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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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14 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I wasn't counting Art of War in that estimate. If I did we would have 15/26. We also have the oldest and most experienced rail focused clans in our alliance. Death to AoW's alliance doesn't own a single node despite them starting a month before armistice and deploying twice. http://deathsnacks.com/wf/clan_bl_history.html#5501716adfa863d88e76b46c. We also have the best holdings on the nodes and the best PvP clans. CFE and Lock n Load break 1 million PvP kills. This isn't counting Reapers of Death or Kokujin which are also two other rail focused clans who combined bring us up another 100k kills. Our clans have also consistently scored 1st place in events tracked on the leaderboards. I think we have this in the bag. The community is strong but they don't have a solid figure to rally behind to take us down. Don't take this the wrong way, I think the community will be a major challenge but Arbiters is united now. Now that we have competent leadership in Arbiters, we won't be slowed down by setbacks. We set the world record fastest rail conquer even while held down by these problems, this time Arbiters won't be held back.

You forget its been a year, and in that time planty of would be competitors would have began preparing their alliances. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

Doesn't matter how good you are, if the community wants you out your gone


1 hour ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

And if the holders of the other 20 nodes all band together ? As well that death guys alliance? You guys will have your work cut out for yourselves 

But that's the point isn't it? Lol. It should be a challenge. It should be war. Why else do it? We toppled the Order who held 16 nodes at one time and we wouldn't expect anything less in terms of competition coming our way. That's why we play rails. That's why we want it back. You seem to suggest we don't like a challenge lol. If we didn't like a challenge the Order might still have their 16 nodes. This is the point of having community wars. This is why I started playing warframe. And now the pvp elements of warframe is a shadow of what it use to be. It's a shell. A ghost of a shell. If DE bring a back rails in full pvp fashion and force we welcome any alliance any combination of alliances to come at us. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

Enough about the past known the future ARBITERS N AOW is going to take it all RAAAAAGGGGGGEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough about the past? But just last night you were in a party with me and hard951core and all you could talk about is the past and how you have the rails, and your challenge was IT but before they could continue taking what you owned rails froze ((life saver for y'all)) and The crusades haven't even had a shot yet! And take it all? Well good luck on that boat bud, there's alot you need to do for that. The community wants you gone and we have the alliance to take you off the map in the matter of days to a few weeks. Your just a puppet, remember that. 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

You forget its been a year, and in that time planty of would be competitors would have began preparing their alliances. 

And so have we. You see the time off that our would be competitors might be preparing themselves is also time-off for us to continue to prepare and better ourselves. It makes no difference. We have the same about of time to prep as they do and vice versa. The point is mute.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

That why we have 2 power house alliance that train together and work together daily we freinds with each other. X and Joe two great alliance leaders we treat each other like family even known we have most of the noods under are name when you have these two alliance as brothers wroking side by side that will become a powerful force you cant stop.


Your right you do indeed have good leadership i take nothing away from them two besides their rails. The ONLY reason you still have them is because they've been frozen! It's easy to keep something that people can't take because the game won't let them. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Enough about the past? But just last night you were in a party with me and hard951core and all you could talk about is the past and how you have the rails, and your challenge was IT but before they could continue taking what you owned rails froze ((life saver for y'all)) and The crusades haven't even had a shot yet! And take it all? Well good luck on that boat bud, there's alot you need to do for that. The community wants you gone and we have the alliance to take you off the map in the matter of days to a few weeks. Your just a puppet, remember that. 

Lol. Enough about the past? You say enough about the past because you and hardcore don't have a past to talk about lolol.

And we are all in the same boat as of the present. No rails. But at least we have accomplishments to hang our hats on what do you have?

You have a GT that you changed to reflect our alliance because you are such a huge fanboy lol. I don't know anyone else who changed their GT to include another alliance in them lol.

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:


But that's the point isn't it? Lol. It should be a challenge. It should be war. Why else do it? We toppled the Order who held 16 nodes at one time and we wouldn't expect anything less in terms of competition coming our way. That's why we play rails. That's why we want it back. You seem to suggest we don't like a challenge lol. If we didn't like a challenge the Order might still have their 16 nodes. This is the point of having community wars. This is why I started playing warframe. And now the pvp elements of warframe is a shadow of what it use to be. It's a shell. A ghost of a shell. If DE bring a back rails in full pvp fashion and force we welcome any alliance any combination of alliances to come at us. 

You toppled the Order after lock n load left to make Art of War, remember they were once the powerhouse clan in The Order next to watermelon, they also left with credits did they not? Now we are talking about The Order with 3/4 of an alliance fighting against AoW, AR, and IT? Of course they're going to fall that's no accomplishment and near the end of wars they were inactive and gave up. And the same thing is going to happen to AoW and AR once rails return, and we don't need to borrow credits or weaken your numbers to fight(:

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

Lol. Enough about the past? You say enough about the past because you and hardcore don't have a past to talk about lolol.

And we are all in the same boat as of the present. No rails. But at least we have accomplishments to hang our hats on what do you have?

You have a GT that you changed to reflect our alliance because you are such a huge fanboy lol. I don't know anyone else who changed their GT to include another alliance in them lol.

A lot of invalid points here lolol. To start, don't have a past? Hard951core is the reason AR has HALF their rails because of him being their ex leader. On top of that, my clan was IT's Biggest ally and last time i check we took 3 entire planets and it took you guys almost the entire 12 hours to take a rail back and it took us 6 hours.... Go ahead and look at IT rails, those are my clans accomplishments. A alliance made up of 1,300 members took on the "two powerhouse alliance and the order" and took 3 planets and some nodes? And my GT is this because it makes you all so mad when i get in parties just ask xodus or tcizzle lmao

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Just now, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

You toppled the Order after lock n load left to make Art of War, remember they were once the powerhouse clan in The Order next to watermelon, they also left with credits did they not? Now we are talking about The Order with 3/4 of an alliance fighting against AoW, AR, and IT? Of course they're going to fall that's no accomplishment and near the end of wars they were inactive and gave up. And the same thing is going to happen to AoW and AR once rails return, and we don't need to borrow credits or weaken your numbers to fight(:

First of all you are talking to a founder status member in Lock N load. I was in the Order when they had 16 rails and I was there to topple them. So don't lecture me on our history lol. Also you say we don't have any accomplishments but that's coming from you...someone LITERALLY with no accomplishments on the rails. So you can judge our accomplishments all you want and throw salt at it but you LITERALLY not FIGURATIVELY, but LITERALLY have none.

Also you are still the only player to change his or her GT to a competing alliance because you are so obessed with us lolol. Nothing will change that fact lol. Whereas we don't even care about your alliance at all.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

A lot of invalid points here lolol. To start, don't have a past? Hard951core is the reason AR has HALF their rails because of him being their ex leader. On top of that, my clan was IT's Biggest ally and last time i check we took 3 entire planets and it took you guys almost the entire 12 hours to take a rail back and it took us 6 hours.... Go ahead and look at IT rails, those are my clans accomplishments. A alliance made up of 1,300 members took on the "two powerhouse alliance and the order" and took 3 planets and some nodes? And my GT is this because it makes you all so mad when i get in parties just ask xodus or tcizzle lmao

You are smoking. Share some of that good stuff lmao.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

Lol. Enough about the past? You say enough about the past because you and hardcore don't have a past to talk about lolol.

And we are all in the same boat as of the present. No rails. But at least we have accomplishments to hang our hats on what do you have?

You have a GT that you changed to reflect our alliance because you are such a huge fanboy lol. I don't know anyone else who changed their GT to include another alliance in them lol.

And when my clan was in Void Nexus we went to attack coba and accidentally deployed an alliance rail instead of a clan one like we wanted! We were a 300 man mountain clan that did over 85% damage to your rail and we took it.... as a 300 man mountain clan against the "two powerhouse alliances" and now we are a moon clan with 3 moon clan branches and 4 almost 5 alliance.... you don't stand a chance. Keep sitting on your frozen rails and brag about him, i hope it helps you sleep at night because soon here we will be giving you nightmares(:

Edited by (XB1)Death to AoW
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

You toppled the Order after lock n load left to make Art of War, remember they were once the powerhouse clan in The Order next to watermelon, they also left with credits did they not? Now we are talking about The Order with 3/4 of an alliance fighting against AoW, AR, and IT? Of course they're going to fall that's no accomplishment and near the end of wars they were inactive and gave up. And the same thing is going to happen to AoW and AR once rails return, and we don't need to borrow credits or weaken your numbers to fight(:

The only way u can make your self feel better is to ride another alliance what have project crusade done dont worrie i wait.............................................................................................lol 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

And when my clan was in Void Nexus we went to attack coba and accidentally deployed an alliance rail instead of a clan one like we wanted! We were a 300 man mountain clan that did over 85% damage to your rail and we took it.... as a 300 man mountain clan against the "two powerhouse alliances" and now we are a moon clan with 3 branches and 4 almost 5 alliance.... you don't stand a chance. Keep sitting on your frozen rails and brag about him, i hope it helps you sleep at night because soon here we will be giving you nightmares(:

Your clan moves around quite a bit.,..can't find a steady home lol.

You won't be giving anyone nightmares lol.

PS. I will keep sitting on my frozen rails lol. And you keep sitting on a pile of dreams that you've never made into fruition.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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43 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I wasn't counting Art of War in that estimate. If I did we would have 15/26. We also have the oldest and most experienced rail focused clans in our alliance. Death to AoW's alliance doesn't own a single node despite them starting a month before armistice and deploying twice. http://deathsnacks.com/wf/clan_bl_history.html#5501716adfa863d88e76b46c. We also have the best holdings on the nodes and the best PvP clans. CFE and Lock n Load break 1 million PvP kills. This isn't counting Reapers of Death or Kokujin which are also two other rail focused clans who combined bring us up another 100k kills. Our clans have also consistently scored 1st place in events tracked on the leaderboards. I think we have this in the bag. The community is strong but they don't have a solid figure to rally behind to take us down. Don't take this the wrong way, I think the community will be a major challenge but Arbiters is united now. Now that we have competent leadership in Arbiters, we won't be slowed down by setbacks. We set the world record fastest rail conquer even while held down by these problems, this time Arbiters won't be held back.

And a lot of invalid points here also! Project Crusade never attended to taking rails because it was coming to an end! And i lead my own alliance called project sacred that started 3 weeks ago so yeah your right my alliance has no rails its impossible lol. And yes you do indeed have the world record, that's a year old. Open your eyes, your only still here because rails have been frozen for a YEAR lol.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

And a lot of invalid points here also! Project Crusade never attended to taking rails because it was coming to an end! And i lead my own alliance called project sacred that started 3 weeks ago so yeah your right my alliance has no rails its impossible lol. And yes you do indeed have the world record, that's a year old. Open your eyes, your only still here because rails have been frozen for a YEAR lol.

But what have you accomplish with project crusades i can tell you how many rails AOW, N RAGE have

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

Your clan moves around quite a bit.,..can't find a steady home lol.

You won't be giving anyone nightmares lol.

PS. I will keep sitting on my frozen rails lol. And you keep sitting on a pile of dreams that you've never made into fruition.

Clans* And still all under the same banner buddy, and no accomplishments? Please, what was IT then? Your worst nightmare and if rails never left we would've swept you with ease. When rails were here me and my clan weren't as strong as we currently are, and what we did to you guys at where we were and to think about what we can do now, sheesh. Remember, the wolf climbing the mountain is always hungrier than the wolf on the mountain, and we will knock you off so quick you wont be able to grab your ego on the way down. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

And a lot of invalid points here also! Project Crusade never attended to taking rails because it was coming to an end! And i lead my own alliance called project sacred that started 3 weeks ago so yeah your right my alliance has no rails its impossible lol. And yes you do indeed have the world record, that's a year old. Open your eyes, your only still here because rails have been frozen for a YEAR lol.

Hold up though. Even if he is still here because of a record that's a year old, at least it's his. Why are you still here? To hold on to...oh wait. There's nothing for you to own up to lol. You need to open your eyes. Your time was never meant to be. And the Year helped you. We would have wiped you and IT off of the map if it weren't for the year. lol

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

The only way u can make your self feel better is to ride another alliance what have project crusade done dont worrie i wait.............................................................................................lol 

Cali, you can't talk to me if you can't put together a sentence with correct grammar. I can't even understand half the things that come out of your mouth! 

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Just now, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Clans* And still all under the same banner buddy, and no accomplishments? Please, what was IT then? Your worst nightmare and if rails never left we would've swept you with ease. When rails were here me and my clan weren't as strong as we currently are, and what we did to you guys at where we were and to think about what we can do now, sheesh. Remember, the wolf climbing the mountain is always hungrier than the wolf on the mountain, and we will knock you off so quick you wont be able to grab your ego on the way down. 

The wolf climbing the mountain isn't always hungrier. In fact it takes a lot to stay at top. Also you're assuming you're a wolf lol. I wouldn't even give you that much credit.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

Hold up though. Even if he is still here because of a record that's a year old, at least it's his. Why are you still here? To hold on to...oh wait. There's nothing for you to own up to lol. You need to open your eyes. Your time was never meant to be. And the Year helped you. We would have wiped you and IT off of the map if it weren't for the year. lol

It's adorable on how oblivious you are to everything around you, your so high up on your mountain you can't see past the clouds to see the danger to come to your alliance. I've help take 3 planets and coba from you with a 300 man clan, you have no clue what's to come. You can keep being arrogant though, enjoy it while it lasts. You might want to take a picture of your rails while you have them to, just to have a memory for the future. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Cali, you can't talk to me if you can't put together a sentence with correct grammar. I can't even understand half the things that come out of your mouth! 

Aww poor baby is calling people names its ok Death if you leve project we might take you in lol

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