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Permadeath, "hardcore" Mode?


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 I think you should really iron out the details on that thought process Zzz. I don't think it'd be treated the way you seem to think it would be, which would be a shame because effort would have to go into setting it up.


 There wouldn't be much temptation to take risks in a Hardcore mode - but risk taking is what makes a Hardcore mode fun. I know a few Path of Exile players who'd attest to that.


 When they do a Difficulty setting, I could see a 'Hardcore Difficulty' being added that works as a Hardmode that has permadeath in that level. Then maybe a Weekly/Monthly leaderboard for Time to Clear for each mission. That'd be a good start.


 Losing ones items is a bad idea. It isn't always easy or possible to obtain those items again in any reasonable timespan. 

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There are those that would rage quit, but there are also those that freak out for a second and realize it's a ladder... As in it resets anyways and there's always next time to try to get to the top.

I'm all for difficulty modes far before a hardcore ladder comes out, but I'd still love to play it regardless of how "silly" it is.

Yes but who would have the patience to simply "Get back up to the top"?

When I played Dark Souls, I pushed on because of the fact that I lost nothing (souls excluded because they were easy to regain).

In warframe, you have to farm and farm and farm and farm for it!

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Oh my god, you die when you die not when you go down. It would be OPTIONAL. Why the hell are you trying so hard to ruin the fun for others? Just because you dont want it doesnt mean others dont.


And this Moderator guy, dude, you have to consider some people have more skill than you just to be farming low level planets to level frames.

It boggles my mind that people are AGAINST this when its purely OPTIONAL. 



Yeah, hard to obtain lost items back, thats pretty much what hardcore means. You lose your S#&$ when you die, you CHOOSE to take the risk when you play in hardcore ladder. Jesus, why cant you understand man?

Edited by Qynchou
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 I understand perfectly clearly. It still sounds like it'd be pretty stupid. People complain day-in and day-out about the RNG being cruel to them. Why would anyone want a mode where they have to deal with that same RNG - only now dying loses everything?


 Optional or not, I can't imagine it'd see much use. And if it wouldn't see use what is the point?


 However - Like I stated above - I think it'd be neat if there was a difficulty setting where dying meant mission failed. Especially with a clear time leaderboard to juice up the deal. Could be quite cool.


 Permadeath in the sense of losing it all when you die is NOT something that works in just any game. 

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 So basically - a Game mode in which no one plays high leveled missions EVER so that high tier enemies can never brutalize them?

I would go to wave 100 with my friends in a hardcore setting. Why? Nothing is hard in the game. 

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Oh my god, you die when you die not when you go down. It would be OPTIONAL. Why the hell are you trying so hard to ruin the fun for others? Just because you dont want it doesnt mean others dont.


And this Moderator guy, dude, you have to consider some people have more skill than you just to be farming low level planets to level frames.

It boggles my mind that people are AGAINST this when its purely OPTIONAL.

You think I'm saying that just because I don't want it means that I don't want others to want it?

I'm thinking for the benefit of the game, not the benefit of me and if it is optional, then who'd continue to play it?

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You think I'm saying that just because I don't want it means that I don't want others to want it?

I'm thinking for the benefit of the game, not the benefit of me and if it is optional, then who'd continue to play it?

Unless you can read peoples' minds you cant really say nobody will play it. Yeah that goes both ways, but my argument would be that a lot of people play this mode in other games. Why is it good? Because youd S#&$ your pants once youre knocked down trying to quickly figure out a way how to not die. People play hardcore for the thrill, adrenaline rushes etc theyre are well aware that if they die theyll lose everything.

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Maybe we should work on the networking code and matchmaking before even thinking about stuff like this. Especially when you introduce grave consequences such as permadeath in a game that's known to bug out to kill you, lag you out and probably kill you.

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You think I'm saying that just because I don't want it means that I don't want others to want it?I'm thinking for the benefit of the game, not the benefit of me and if it is optional, then who'd continue to play it?

It'd have to be optional, all hardcore modes are... Not fair to force everyone into a type of play just a few enjoy. People continue to play because to some (my self included) its a more fun way of playing a game. Some of the more popular games with hardcore modes are diablo, minecraft, and dofus... They keep hardcore mode around as an option simply based on the fact that there is a group of players that enjoy the risk of permadeath.

Edited by Zzz702
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I realise the developers have higher priorities currently, but I just wanted to gauge the interest in a permadeath, "hardcore" mode. As in, when your Warframe dies it is permanently unavailable and you may have to start again from scratch.

And have to farm again it's bp ?

Seriously ?

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Please take a moment to think about those poor hard working and wonderful people who work for DE's player support department.....this suggestion is a cold-hearted act of cruelty towards them ;) It's not like they don't already have a never-ending list of tickets to work through.


A hardcore mode is fine, but perma death would be a nightmare in a grind-fest game like warframe. I mean, if you want it you can already do it...upon death just sell whichever frame you were using along with all the weapons and mods you had equipped. Instant hardcore mode, and DE didn't even have to waste any time programming it :)


That leaves DE free to actually come up with a hardcore mode that is challenging but does not just appeal to a small number of serious masochists.

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I list all the features:


+ Create new account with optional "hardcore"-mode enabled

+ Once you die everything is gone

+ separate ladder

+ Worked perfectly in D2 Lod, D3 - Those games had HUGE numbers of players who played hardcore

+ Warframe and D2 share most of the game design patterns. The only difference is the genre.



I still don't get why anyone would say "No!" to a optional feature.

Edited by Thypari2013
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This is completely idiotic, specially with the state of some maps now days, 


Why? because now you can fall of the grid and sometimes you either end in an infinite loop, you fall in another place in the map, or you fall and die. 

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Lol, considering how random this game can be from time to time, I don't believe this is such a good idea. Imagine doing a Corpus mission and as you try to escape some chasing enemies you run into a laser wall (it happens to all of us from time to time, so don't bs me) and you die, game over, all stuff gone...not cool. Or you could get stuck under the elevator or fall through it, you never know, or accidently break glass in a room full of enemies, etc., etc.


If you REALLY want hardcore mode that much then just delete all your stuff once you die, I dare you to do it. I am sure you won't want to.

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If you really want a hardcore experience you can already do it. Frankly I'd prefer DE focus on polish and features before trying to implement a hardcore mode that the majority of the player base likely has little interest in.

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I think an Optional hardcore perma death mode would be fine and it won't effect the players who hate perma death.


BUT before DE even considers this idea, DE needs to polish the game, fix the networking issues and other major bugs. Therefore I don't think this will be considered for a long time if ever.

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No other problem but development requires time, resources and later hotfixes and patches. Not only that but we already have a small playerbase and I would not like it to get smaller by dividing the playerbase from what it is now.

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Theres nothing you can say that will be a valid argument. Its is purely optional, there is no "no" here.


All depends whether DE want to expand into more game modes.


Im gonna go on a limb here and pretty much say youre all wrong and got no clue what youre talking about.


Edited by Qynchou
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