mission types. And Spacebase tileset with option to jump out of airlock and shot things in space during normal mission.
  • Auction House.
  • 150 weapons being mastery fodders since are totally useless. We can drop that numbers. Yes we can!
  • Warframes' specific mods which twist specific ability (like Syndicate mods) so builds will be more unique, and we can specialize in different abilities on one frame.
Edited by felixsylvaris
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MR in this game doesn't mean ANYTHING.

Some people think tht MR21 players are good players or something, but it doesn't work this way, it just means that they grinded everything in the game and we all know that you don't need to be good to grind and do Draco.

If you want to make MR matter, rework it, make it better, but DON'T think that locking more content behind the MR is the way to go, we already need to deal with people looking for MR20+ only to do Sorties, really? Sorties isn't Ulduar 25m Heroic to need "high skilled" players to do something that is easy (and I saw a lot of MR20 and MR21 players that are bad, bad, very bad). Don't try to make MR worse than it already is.

Like someone said, MR should help you, not lock content from you.

Thank you.

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I actually agree with you here. MR needs to matter and some weapons and planets should be restricted for higher leveled players. Lower leveled players sometimes don't have the skill or experience to take on higher level content. This will stop the problem of getting carried to. Some things being restricted is not for stopping someone from doing something, it's about keeping the safety of the less experienced tengo from the cold, dirty hands of the grineer/corpus

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3 minutes ago, kirbyknight765 said:

I actually agree with you here. MR needs to matter and some weapons and planets should be restricted for higher leveled players. Lower leveled players sometimes don't have the skill or experience to take on higher level content. This will stop the problem of getting carried to. Some things being restricted is not for stopping someone from doing something, it's about keeping the safety of the less experienced tengo from the cold, dirty hands of the grineer/corpus

Explain to me why I need to carry MR20 and 21 players then? According with you they should be good, no?

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Just now, BakuDM said:

Explain to me why I need to carry MR20 and 21 players then? According with you they should be good, no?

I think he was more arguing that high level planets such as pluto and ceres should be locked away from low MR's. which although i personally disagree with, i still find it silly when i see a MR1 on Ceres, kinda ruins the game. I dont think i started getting carried around until like MR8. 

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