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Bursa Feedback


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Yay. We have an update. So i know what you guys are talking about now. The bursa are disturbingly tiny. And pretty funny. The isolator is still the most annoying one, the drover is the one that launches missiles I believe, but I was either shooting them out of the air with my trusty Mara hand canon, or they are just puffs of air that shoot by you. Alright. It was funny hacking the isolators console and watching it drag a crewman around with its whip and smash him repeatedly. It wasn't fun being on the ground forever, just calmly staring up at the stars. That may have been the denial bursa...

At around lvl 40, they definitely change the battlefield. I go from curb stomping corpus...to not curb stomping corpus. But it was just a matter of how many times I had to flip over them before I could hit them in the back with my secondary, if I could not use powers/had no energy, and I don't want to use my grenade launcher (penta is for emergencies only when solo, too high of a chance of killing yourself). I died 3 times, once from my penta, twice from bursa. A few corpus techs almost got me. I'm glad I never got knocked down with any of the techs around, thatd have been Insta death. You can't enjoy the game or the enemies when everything is Insta death. You just have to erase them with a nope weapon and call it a day.

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Loving them to be honest, for first time since all robot TA I've enjoyed vs Corpus runs. With them plus Nullifiers and the weirdos in hover boots they're no longer chumps. Just need the Hyenas now and were gravy - Pluto needs a new tileset but other that it's been the planet I've spent most of my time on since update farming exp for my weapons and at one point even the Bursas themselves for the quest.

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If you think Bursas are broken, and a huge annoyance;


Boy have you yet to go against some level 45+ Corrupted Bombards and Nullifiers, and then throw on some Energy Leech Eximus effects on 'em. Spam-able instant-kill homing missiles that can't be avoided or shot down are broken. Nullifier bubbles are broken, and a huge annoyance to a lot of Warframes and loadouts.

Bursas are so easy to deal with, honestly. The only one I find extremely annoying is the one that spams the knock-down waves.

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11 minutes ago, ViolettaFoxx said:

If you think Bursas are broken, and a huge annoyance;


Boy have you yet to go against some level 45+ Corrupted Bombards and Nullifiers, and then throw on some Energy Leech Eximus effects on 'em. Spam-able instant-kill homing missiles that can't be avoided or shot down are broken. Nullifier bubbles are broken, and a huge annoyance to a lot of Warframes and loadouts.

Bursas are so easy to deal with, honestly. The only one I find extremely annoying is the one that spams the knock-down waves.

Oh no, I like them, it was interesting being basically told "no, you can't kill all the corpus and run around without a care in the world", I think the whole laying down on the ground and looking at the sky thing is over kill though.

I almost never have an "oh crap, that was scary I almost died" moment in warframe, because almost everything is super easy or Insta death, but I know why. We've been over these conversations plenty of times, I'm just going to say I like the bursa and leave it at that. Rngeesus forbid if they ever become eximus units though.

If you weren't talking to me, just ignore this response. Have a great day

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