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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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23 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

I didnt said about making dark sectors a "money rain world", thats your idea.

Also, dark sectors were in the first place that idea, a farming mission that could be controlled by clans, but DE, when they saw that the idea backfired and was becoming into toxin plague, they had to shut it down. They dont want the community go to S#&$ just because a huge alliance holds all the dark sectors and they take all of the resources and credits you obtained. In a game like warframe, that didnt fitted AT ALL. 


And the conflicts, look kid, i have played them, and they were HORRENDOUS, exploits, unbalanced combat (1 shots and invincible rhinos, and much worse), and of course, the taxes  that could even steal your wanted hate/despair/dread BP you obtained in the mission.

They didnt required skill, not strategy, nothing, they were a failure of content. If you guys really want a competitive faction style pvp game, go make your own. The majority of the pvp playerbase play it for the fun, not for "oh i wanna be the best because i can feel good with myself", if you force the players to play what they dont want to have access to a PVE PART OF THE GAME, you are taking the wrong road.

Keep PvP and PvE aside from eachother, thats why i hate dark sectors. They should be something else. Being pvp for you guys i understand it, but many of us we dont want, we want that PvE content, and we dont want the pvp part of it. And probably you will think that we just want a "casual" mode, well yes, we want a casual mode because we are not interested on suffering through all the pvp S#&$ just because a damn bigger fish came and took everything.


I know clans in warframe have barely purpose, or i'd say, none apart from reuniting people. You guys are getting bored of not being able to do nothing, but HAVING CONTROL over a PvE content of the game isnt the right start.


Honestly, i cant care anymore about pvp because how S#&$ty has turned now. A "the floor is lava" game style sucks a lot. Even if you get adapted to it.


For someone who doesn't care anymore about pvp I sure see you post a lot in pvp conclave section lol. That is usually the sign of someone who cares.  

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1 hour ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Lets be honest, those clans didnt have to focus on PvP to run rails. If nobody bothered to defend because they thought the attack would fail, those PvE builds would beat the specters easily.

There are four tiers of specters: Vapor, Phase, Force and Cosmic.  They are all created based on how individual clan members have built their warframes and weapons.  It is possible to create really tough specters that are not as easy to beat as regular PvE specters.  (Not that you were saying that they would, it's just a clarification, sorry)

I sincerely hope that they bring back PvP to Dark Sector and that they do not balance it like Conclave which will require clan members to level their Conclave and acquire the PvP mods.  

In my opinion, clan Dark Sector PvP should be different and not be balanced at all.

Edited by (XB1)Zoltan6201
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15 hours ago, (XB1)Zoltan6201 said:

There are four tiers of specters: Vapor, Phase, Force and Cosmic.  They are all created based on how individual clan members have built their warframes and weapons.  It is possible to create really tough specters that are not as easy to beat as regular PvE specters.  (Not that you were saying that they would, it's just a clarification, sorry)

I sincerely hope that they bring back PvP to Dark Sector and that they do not balance it like Conclave which will require clan members to level their Conclave and acquire the PvP mods.  

In my opinion, clan Dark Sector PvP should be different and not be balanced at all.

The hardest specters I ever fought were the ones I fought on that Imperial Tenno rail on Cameria. I would like to say they were cosmics but they were most likely force tier. Those specters were a good fight because they were properly modded and the defenses were placed optimally. Yet another good example of planning in Solar Rails.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

The hardest specters I ever fought were the ones I fought on that Imperial Tenno rail on Cameria. I would like to say they were cosmics but they were most likely force tier. Those specters were a good fight because they were properly modded and the defenses were placed optimally. Yet another good example of planning in Solar Rails.

I can agree, it took you all 11 hours 17 minutes and 190 million credits to capture it. They were indeed cosmic specters.

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18 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Lets be honest, those clans didnt have to focus on PvP to run rails. If nobody bothered to defend because they thought the attack would fail, those PvE builds would beat the specters easily.

Yes. But when you start fighting Force and Cosmic specters, even some well put together Phase Specters very few PvE builds would succeed.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

I can agree, it took you all 11 hours 17 minutes and 190 million credits to capture it. They were indeed cosmic specters.

I'd say it was a fair trade, given we were fighting them on cameria as they were fighting us on Tikal. IT actually spent more credits altogether. We spent about 191 mil on cameria and 4 mil on Tikal, about 195 mil. IT spent 169 mil on Tikal and 90 mil on Cameria. It was an even fight and I do not regret spending the last serious conflict before armistice fighting a worthy adversary. 

I always wanted to know the mod layouts on their specters but I don't see many IT warlords anymore so I don't think I could ask them.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I'd say it was a fair trade, given we were fighting them on cameria as they were fighting us on Tikal. IT actually spent more credits altogether. We spent about 191 mil on cameria and 4 mil on Tikal, about 195 mil. IT spent 169 mil on Tikal and 90 mil on Cameria. It was an even fight and I do not regret spending the last serious conflict before armistice fighting a worthy adversary. 

I always wanted to know the mod layouts on their specters but I don't see many IT warlords anymore so I don't think I could ask them.

It was a good fight, even though you had them outnumbered 1-4 and if art of war was helping you then you had them outnumbered 8-1. Remind you, IT had a 1,100 man alliance with my clans help. They had to put up more credits considering you had the numbers over them even though they had the quality. I know their mod layouts and all their tricks etc. I talk to their main leader hitsquaddriver here and there and I don't think he would ever respond to you.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

Hopefully they make it more worthwhile owning a node, other than just having you clan/ alliance name and emblem on the node

Well you did receive resources and credits depending on your taxes, they'd go to your alliance vault or clan vault depending if the node was owned by a clan or alliance rail.

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Well you did receive resources and credits depending on your taxes, they'd go to your alliance vault or clan vault depending if the node was owned by a clan or alliance rail.

Ik, but that didn't really benefit the members, as there were better ways of obtaining resources and creds. Something like members of whatever clan or alliance own the node have double xp on the node

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

It was a good fight, even though you had them outnumbered 1-4 and if art of war was helping you then you had them outnumbered 8-1. Remind you, IT had a 1,100 man alliance with my clans help. They had to put up more credits considering you had the numbers over them even though they had the quality. I know their mod layouts and all their tricks etc. I talk to their main leader hitsquaddriver here and there and I don't think he would ever respond to you.

I doubt AR and AoW could have 100% participation. It is much harder to do with larger clans than it is with smaller clans. That being said, Arbiters has always been under the effect of some problems, whether it be getting disbanded, having all of our clans kicked, having all of our credits stolen, or any number of issues that weren't exactly related to warframe. Many of these issues persisted with us for months before and after the armistice. If at any moment we appeared weak, it was between Sept 14 2014 - Apr 22 2015.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I doubt AR and AoW could have 100% participation. It is much harder to do with larger clans than it is with smaller clans. That being said, Arbiters has always been under the effect of some problems, whether it be getting disbanded, having all of our clans kicked, having all of our credits stolen, or any number of issues that weren't exactly related to warframe. Many of these issues persisted with us for months before and after the armistice. If at any moment we appeared weak, it was between Sept 14 2014 - Apr 22 2015.

And all them issues come back to weak leadership. And harder for bigger alliances? That's the first I've ever heard that lol. The more people the better easily. 

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15 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I doubt AR and AoW could have 100% participation. It is much harder to do with larger clans than it is with smaller clans. That being said, Arbiters has always been under the effect of some problems, whether it be getting disbanded, having all of our clans kicked, having all of our credits stolen, or any number of issues that weren't exactly related to warframe. Many of these issues persisted with us for months before and after the armistice. If at any moment we appeared weak, it was between Sept 14 2014 - Apr 22 2015.

And also, imperial Tenno didn't have 100% activity either. So neither arbiters or IT has 100% activity, AR also had art of war at their back too. And they had more influence. 

Edited by (XB1)Death to AoW
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If this postis a ds battle,  it go harder than the fight when we LOTE attacking the Eclipse nodes(which we spend 1.9billions but no one can load in any of their nodes in 48 hours) .   Xdd lucky this post defenser didn't use the Ddos trick on forum. 

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

And all them issues come back to weak leadership. And harder for bigger alliances? That's the first I've ever heard that lol. The more people the better easily. 

I think you misinterpreted me, so Ill say it in a different way. It is easier for a ghost clan to have all 10 people online than for a moon to have all 1,000 online. I wasnt referring to the strength of the alliance, I was just referring to percentages of people online.


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22 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

RAAAAGGGGEEEE is actually just how we speak in Arbiter Rage. Taking it all has been the plan since day 1 and Id say 6/26 is a good start. Perhaps he was overzealous, but it doesnt hurt to dream big.

And if the holders of the other 20 nodes all band together ? As well that death guys alliance? You guys will have your work cut out for yourselves 

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

And if the holders of the other 20 nodes all band together ? As well that death guys alliance? You guys will have your work cut out for yourselves 

That why we have 2 power house alliance that train together and work together daily we freinds with each other. X and Joe two great alliance leaders we treat each other like family even known we have most of the noods under are name when you have these two alliance as brothers wroking side by side that will become a powerful force you cant stop.


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37 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

That why we have 2 power house alliance that train together and work together daily we freinds with each other. X and Joe two great alliance leaders we treat each other like family even known we have most of the noods under are name when you have these two alliance as brothers wroking side by side that will become a powerful force you cant stop.


Doesn't matter how good you are, if the community wants you out your gone

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

Doesn't matter how good you are, if the community wants you out your gone

That whats make this game fun the competition and we ABITERS. AOW, RAGE OF WAR, welcome all xbl warframe alliance for the war when rails come out we know what we up against and not shy from any challenge. Just like the rock use to say " JUST BRING IT"

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

And if the holders of the other 20 nodes all band together ? As well that death guys alliance? You guys will have your work cut out for yourselves 

I wasn't counting Art of War in that estimate. If I did we would have 15/26. We also have the oldest and most experienced rail focused clans in our alliance. Death to AoW's alliance doesn't own a single node despite them starting a month before armistice and deploying twice. http://deathsnacks.com/wf/clan_bl_history.html#5501716adfa863d88e76b46c. We also have the best holdings on the nodes and the best PvP clans. CFE and Lock n Load break 1 million PvP kills. This isn't counting Reapers of Death or Kokujin which are also two other rail focused clans who combined bring us up another 100k kills. Our clans have also consistently scored 1st place in events tracked on the leaderboards. I think we have this in the bag. The community is strong but they don't have a solid figure to rally behind to take us down. Don't take this the wrong way, I think the community will be a major challenge but Arbiters is united now. Now that we have competent leadership in Arbiters, we won't be slowed down by setbacks. We set the world record fastest rail conquer even while held down by these problems, this time Arbiters won't be held back.

Edited by (XB1)CFE Discord
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