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Do we need act like a kid when ignore other people just with some tiny reason?


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Really, i do not often post anything on forum. Now i make this because some big head children in game.

1 time, i sell a gun with expensive price, 1 person blamed me, he said me like a kid when sold that gun so expensive, then he ignore me. Well, if dont like my price, just said no thx or offer the lower price. Is that so hard?

Today, 1 person ignore me just because i about the game in revenant hunt. I see him said about, so im about. After he rehost, i pm him for rejoin and he ignore me.

This made me think there are so a lot of children in game. I never ignore anyone just because those stupid reason even they do anything wrong in game. Today, i may angry, but i will forget at the next day. It just game.

Sorry for bad English if i write something wrong.

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Why did you have to say sorry for your bad English, I wanted to make a snarky comment. :P (also, what are the codes for the new emotes?)

Also, people will do what they want to do. If they're being annoying, ignore 'em. Keep finding people who are good traders.

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everyone is free to do whatever they want, there will always be some over sensitive people who ignore for no reason but generally there is a reason, i generally try not to ignore people unless they really are not worth having anything to do with, i always ignore people who run out on a keyshare or play a defence mission where they go out of their way to kill out of affinity range, they arent a team player and i dont need them


overcharging for gear is another touchy subject, there is always some room to argue what is reasonable but very often if someone is asking an insane price for something ill just not bother, if they get mouthy or aggressive ill put them on ignore and take them off later


best advice is if you dont want to be ignored treat people like you would like to be treated yourself

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You failed to meet their arbitrarily high requirements and therefore they do not wish to communicate with you.
Or they're just mad because they couldn't scam you.
Either way, they did you a favor, you won't have to ever deal with them again.

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Le sigh... honestly kids these days. Theb only time I've ever actively ignored(with the button) someone in trade was when they started giving me lip for 'taking to long' to reply. Like everyone has it easy on chat on console. (Did prompt me to buy a keyboard attachment though)


Other than that, sometimes I don't get back to people when I get around 9-10 replies to a wtb message in trade chat

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Hey dont worry pal i got the same.

I was recruit as an EVTrin for draco.

I see we have no excal but equinox instead so i say : "Oh you guys use equinox never seen this meta before looks cool!"

The guy who invited me said : "We got a idiot sec"

Then the group is disband

I ask the guy who invited me : "Hey the group has been disbanded can you reinvite me?"

On my second text wich was : " Hows the equinox metas working ? "

i get : User is ignoring you 

And thats my story about the first guy ignoring me !

You see sometimes persons act like that.

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If someone offends you (or other people) clearly in the game, report them on the Support (with evidence).

If they behave in a way you don't understand or find wrong for personal/subjective beliefs (that may not justify a report to the Support), please refrain from blaming them or pointing out their flaws here on the forums or in the chats, as requested in the Code of Conduct. Instead of raging, try to understand their way of thinking and adapt your behavior in order to trigger less of these reactions, as much as you can.

We just have to find the best ways to coexist with all our differences. For some, the limit of tolerance is reached really fast, and ignoring is their "pacific" way to deal with something they can't tolerate. It can be frustrating, but it's their choice, and their right.

Thread Bastilled to prevent drama and namin'n'shamin.

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