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Why I avoid the Corpus.


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When I play Warframe, I play for fun. Come to think of it, fun is the only reason I'd probably play any videogame.

Like most people have already iterated here, Corpus just have too much in the way of BS mechanics that channel players into very specific loadouts at higher levels. Personally, take out Nullifiers altogether and tweak Sapping Ospreys so they aren't nearly as ridiculous as they are now and I'm good. Scramba/Combas are balanced and Bursas are not terrible if you aren't having to worry about the other units as much.

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Meh, I like to the corpus, they do represent the challenging side to be honest, the nullfiers are annoying true but get inside of their bubble and they die just like any other crewmen.

Bursas however, that's another story. They literaly are what the corpus aimed for, to be anti-tenno. Good thing that they don't deploy these thing very often outside of the alarms, otherwise, the Corpus would win the war against the grineer and take over the Origin System very quickly, can't say much for the infestation however.


Can you imagine a Mutalist Bursa?

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I read through everyone's comments here, and I wonder if some people consider the myriad of different situations people face before they make judgements replies? someone says "Corpus isn't a problem, I just pop the bubble, drop talons on the mines... etcetera" At what level are you talking about? What game mode? People give "advice" for how to "easily" dispatch the Corpus - again, what game mode are you talking about? What mission? What level are you referring to?

Of course for most experienced players Corpus or any faction at level 5 is easy. If you see a Nullifier at level 10 it's nothing to deal with. I don't think the OP or other people making these topics (myself included) are talking about ANY LEVEL of play - although the Corpus does become broken much earlier than anything else in Warframe. I'm not a supreme player, nut up to a certain level I don't think I should have problems making it. My challenge threshold has been at least level 60 for years, but lately in the case of the Corpus that bar has lowered to 25 - 30. I got an unwelcome surprise, leaving a spy mission at that level, with my stealth gear and a Loki prime - finding my load out to be totally useless due to the proliferation of units that disable / nullify / ignore abilities, skills, buffs and defenses. I thought DE turned away from that over a year ago when they scaled back the hidden effect of Exumus units? Remember they gave visual notification because nobody could tell a unit was an Eximus, until all of their enegy was drained. DE also nerfed the Eximus power, so we didn't become affected simply because an Eximus entered the room, and they stopped Eximus from affecteing players through walls. it seems they have gone back on that, only this time it is with the Corpus.

I believe challenge in Warframe should be turned on it's head. It IS lazy to take away our abilities. Our abilities is why many of us play. i like the powers a Warframe has. Why would someone put on an exoskeleton with super powers and not use them? To me that sounds ridiculous, even stupid. Imagine Superman deciding to fight crime but never to use his super powers... kind of a waste, imo. "millions of people are going to die if I don't get tothat nuclear reactor 3000 miles away in ten minutes... well, they will have to die because that's flying there is the same as 'Press 4 to win'... I'll see if I can get a flight, but I doubt a plane will get me there in 10 minutes... Well at least they get a Super Prayer...". People use the term "Press 4 to Win" as if it is a bad thing - not bad to me, I can press 4 because I built my Warframe to have the energy reserve, the intensity, the range, etcetera to do so. I didn't spend all those fusion cores into my mods NOT to use my abilities. And without abilities every Warframe is dead meet in about 2 seconds. Your weapons (which also regularly get nerfed) can only get you so far, the enemies far outclass anything you can do without your abilities - pertaining to higher levels.

And the game is called "Warframe", not "Warshooter".

Back to what I was saying about the challenge being turned on it's head - the challenge should be for the Devs to create... challenge... by creating the challenge to the abilities - not by limiting our abilities. The higher level we go, the more reliance on our abilities should occur, and that IS the situation - but our abilities are getting turned off. If they did not turn off our abilities, then what? How is that not challenging? It was challenging in the past - why not now? In the past, before they started nullifying and gimping our abilities, people would go on 4+ hour Defense / Survival runs. These people were happy and felt like they were achieving something. Who had a problem with it? People who do more talking than playing. I mean if your doing it you must be enjoying it? The only people who make sense to complain are the people who are not doing it. So in comes the ability blocking units and now people are like "hope we can make it to 60 minutes". Sure there are people who can go longer, but that is reserved for the very elite now where it used to be most people with decent equipment and maxed frames. The challenge is now an affront to players who play because they like the special aspects of Warframe, and being a tough CYBER ninja (lets not forget the CYBER part, kiddies) in space. DE needs to challenge us WITH our abilities. What high level content is in Warframe that challenges us without limiting our abilities? Limiting our abilities cannot be the only type of challenge they can come up with, and doesn't that get monotonous after you realize that at a certain level the only challenge you face is if you can fight without abilities? (Answer being, no you cannot). When does a party leave an unending mission? When their abilities (and weapons) are not doing anything. You start to get overrun because you cannot control or kill the enemy efficiently and fast enough, so you leave. So now that has been forced to happen sooner with these cheap units.

I really do not believe these issues are introduced due to game balancing, because they are not balancing the game. My conspiracy theory says it's about server load. Notice everything introduced ultimately limits how much time you can spend in missions? Sure there is an effect on short missions like Extermination - but look what happened to unending missions. The amount of time people are able to spend in those missions compared to a year or so ago has been dramatically reduced overall. I think - and this is just what I think, I really don't know anything - in order to reduce costs and the need to spend money on expanding / upgrading equipment, the band aid is to make the game like it is so people are not able to spend time on it like they used to. (Also if anyone remembers there was actual DE staff telling people they hate farming and camping, and focused on stopping people from spending hours in Survival missions - all of this, I think have more to do with how much resources they are willing to spend to keep in step with an expanding userbase that might want to get in there and break records - something people aren't even trying anymore due to the attitudes against long missions and the aggressive anti-ability game design. but that is just my conspiracy theory - remember I don't know nuthin'). Why were they showering people with media coverage and accolades for doing 20 hour Survival runs one year and telling us how they hate people doing the same thing the next? Has to be more to it than "game balance"...

in any case, it's DE's game, if it rises or falls they can only blame themselves. They control it and they can listen to the userbase or not. I just hoe they start making better decisions that open up varied possibilities and respects all types of game styles, and does not continue to pigeon-hole us into the most boring game style of all - "Call of Duty Frame" - just put on some clothes and gun run your way through...


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Not a lot of people like fighting corpus since they provide more aggressive anti-warframe tactics. That's where the player decides how to tackle the faction, with consideration to the challenge.

I don't feel like Corpus has been cheap at all with the changes made. They are technologically advanced and having this advantage means we have to adjust from just run gun and spamming, to run, gun and paying ATTENTION.

So the complaint against the current Corpus roster is a complaint stemming from not wanting to adjust a few things to meet the challenge with proper action.

Anyone here can do at least 1hr of survival on Palus, Pluto. Solo or in group. The key is simply paying attention to the current unit pool during the mission and adjusting priority targets. HOWEVER, that is what people don't like. They don't want to think, they just want to shred everything without consideration to the point that the "challenge" is inconsequential to their need for nuking hordes out right.

(Shameful enough, this has been a trend with players in this game for a long time.)

I think the only solution DE can make is adjust the current unit roster to not include nulifiers. That is the safest change they can make.

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On 3/25/2016 at 9:24 AM, Robm said:

LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

Toxic response.


Why the moderators don't remove these kinds of posts is beyond me.

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I really don't get why people are complaining about Nullifiers Scrambus/Comba Bursa.

And by that I mean i get it; they are annoying. But isn't that a good thing? I Personally hate Corrupted Bombards and their rapid fire salvo of rockets. I can still remember before they were added to the void, it was easy. Now they seem to spawn in threes with Ancients behind the mob. And though I find them really annoying that challenged me to get better to mitigate their presence. If the game wasn't challenging me in a new way every now and again I might have dropped it a long time ago. Sometimes you just got to git gud.


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15 hours ago, (XB1)freakytiki3 said:

I really don't get why people are complaining about Nullifiers Scrambus/Comba Bursa.

And by that I mean i get it; they are annoying. But isn't that a good thing? I Personally hate Corrupted Bombards and their rapid fire salvo of rockets. I can still remember before they were added to the void, it was easy. Now they seem to spawn in threes with Ancients behind the mob. And though I find them really annoying that challenged me to get better to mitigate their presence. If the game wasn't challenging me in a new way every now and again I might have dropped it a long time ago. Sometimes you just got to git gud.


Where can one get that sigil?? ;)

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I actually run Corpus missions a lot, for the pseudo challenges they present that doesn't involve the bullet sponge syndrome the Grineer suffer from. That said, there are quite a few units I have qualms with:

  1. Nullifier Crewman - why is this guy a sniper, with damage that can 1HKO? There are lots of Corpus weapons to choose from, maybe an Amprex?
  2. Sapping Osprey - AoE fields of blinding light that make you drop dead the moment you step inside... change their damage to shields-only. Please.
  3. Comba / Scrambus - invisible fields of power negation. At least give us more telegraphing of their nullifying aside from the non-directional sound pings. Make their helmets tether energy beams to us or something.

Bursas aren't that bad after their changes, but we'll see if any more glitches show up.

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i've made a solo survival on pluto vs corpus, it was very very funny, dodge all the lasers, wall run, wall catch, spores (i play saryn), primary targets kills etc


Seriously the corpus is the funniest faction in this game.

Infested = Victims, too easy

Grineers: Hitscan weapons + aimbot combo = Not funny at all, to move is useless, we have to cheat against them

Corrupted: Bad tile sets

Edited by IamTheSparta
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I really don't see the issue with Corpus. When facing them in sorties, the only enemie I really worry about are the Osprey's that drop those GOD FORSAKEN MINES!!!11!! UGH!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!!

But really, they're not that bad. At least they are not bullet sponges you have to stun for 10 seconds until you sufficiently unloaded 3 magazines in there head. *COUGH* Heavy Gunners, Corrupted Bombards, Napalms, most infested with the Armour Aura *cough* Again, aside from a Mine from an Opsrey, the Corupus doin't one shot me where as there are PLENTY of enemies in the Grineer faction that do so. 

"Oh you have ballistic Shooting Gallery up so you can pump sweet Sudden Justice into that Heavy Gunner? Let me snipe you out side your power range for using a PVP only mod in PVE, sucker!" ~ Ballistica

"95% damage reduction? WELL GUESS WHAT, MESA? NAPALM STICKS TO KIDS!" ~Napalm

"You know what's funny? Me mounting you while I shred your face apart..." Manic

*Ground Slam* *Squeeze Trigger until swiss cheese...in 3 seconds* "Should of had Hand Spring QT/Rage Noob. Melee  only blows." Heavy Gunner

As for the Infested, sometimes  I don't even see the stupid magnetic crawlers that completely drain my energy and drop me to 2 HP out of freaking nowhere! And again, Infested seem to have the most OP Auras allowing their whole faction to become bullet sponges that do damage directly to health and bypass your shields.

If there is one thing I appreciate about fighting Corpus is that you can easily bypass their shields and damage their health directly and you can kill them a lot faster than other factions. You can one shot their whole squad if you Gas/Toxic proc hits hard enough.

Yeah, Corpus are strong against powers because they're weak to weapons. Unlike Grineer or to a much lesser extent Infested, who can tank just about everything you throw at them if you don't do proper target prioritization. That is not so much of an issue with Corpus.

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If Sapping drones and nullies had a hard and persistent amount they are limited to spawn, it would be far more tolerable, I get what you say, not totally in line with it, but I get it, DE should revisit end-game stuff and eliminate "insta-kill things.

A good way of fighting nullifiers could be just enabling certain weapons with innate punch through to bypass their bubble, so you would be able to shot them at the expense of bringing a not so end-game primary or secondary which can handle them form a distance.

I think that the biggest problem is not the existence of certain mobs or abilities from the faction but the degree they are spawned at. Most of the issues I've noticed with the game are actually mostly "Calibration" related issues and not actual design problems.

Bursas are also problematic (well... they were, now they are weak af with the recent update), specially the one with rockets.


The part I don't agree with you, OP, is simply the fact that this is a co-op game and you may be trying to get past what a single player is able to handle, even Bruce Lee would lose fighting against 20 guys at the same time, it isn't a matter of skill but a plain and simple lack of balance because you are trying to handle way too much. I want to believe you are talking specifically about endless content, because short missions don't have enough lvl to be a real problem.

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I wonder if there are people dumb enough to defend an enemy that instantly kills/puts in downed state any warframe on sight. Like grineer commander can instantly teleport a player, but here it would be instant kill instead of teleport.

I suspect there are people like that, since somebody actually defends nullifiers. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

I wonder if there are people dumb enough to defend an enemy that instantly kills/puts in downed state any warframe on sight. Like grineer commander can instantly teleport a player, but here it would be instant kill instead of teleport.

I suspect there are people like that, since somebody actually defends nullifiers. 

You are a PS4 players, you cant wallrun / air glide + shot the enemys with efficiency, sorry for you, but for a good PC player who know how to use the moves, the corpus is the best faction in the game, their units, their NON HITSCAN WEAPONS, their tileset, everything is awesome in the corpus.

Edited by IamTheSparta
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I only agree to an extent.

Before I say anything I must make it clear I think nulers are perfect, and I will never vote to delete them.


I think it's very theme suited for the corpus to disable our abilities, because let's be honest they think before they fight. What is the best way to counter these void abominations ? Well, pretty much disable their "super void powers." That is very suited for their style, when we Tennos can't counter with our abilities we are just meatbags with guns that can jump higher and run faster than them. So it's very themed suiting for the corpus to fight in this way, HOWEVER I do agree enough is enough. With the last few enemy updates, it's all about disabling our abilities, I do love the bursas, well done DE. But do look at the matter of this post, disabling abilities gets boring very quick. Now that we have nulers for all point abilities disable, the new ones separately disabling attack and buff abilities, I think it's already enough. I think it's time for more new diversity for both Corpus and other fictions to get some new common units, and when I said common units I mean as common as lancer, crewman, and charger. Something very common but post a bit higher threat than the regular lancer, crewman, or charger. Making the early game slightly more interesting.


I think for most veteran players, the biggest burnout point is when they enjoy challenging situations, but they don't want to wait an hour in survs or defs doing brain dead killings, that in all honesty is boring as hell and wasting time. So if DE really don't wish to add new common enemies, go with your original plans for the new survs, make the enemies scale faster, instead of taking 20 mins for AABC to rotate, make it 4 mins or 5 mins, get the challenge out quicker. Look at most of the higher end players' games, it's ridiculous, they aren't just slaughtering enemies, they are massacring. when DE wants to generate ideas of new enemies, please force one rule into your process : "Regardless of the level of this unit, it is capable of generating the same amount of threat to the players. The best example of your work is the nuler, where regardless of its level it does what it was created to do, higher level means higher damage output and health only. 


Anyways, I shouldn't expect this would be read by DE, but just laying this out, cheers.

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