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Nerf Ember or go solo!


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I'm fed up of joining a public game with atleast one ember in it, they literally kill everything and leave nothing behind for anyone else.They should really go solo if they're going to do that. It's the most annoying thing in the world, I cant even get a single kill:

-Removed Image-

It makes me want to go solo and that ruins the games coop.

Edited by NovusNova
Don't name and shame people please
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Just now, InglriousB said:

No, you should go solo or stop whining!

Im fed up with people that cant manage to get good enough gear or enough effort to kill enemies decently and therefor decide to complain about people who do get their kills. 

Stop whining, start killing

How, how can I kill something that instantly dies, u go solo and stop kill stealing instantly running through the map and be more nicer.

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Agreed, less QQ. Ember is finally good and you want to nerf her because you can't keep up? Also your screen shot proves nothing, looks more like 3 AFK people and Ember.

Also kill stealing? LOL You know you share affinity right? 

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1. names in posts like this is kinda not cool

2. sry to say that but if u cant steal kills from ember then ur just slow

3. since he has 100% dmg taken i get the feeling that u guys dint even try to catch up with him or u where searching for contianers and flowers

i can do that with a loki and only meele so -> nerf loki and remove meele ?

ur problem is not ember ur problem are rushers there is nothign to nerf for DE

Edited by Weidro
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I think you need to put in mission level. Looking at that pic, I can tell it had to be no higher than 30. Besides, I've never seen anyone get 100% of the damage. What the hek were all three of you guys doing? Standing around and watching? Were you not using your own abilities. Take Ember into a high-level mission, and see how effective she remains against other frames.

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Just now, iamDDips said:

How, how can I kill something that instantly dies, u go solo and stop kill stealing instantly running through the map and be more nicer.

Get ahead of them, get a synoid grammacor, an ash, whatever. 

Get friends to play with. 

This is the real world, mate, people arent all going to adapt to you.

You are going to have to learn to adapt, whether you like it or not (and im not just talking about the game here)

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I never really understood why they didn't. WOF Embers don't get much of anything from the team environment.


Similarly, I never understood why in these situations the person who exibits solo behavior isn't the one told to go solo, but rather the rest of the team is criticized. Skill or no skill, if someone intends to solo the mission with a build designed to solo the mission then they should be in solo mode. That's pretty much basic common courtesy. 


EDIT: That said OP, I think you doomed yourself the moment you said the words "Nerf". That triggers people pretty hard around here.

Edited by DrFail
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3 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

I think you need to put in mission level. Looking at that pic, I can tell it had to be no higher than 30. Besides, I've never seen anyone get 100% of the damage. What the hek were all three of you guys doing? Standing around and watching? Were you not using your own abilities. Take Ember into a high-level mission, and see how effective she remains against other frames.

Probably was too busy making a rant thread like this one.

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3 minutes ago, iamDDips said:

How, how can I kill something that instantly dies, u go solo and stop kill stealing instantly running through the map and be more nicer.

there is nothing like "kill steal" in warframe

and usualy u hear that "someone stole my kill" only from league of legend kids

welcome to warframe this game is coop we dont complain about more affinity

and yes u get more exp if someone else kills it and not u because if he kills it everything in ur gear get exp if u kill it with ur powers only ur frame gets exp

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13 minutes ago, iamDDips said:

How, how can I kill something that instantly dies, u go solo and stop kill stealing instantly running through the map and be more nicer.


Is this some kind of a joke?

Please, tell me that this is a joke.


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12 minutes ago, iamDDips said:

How, how can I kill something that instantly dies, u go solo and stop kill stealing instantly running through the map and be more nicer.

Be nicer? You're the one here being salty as Hek.


I've ran Ember a lot of times and rushed in a full squad. Needless to say I didn't get all kills and all damage. Were you just sitting in the bathroom or something?


How about this, give us the level of the enemies, faction and preferably the node if it wasn't an alert.


I'd love to recreate that screenshot if I could.

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I get where OP is coming from. I tend to play survivals in the low 20's to level up or try out new equipment. It's not rare to see a bunch of new players around that are already challenged by level 20 enemies. I can imagine it not being fun when there's that one Ember that literally presses 4 once and obliterates anything around them before they even get to pull the trigger.

Ember is not OP. She falls off pretty fast in fact, but retains her usefulness when she uses the CC augment in higher levels. It's just that most people use her to rush low-ish level missions because all they have to do is press 4 and walk. There's nothing you can really do about that other than playing solo yourself though.

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Oh look, it's another one of these. Yay.

Yes, yes, let's nerf Ember and make her trash again so nobody uses her. Heavens forbid Ember actually be able to kill stuff over level 20.

Ember needed a buff, she got a buff. In fact, given how her damage falls off quickly with no other uses to her frame other than damage and no way to make that damage scale further, Ember needs more buffs, not a nerf. She needs ways to make her damage scale, or she needs uses outside just damaging things (yes, yes, I know, Accelerant stuns and WoF can knockdown with the augment, but plenty of other frames do these same exact things but do it better).

If you don't want an Ember getting the majority of the kills, then either start playing better, start playing with friends, don't join pubs on lower levels, solo the levels you normally see Embers on, or just learn to deal with it. There's no reason why the people who enjoy playing as Ember should have their preferred frame nerfed back to being useless just so you can smile and giggle.

Edited by Valsako
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3 minutes ago, Storchenbein said:

I get where OP is coming from. I tend to play survivals in the low 20's to level up or try out new equipment. It's not rare to see a bunch of new players around that are already challenged by level 20 enemies. I can imagine it not being fun when there's that one Ember that literally presses 4 once and obliterates anything around them before they even get to pull the trigger.

Ember is not OP. She falls off pretty fast in fact, but retains her usefulness when she uses the CC augment in higher levels. It's just that most people use her to rush low-ish level missions because all they have to do is press 4 and walk. There's nothing you can really do about that other than playing solo yourself though.

I mean it is OP but WOF has a considerably small range and she isn't exactly fast. If you're good at maneuvering you could probably end up getting ahead of her.


The 3 players have 0% damage dealt and taken.That seems pretty fishy to me. 

Only logical answer I could see is OP and his crew are new players and the Ember is MR15

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