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Valha's Fan Doodles. Update 11/4/'13 Super Sketchy Hawkframe


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Stalker should have some buddies! Here are my concepts, including some Nega-Weapons.


Nemesis - based on the character of the same name from Dark Sector.

Powers: She throws lightning like Volt, and can generate a shield that reflects bullets back at the attacker.


Spite: A massive double edged blade. Although it works similarly to the Glaive, it doesn't bounce, it penetrates.

Grief: A revolver styled hand cannon that fires high velocity bolts.

Terror: A 'bow' class weapon. She carries a large case in her left hand, which manufactures folding throwing blades. The blades snap open and can be thrown, functioning like a slow charging bow.

Hunter - the sniper of Stalker's cell of rogue Tenno.

Powers: She can turn invisible and teleport


Indolence: A two handed long sword. It's far faster than Gram, but is also much weaker.

Forlorn: An unusually large sub-machine gun. It's slower firing than other machine pistols, but has very good accuracy.

Menace: Essentially a nega-Latron, this weapon has even greater stopping power than Latron Prime, unfortunately it uses sniper ammo.

Scourge: A close combatant, specializing in dual wielding.

Powers: Spin attacks with daggers (like a slow, homing slash-dash) and throws cluster grenades.

Guilt: A matched pair of hooked daggers.

Blame: Two energy pistols. They can fire rapidly or charge to deal force field damage(ragdolls enemies)

Envy: A pair of matched burst firing shotguns. That fire bolts. Yup.

Next up, I heard that people don't like the Necro frame because they felt it was "too fantasy". In response I present Alfar, the Ranger frame!


Designed as well rounded combatants specializing in hit and run guerrilla tactics, the Alfar are rarely seen, especially by the enemies of the Tenno. At least until it's too late.

Health: medium

Armor: low

Shields: medium

Speed: good

Energy: medium


1. Quick shot: Alfar fires bolts from it's shoulder pylons. Increasing skill rank fires more bolts.

2. Snare: Alfar marks a spot on the ground with it's energy. It stays in place until an enemy steps into the area. When it does an energy tether drags it up to the air, where it hangs helplessly for a few seconds.

3. Camouflage: Alfar spreads a mass of fast growing plant matter. These genetically engineered pseudo plants have photovoltic cells, rendering any Tenno and allies within them invisible. Unfortunately the plant's supercharged metabolic rate causes them to die in seconds.

4. Withering Volley: By dumping energy into it's shoulder pylons, Alfar can fire a massive volley of homing explosive bolts.

And lastly



This disturbing Infested weapon is alive, and capable of consuming biomass in the field to grow more powerful.

It starts as a dagger, but as you kill enemies it's function changes. When an enemy is slain it dissolves and it's constituent particles are drawn into the weapon. When enough biomass is gathered it catalyzes and the weapon grows larger and more powerful. If it goes too long without 'feeding' it's excess biomass will die and fall off.

0 kills: It functions as a slow and powerful dagger.

5 kills: The Slough becomes a longsword. When performing a charge attack it deals heavy toxin damage and reverts back to it's dagger form.

15 kills: The Slough becomes a greatsword. It's charge attack holds the sword high over your head (He-man pose :P) and then strikes it against the ground, creating a chemical explosion that knocks down enemies. After the explosion it reverts to dagger form.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Wow! A wild DE appears! Thanks James *3*

Don't worry 11.11.11, without saying too much (Design Council and all) the loot-inel looks nothing like a parrot. As awesome as that would be :P


I really hope it doesn't turn out to be the loot-inel...not that it's a bad idea. I just believe there are better options, and a looting ability would be better an alternate precept for all sentinels.

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Well you know, magic space ninjas and all. Dynamic entry also references Warhammer 40k, which works 'cause "Void Demons".


Also could be interpreted as a means of inserting test mediums into particle accelerators moments before the tachyon beam actually hits the target. <_< 

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SPACE PIRATES! From here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15939-suggestion-new-faction-space-pirates/

This is the just first batch, expect the next few after the long weekend.


Light Pirates

These are the primary boarding crew, lightly armoured and clad in cheap mass produced space-suits. They all have EVA packs that allow them to hop around and scoot out of gunfire. Their large bubble helmets will also protect them from one headshot, but unlike Corpus helms they shatter and become useless.

I think instead of having set roles like the Grineer or Corpus soldiers, light Pirates could spawn with a base model, and then get a random weapon (usually a pirate weapon) and powerset.

Scavenger(first 2): random melee weapon

Marauder (second 2): random rifle or pistol


None: most pirates don't get anything special

Medic: can deploy shield pylons, 1 way shields that heal and cure any debuffs on pirates using them for cover.

Brigadier: wield scrap metal tower shields with ports to fire a rifle through.

Trapper: lay down trip mines, proxy mines and cluster door bombs.

Pirate Militia

Found as very weak cannon fodder on pirate islands. They have no armour and no EVA pack.


Specially trained pirate women with more advanced EVA packs. They can wallrun and wield specialized pirate SMGs.

Hunting Beast

Mutated dogs, dredged from the depths of polluted hive worlds. They are so wild and dangerous they easily go berserk, attacking their masters and foes alike.


Freedom: A semi-automatic battle rifle. They are made personally as a right of passage to the rank of Marauder.

Breaker: A 3 barreled multi-stacked slug pistol.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Did it again Valha. These are awesome. Now, you know we need an epic pirate captain, and the scavengers better wield energy cutlasses, and maybe those grapple hooks the devs showed but haven't put in.


Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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SPACE PIRATES! From here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15939-suggestion-new-faction-space-pirates/

This is the just first batch, expect the next few after the long weekend.


Light Pirates

These are the primary boarding crew, lightly armoured and clad in cheap mass produced space-suits. They all have EVA packs that allow them to hop around and scoot out of gunfire. Their large bubble helmets will also protect them from one headshot, but unlike Corpus helms they shatter and become useless.

I think instead of having set roles like the Grineer or Corpus soldiers, light Pirates could spawn with a base model, and then get a random weapon (usually a pirate weapon) and powerset.

Scavenger(first 2): random melee weapon

Marauder (second 2): random rifle or pistol


None: most pirates don't get anything special

Medic: can deploy shield pylons, 1 way shields that heal and cure any debuffs on pirates using them for cover.

Brigadier: wield scrap metal tower shields with ports to fire a rifle through.

Trapper: lay down trip mines, proxy mines and cluster door bombs.

Pirate Militia

Found as very weak cannon fodder on pirate islands. They have no armour and no EVA pack.


Specially trained pirate women with more advanced EVA packs. They can wallrun and wield specialized pirate SMGs.

Hunting Beast

Mutated dogs, dredged from the depths of polluted hive worlds. They are so wild and dangerous they easily go berserk, attacking their masters and foes alike.


Freedom: A semi-automatic battle rifle. They are made personally as a right of passage to the rank of Marauder.

Breaker: A 3 barreled multi-stacked slug pistol.

added this art to the Pirates post! Thanks!

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More pirate stuff. Not as much as I thought I'd have, but I'll share what I've got.


A more detailed view of the basic pirate spacesuit. This is a brand new Scavenger, without any looted gear.


Alpha Beast

These horrific monsters are so mutated they aren't technically dogs anymore. They are well trained and intelligent, capable of controlling their lesser brethren's rages and directing it towards the enemy only.


More weapons!

Hacksaw: a compact burst shotgun. Designed to fight the Infested, it fires tiny curved blades that can cut right through enemies. It deals serrated blade damage with .5 meter penetration.

Flintlock: a oneshot sticky firebomb launcher.

Boarding Axe: a very basic melee weapon, often used by low level Scavengers.

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