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Update 18.5: Sands of Inaros  


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I love the design of the Hyekka Masters. I find them cool and fun to fight against. If anyone from the staff reads this: tell my regards to the designer that I love them! And no, I'm definitely not joking about this.


The first time I caught my eyes on Hyekka Master during a fast phased action, I thought that I saw Jar Jar Binks from StarWars. The first thought I had was: "I want to kill him" and the second thought was "This is AWESOME".

Further study revealed that the resemblance between Hyekka Master and Jar Jar Binks is somewhat minor but enough to remind me about the Starwars Character (same color and both have flappy ears) . And this motivates me to hunt them down :) Yes, I'm having extremely fun times with the Grineer. What I want to believe is that the designer had "Tongue in his/her cheek" while creating Hyekka Master :) Great work! At least I appreciate the design -  for me it creates an urgent need to take him down as fast as possible =^.^=


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The timer on Exterminate missions is garbage, especially the fact that the timer doesn't show up until there's twenty seconds left on it. If you don't want me to farm lockers in exterminates then you need to put less of them in there, spawn less rooms, or you need to make Master Thief better so I don't have to spend all that time sitting around waiting for my kubrow to decide what's the best time to think about opening a locker.

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After the patch i noticed that chat is almost dead, Trading and Recruiting channels had only few people at any time. After a few days (ok, i'm slow like that) i finally realized i should check Region settings. And there it was - Eastern Europe and Russia. While geographically it might be correct i previously had it set on Europe. This change was forced and without any warning.

Edited by OrigamiChik3n
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  • Exterminate Missions now require a players to earn a kill every 15 minutes.  A 20 second warning will be given before the end of the 15 minute period, at which point players that have not killed an enemy will automatically fail the Mission.  *Please note: This timer is cancelled when an Exterminate Objective has been completed, allowing players to roam a level for as long as they like!

So, what's the point of this? It seems like if you can't invite someone in, because the "Objective has been completed." then you wouldn't have to worry about getting kicked, either. Do you have any idea what it's like herding a child through a level, when they find the void puzzle where you jump through fire like a volcano? His words, not mine. For 3 enemies, the mission was failed, and the key was lost. T3 Exterminate. Now I have to explain to him that we can't have fun when we find it, because someone doesn't think we should. Yes, I'm angry right now. I'll calm down later.


Edit: Ok, now that I've calmed down a little, I wanted to add this. Make it a 2 minute warning, and I don't have a problem. If I can't kill something in 2 minutes, oh well.

Edited by Lunarwolf76
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  • Players can now disable some ‘tutorial’ VO designed to announce enemy types (ie- ‘We have Infested’).

Sooo how do I turn it off? Can't find it.

Edit: Never mind, I found it. Didn't have the name I would've expected.

Edited by Vantooth
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