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How The Story May Play Out (Spoiler Alert)


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Ello fellow players,

Today I thought I should put down my theory on how things will play out. Now I may be wrong but there is allot of evidence proving my point so please hear me out!

First off Alad V is a Orkin. We can say that this guy is. Mostly for his hate of the Tenno, him somehow knowing the secrets of the Lotus, and him being marked as a target by the stalker. Now I propose that Alad V is a descendant of Ballas. How do I know this? Well first of there is a fan theory already existing that states the Lotus is a follower of the ideals of Margulis and made her self in the likeness of her. Now this means that Ballas must have had the secrets passed down and had the lotuses secrets along with it because how else would have Alad known? At first Alad V never wanted to fight the Tenno but use his knowledge of them (taught by Ballas) to make profit. What would this profit be used for? Well to take back the earth for the last of the Orkin. Just like Ballas wanted to for Marguils as mentioned in the trailer. Of course zanuka fails so what does Alad do?  He tries to become just as powerful as the original Saryn by Ballas by becoming infested and fighting "poison with poison". But then that fails. He is then targeted by the stalker. So he goes to the Tenno for help. He dislikes the Tenno as they did in the old times of the Orkin but finds new light in them after he is saved.

Now time for speculation. Alad now having trust in the Tenno he will gain their help to retrieve the earth back from the sores and the dogs (Grineer that have taken over earth). He wants to reclaim the earth for the Orkin and that's what he will do. 

I came up with this theory really early on but never wrote it down hope you guys liked it and make sure to agree or point out any flaws that I can debate!  

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Hunhow called Alad an Orokin probably because he doesn't see any difference between Corpus and the Orokin. They are both human. It's like calling myself an Egyptian because I am the same species as Ramses. And Hunhow was offline for who knows how long, so he has little idea about what happened after the war.

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Consider the implication of there being any trace of Executor-class DNA floating around Origin, which could interface with the Orokin technology that went into genetic lockout when the Empire fell; Towers and Solar Rails for starters, let alone how much damage the early Grineer managed to do with just a Sectarus class Orokin in hand. For bonus points, note that Stalker managed to disable Ordis at the end of the Second Dream; anyone with Executor class clearance would potentially be able to disable any Orbiter or any Cephalon tied into that era of the war...least in very dangerous theory terms. Anyone with control of that technology would have an immediate and significant advantage against all challengers, with Executors having the greatest permissions, as noted by Bilsa in the Eviscerator synthesis as it was her Executor companion that even let her pass onwards.

Even manipulation of an Orokin Tower would be...significant, a Void stronghold to strike out at the system and retreat to with very minimal reprise. They're bad enough as it is on emergency countermeasures. Especially factoring in that there is evidently longevity technology for the elites in the setting...genetic dilution doesn't seem as much of a risk as the admittedly vague time frame might imply.

Secondly...Orokin is what Hunhow calls Alad. But Hunhow has been under who knows how many tons of rock for a similarly undisclosed amount of time so I imagine wouldn't be up to date with the current eras nomenclature. So the statement may be little more than a misunderstanding of how much has changed since he last waged war on the system. Just sharing a hatred of the Tenno doesn't make him Orokin...just one of a long, long line of enemies.

As for Alad's actions...if he actually knew anything 'secret', he'd have spent far less time researching them as part of his Zanuka Project, nor would he be consistently baffled by his examinations of Warframes, finding no explanation for the Tenno's abilities with what he found; even now he's missing some crucial information (and it's for the best if it stays that way if he's not being terminated yet). Much of what he does is self-serving, following his clear obsession with Orokin technology, especially that of the Warframes and trying to find some way to make it useful. He similarly doesn't actually know that much about the Lotus...in fact knowing only as much as he happens to learn through the whole Second Dream Quest. Hunhow fortunately manages to chase him off before he learns anything actually critical. Knowing that the Lotus punted the Moon into the Void isn't really that important, in the grand scheme of things.

The Infested stint...well. Backed into a corner, he played to his biologist strength. Bit of self-experimentation might have backfired...but he'd actually achieved far more success with Patient Zero, infesting a Mesa Warframe under his remote control as proof of concept. Pity that the encroaching loss of identity kind of soured his efforts, especially after yet another Tenno derived thrashing. Leading to the inspired choice of going 'I need this stuff for a cure. I'll pay' which...seems to have worked. Not sure about you but...anyone else wondering why we haven't hijacked his research considering it has clearly some effect in treating the Infestation?

If there is one thing that Alad is consistent in, it's his pragmatism. Want something? Fork out some credits, get the Tenno to nab it for him. After Gradivus, Zanuka Project, Mutalist Incursions, Tubemen of Regor and now Shadow Debt...I'd imagine he's seen that he's more likely to profit making use of the Tenno rather than pushing them to hunt for his head...until of course, something bigger and better rolls up for him to exploit.

Sure. If we're going on WMG, I guess it's a very stretched possibility there's some kind of Ballas - Alad connection...but right now, I haven't seen any evidence that actually supports that, and what evidence we do have...Alad's out for Alad, no more, no less. Anything else to say on it...far, far too soon and far too little to back it.

Edited by Blakrana
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