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Ingame Advertisement Screen Built-In Game Client


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I don't think I would personally mind it on the launcher and it would be a great way for DE to gain revenue as long as it isn't in game. I guess I don't understand why you guys are so opposed to it.


In a world saturated with advertisements, how can you not appreciate the fact a f2p game isn't whoring themselves out for more revenue?

Simple minded sheep, I swear.

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Just put animated advertisements on the walls of levels we play through.  Like product placement in movies.......Whne will teh industry actually use decent ideas.  Make it part of the game if implemented, not a gaudy ui element....

If this game took place in heavily populated capitalist areas in the modern day, then no I wouldn't mind it. However as we're playing mostly on spaceships or military outposts, in the far future, &#! for products if the current day would totally rip me out of suspended disbelief and ruin immersion.

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If this game took place in heavily populated capitalist areas in the modern day, then no I wouldn't mind it. However as we're playing mostly on spaceships or military outposts, in the far future, &#! for products if the current day would totally rip me out of suspended disbelief and ruin immersion.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


There is maybe more explaining to do for those that still don't understand why it's a bad idea, but if all of you actually read into our posts, you would understand that this game is a godsend so far (which still has a lot of work to do), and why some of us buy founder packs.

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I seriously doubt we would see any benefit what so ever even if they packed the game full of ads. It would just be extra income for them, and a lot of players would hate it and quit, might even result in less income for them. People kinda hate ads, you're probably the only one on this planet that want ads, no offence.

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Keeping the UI or just the game as clean as possible affects how a person looks at the game. It may not affect you obviously because to you, the company is more important. If DE offers you an ad-free game, and the only thing you really had to pay for was slots, wouldn't you be surprised?


Except DE still offered an ad-free game, yet has required players to buy more than just slots. Just look at Tier III Void keys as an example. Before the recent changes, only a glutton for punishment would enjoy farming with that 0.15% drop rate. It was community outrage and probably a reduction of sales that made them change it.


As for ads, it may affect a persons look of the game, but as long as it wasn't all over the place (for example your HUD while playing), it's really insignificant when you think about it. I mean, having an ad on a minor place like the launcher which could help DE get money is not going to cause something like physical pain; it's an insignificant place and easily ignorable.



On a different point, you also realize there are people out there that want stuff faster. You get those kind of people in every game. A ton of Void keys was purchased when it came out, just from my clan alone, yet you can farm this stuff. Why? Well to each their own reason. But one reason to many, would be because the game entices them to do so, and that's said throughout this forum. You hear a small comment about people wanting to spend 300 platinum to get the Vauban, or 800 for the Stalker pack.


Well, I already talked about Void keys so I'll bring another point. I'm pretty sure DE has actually come out in the past and stated that the reason their Platinum prices are high for things like Warframes is because they'd prefer people to actually play the game to collect them. For those that are impatient or don't have the time, they can pay and get it right away. I don't really see what any of that has to do with this thread anyway.



So for now since people have incentive to buy things faster with platinum, this is funding DE. If DE is failing, I'd imagine they would prefer to think of a new way to entice players, rather than take the lazy route like most comanies and use ads. DE has proven themselves that they are constantly working. Even when E3 is coming up, they managed to release a juicy patch last Friday. So let's keep it ad-free and let DE stay on this healthy path.


Why do they have to start failing to implement ads or other things to entice players and revenue? That's backwards logic. If anything, doing that stuff now would be smarter. In the end, they can still do ads that are tasteful and don't interfere with the game or player itself which could be easily ignored. Only someone who likes to exaggerate would make such a big issue about something small like an ad on the launcher of all things.


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I must say that I personally object to the kind of ingame advertisment that is suggested in this thread.

Absolutely destroying the finely crafted immersion that the devs have worked SO hard at creating, glaring, ugly, diminishing the entire visual enjoyment of the game, and would make me think twice about playing...

Mind, this is not a critique towards DE, since they are not actually doing this, rather towards the "marketing geniuses" that argue how this would be such a great idea. ´~`

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Except DE still offered an ad-free game, yet has required players to buy more than just slots. Just look at Tier III Void keys as an example. Before the recent changes, only a glutton for punishment would enjoy farming with that 0.15% drop rate. It was community outrage and probably a reduction of sales that made them change it.


As for ads, it may affect a persons look of the game, but as long as it wasn't all over the place (for example your HUD while playing), it's really insignificant when you think about it. I mean, having an ad on a minor place like the launcher which could help DE get money is not going to cause something like physical pain; it's an insignificant place and easily ignorable.




Well, I already talked about Void keys so I'll bring another point. I'm pretty sure DE has actually come out in the past and stated that the reason their Platinum prices are high for things like Warframes is because they'd prefer people to actually play the game to collect them. For those that are impatient or don't have the time, they can pay and get it right away. I don't really see what any of that has to do with this thread anyway.




Why do they have to start failing to implement ads or other things to entice players and revenue? That's backwards logic. If anything, doing that stuff now would be smarter. In the end, they can still do ads that are tasteful and don't interfere with the game or player itself which could be easily ignored. Only someone who likes to exaggerate would make such a big issue about something small like an ad on the launcher of all things.



And when you think about it, a small ad on the launcher just doesn't bring that much revenue to them as much as it would just to implement another incentive, which is what I'd believe DE would do. One ad put on the launcher just doesn't weigh out the amount of people who have paranoia in your perspective, which by the way are potential customers that could be scared away.


Again, you have a different perspective on ads than others. You're not understanding those people who would not ignore the ads. Not to mention the ads themselves, again, can not be filtered unless a certain system was in place, which is just some sort of work that DE should be doing on something else. At this point, it's an impasse with opinions on whether or not the ad would bother you. It may be insignificant to you, but it's clutter to us.


Buying void keys are not required. Drop rates are indeed ridiculous, but all it takes is a clan to get into in order to get in on multiple void runs, although I'd recommend joining a clan with the same goals as you, whether you are a lax person or "hardcore". Together, the amount of times each 1 clan member gets a key and invites 3 other members becomes so often that you don't even notice you're farming for keys. And even then, people still buy them. Not as much now since more people have the BPs.


Obviously you missed the flow of my post if you thought some parts of what I said was irrelevant. I'm essentially saying if DE already has an income coming in, why risk getting more revenue with the implementation of ads? The risk being that people actually play the game because they know the company is going in the right direction, instead of resorting to little methods of having just one or two spaces filled with an ad that's hardly going to give as much revenue as actually be creative about it.

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If this game took place in heavily populated capitalist areas in the modern day, then no I wouldn't mind it. However as we're playing mostly on spaceships or military outposts, in the far future, &#! for products if the current day would totally rip me out of suspended disbelief and ruin immersion.


Tenno, are you lonely, looking for love? There are singles in your solar system!


Honestly EVE's personal rooms when docked in a station with ingame monitors that display exactly what is taking place in the galaxy, showing current events in game is far more immersive and makes people interested in the world, and makes them want to continue playing.  Basically, if any advertisements should be added to the Dojo, it should be relevant game events and occurances, not actual real world marketing.  Like others are suggesting.  About the only reasonable implementation could, perhaps be onboard or onplanet for Corpus, but again regarding ingame content marketing not real world marketing.


Similarly as it is now, not advertising in game makes people less unhappy, and more likely to want to play warframe.  Simply adding advertisements will not result in a good source of revenue or create a good image/face for the game.  Bombarding you with advertisements, even smaller less intrusive ads will make the game look less professional.


Yes we understand it is F2P and they need revenue some how, there are ways of doing so, that do not diminish the quality of the game.


The short of it.  No, advertisements like this look unprofessional and gimmicky. 

Edited by Enot83
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unless of course they decided to advertise solely game related stuff, like contests or tournaments, or events where a potato is dropping and no one knows till they hear about it, and it wasn't done for revenue? see? I can easily steer this idea in another direction......


Or alternatively both types, ingame and revenue, which are swapped back and forth.....

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what about all those people who dont use platinum? D:

That is your personal problem, you choose to not to use real money, at the same time you accept the fact that you will have to suffer from the "disadvantages". No one is forcing you to buy Platinum, most don't buy and they are just fine. Just because you choose to go for a free route and would like to get stuff easier does not mean that they should help you out. Especially since the power of Platinum is quite small in the end, this add business would make buying it worthless as most stuff would be able to be purchased via credits (free way).

Not only that but then there is rage from players who payed and the vast majority of player base leaving and the game would get negative reputation from all directions. Not only that but then there is the case of PS 4, would it have ads. If so the same thing, if not it would kill PC crowd completely. Now add the fact that DE has gotten a lot of money from Founders, Platinum players and PS 4 launch so they probably swim in money. Not to forget about the sold copies of the game from PS 4 side. Now at this point of game, is there really a need to add ads to the game? No, there is not.

EDIT: Also it is more likely that adding ads to this game will give them less money than they would lose, smart business move? No in any reality.

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And when you think about it, a small ad on the launcher just doesn't bring that much revenue to them as much as it would just to implement another incentive, which is what I'd believe DE would do. One ad put on the launcher just doesn't weigh out the amount of people who have paranoia in your perspective, which by the way are potential customers that could be scared away.


*Sigh* As explained previously, an ad on the launcher was only one possible example. Also, if there are actually potential customers who are completely scared away from an entertaining game because of something insignificant like a small ad on the launcher, I think those people have got bigger issues.


Again, you have a different perspective on ads than others. You're not understanding those people who would not ignore the ads. Not to mention the ads themselves, again, can not be filtered unless a certain system was in place, which is just some sort of work that DE should be doing on something else. At this point, it's an impasse with opinions on whether or not the ad would bother you. It may be insignificant to you, but it's clutter to us.


I do understand what they're saying. You seem to think like I'm some super big fan of ads or something. Well, I'm not. But I can recognise that a company, especially a small one like DE could use extra revenue for their benefit and even ours. The point is, the stuff I've talked about is really not a big deal and easily ignorable unless one likes to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Buying void keys are not required. Drop rates are indeed ridiculous, but all it takes is a clan to get into in order to get in on multiple void runs, although I'd recommend joining a clan with the same goals as you, whether you are a lax person or "hardcore". Together, the amount of times each 1 clan member gets a key and invites 3 other members becomes so often that you don't even notice you're farming for keys. And even then, people still buy them. Not as much now since more people have the BPs.


Why are you even making this argument? It was definitely required before. Trying to get a Void III key with the previous 0.15% drop rate was ridiculous, regardless of whether you were in a clan or not. This was expressed by many people and part of the reason as to why it was changed. Some could even argue that % rates are perhaps a bit too generous now, but that's a different topic. At least now you can actually farm them or just bypass this and buy 'em for Platinum if you so choose.


Regardless, what does any of this have to do with this thread?


Obviously you missed the flow of my post if you thought some parts of what I said was irrelevant. I'm essentially saying if DE already has an income coming in, why risk getting more revenue with the implementation of ads? The risk being that people actually play the game because they know the company is going in the right direction, instead of resorting to little methods of having just one or two spaces filled with an ad that's hardly going to give as much revenue as actually be creative about it.


For starters, you're assuming that implementing any kind of ads would put them at risk. A baseless assertion that goes against reality when considering there are other successful games which do the same thing. Also, it's about what's to gain. I don't know the system and for all I know the ads for a game don't generate much revenue. The point is, I think it's fair to say that if DE is able to get more revenue through ads, how can that be a bad thing as long as it's done in a way that's tasteful and isn't in every nook and cranny of the game?


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I've normally seen tasteless advertisement, and hardly see anything clever. But if DE can come up with something neat, then fine. I'd assume people would only care is if it doesn't break the flow of the game's environment.


You highlighted the void keys which was just an example I used of how the game tries to entice people to give them platinum without the use of ads, but I'm not even going to touch this anymore.


And I'm not attempting to make it sound like you are a fan of ads. I know you're trying to help DE out as I've said before. I just don't believe it's the kind of effort they need to be putting into any time soon. Continuing to update the game with neat updates that add interesting features is bringing them the income they need.


If done cleverly, then maybe. DE should really just approach it carefully instead of randomly implementing it one day, which I know all of us don't want.

Edited by Xelorx
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I've normally seen tasteless advertisement, and hardly see anything clever. But if DE can come up with something neat, then fine. I'd assume people would only care is if it doesn't break the flow of the game's environment.


You highlighted the void keys which was just an example I used of how the game tries to entice people to give them platinum without the use of ads, but I'm not even going to touch this anymore.


And I'm not attempting to make it sound like you are a fan of ads. I know you're trying to help DE out as I've said before. I just don't believe it's the kind of effort they need to be putting into any time soon. Continuing to update the game with neat updates that add interesting features is bringing them the income they need.


If done cleverly, then maybe. DE should really just approach it carefully instead of randomly implementing it one day, which I know all of us don't want.


Agreed. With that said, I'm off!

Edited by Kaibah
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