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Staticor Firing Bug


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It always seems to happen to me after I decide to start using them on a long survival.

I'll be about 25 minutes in when I want to give my rifle a rest, pull out the staticor, and BANG!......nothing.

It's like the projectile doesn't exist, and I can not use them to cover allies trying to revive me later on in the mission.

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It also seems to happen very often when I'm using Mirage's 1st. Two of her images can usually fire, but the other two and myself cannot, and the weapon refuses to work for me for the rest of the match. Once the visual effect disappears from the weapon (the energy beams and stuff) it stops firing, like it needs the energy to create its projectiles. Tbh, it reminds me of the problems I had with LittleBigPlanet's emitters from time to time, where the object they were placed on would be unintentionally destroyed, which took the emitter with it.

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I dunno if this helps DE, or anyone else, but I decided to try this with Ivara. When I finally got the bug where Staticor bullets stopped appearing, I used Navigator. It brought my camera to a static bullet somewhere in the map, unmoving, couldn't control it or anything...

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I've had this problem too. As far as I know, this is brought on by switching weapons at strange times i.e. the same frame as a stagger registers. I don't think there's an immediate fix though, so I would just try and only switch to the staticor when there isn't much happening around you.

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this is a known bug that has been around for some weeks.  too bad, since staticor is a great weapon when it works.  before the update today, staticor worked 1/2 to 1/3 of the time for me, which made it unusable.

I'm still testing after the update today, however... and i changed my mods around, taking off the projectile acceleration mod. 

that said, with a potato and 4 forma, I get 2500 damage per shot, which beats my sonicor config.  

I hope it's fixed soon. 

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I've switched at very calm moments, and noticed that it wasn't working, two instances I can think of off the top of my head would be, on a "shelf" in the void (I then moved to the edge before realizing my staticors were broken) and while I was moving to extraction in a grineer ship, I switched from my scanner to staticors only to find out they were broken and I was **** out of luck, because that was the only weapon I had with me.

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Staticor bug still exists... I've been testing this great weapon after the recent update, hoping it's cured of it's buggyness.  It's not :(((

Bug:  Staticor fires and uses ammo but no visible bolts and no damage to bad guys (even those who are in your face)

When bug happens:  Any mission, not just when data modules are picked up (energy globes are picked up in almost all missions).  

Many times staticor is working at the beginning of the mission, stops halfway through, then may start working again after I use my primary or melee weapon.  Sometimes it doesn't start working again.  In some missions staticor is not working from the beginning of the mission.  On the next mission it is usually working again. 

My staticor build: Potato and 4 forma, standard pistol mods, including multishot and electric, toxin, cold mods (damage is around 2500 per round).

Please add your experience with staticor bug to this thread

I hope staticor is fixed soon.  It's a great weapon, but an unreliable weapon is unusable.

Back to sonicor for now :P

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known bug... many users having this issue... too bad since staticor is a great weapon

staticor is unusable due to this bug (staticor doesn't work in 1/2 or more missions for me, may stop working in the middle of a fight and may or may not start working again).  

Unreliable weapon is a RIP weapon, as OP said :(((

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On 3/1/2016 at 5:21 PM, JaneRose said:

Staticor does not work. When I first got it, it worked but now nothing happens. Same for hubby. What's up with this gun. Anyone else having this issue now.

Dont worry bud. Ur not the only one who has this issue, my Staticor too is doin the same thing, shooting nothing, well sometimes, but to fix it, u have to get disarmed by a mob and grab it again or just use ur melee or primary?

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So like the title says, there seems to be a bug with the Staticor, i don't know how to replicate it, but sometimes (happened like 5x already) during a mission my staticor stops fireing, like it consumes ammo and does the animation but no bullets (no glowy energy) come out and for that matter causes no damage, only thing that fixes it is dieing or getting out of the mission.

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I am also having the same issue. I hear sound FX, I see a split second flash of the weapons energy color, and it takes ammo but no projectile is fired and no damage happens. The only way I've fixed it is from being disarmed or picking up and dropping a mobile defense box.

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Mine shows as equipped, but doesn't fire.

I was about to make a thread about this issue because this bug is still present and it's either been a while (I stopped using the weapon weeks ago because of this) since this bug exists or it keeps reappearing.

Last instance I got this bug I was the client, on today's Sortie, Grineer Survival on a galleon.

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When aiming with the Staticor and you have Multishot mods equipped when you fire it NEVER displays multiple 'bolts' being fired.

When you fire it unaimed you can see the multiple 'bolts'.

I have Barrel Diffusion maxed with a +120% Multishot on mine and it NEVER EVER shows multiple bolts when aimed.

I have not done any checking at this stage to see if the damage is affected.

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i´ve been having the same issue, however, i´ve found a temporal solution that works most of times. when you start the mission, swap to the staticor and fire a couple rounds and then seems to be working fine

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