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I Don't Feel Welcome (Anymore)


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Just like the title says. IDK why. I kind of stopped playing this game a month ago because I was frustrated that I couldn't get another Warframe. I'm still Excalibur at mastery level 3. So I started playing today because I saw the PS4 trailer on youtube today. So the first mission, this Mag keeps on pulling me over and edge and laughed and cursed me as a "noob" over mic. (BTW I have a pretty bad computer so I lag a lot). My screen eventually just glitched out to this blackish gray color. I was stuck in the mission but couldn't see anything. So I alt+f4 and I thought to myself,"typical d-bag". I started another mission and this time my team ditched me every time there was an elevator and the toxic ancients just killed me. They didn't even come back to revive. I used to like the Warframe community but it seems a little like the LoL community now. I'm not saying that two matches say it all or everyone out there is bad. What I'm saying is that there are toxic people out there who are slowly poisoning the game. Thanks for reading. Any bad experiences you guys can share about? Tell me below, would love to hear about it! :)

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I had some guy take me to and teach me all about the void and what the traps do / how to deactivate them and alot of secrets just because I ran all the way back to revive him on a mission ( which seemed like a normal thing to do to me).


*There's always alot of nice people on online games , sadly most players meet the bad ones first and quit :( *

Edited by archiadus
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advice ..

1. dont let the trolls win ..

2. in deffence with randoms stick to the pod

3. find some good people to play with 

4. revive others

5. mark uncommon or rare resources and mods with g

6. all ways follow #1 dem trolls ...


if you would like i can help you farm the frame you want

Edited by XfynxX
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i suggest getting with a clan. things always get better for me when im with people that are cool to be around.



MetalGerbil is right, finding a nice clan can make all the difference.



I had some guy take me to and teach me all about the void and what the traps do / how to deactivate them and alot of secrets just because I ran all the way back to revive him on a mission ( which seemed like a normal thing to do to me).


*There's always alot of nice people on online games , sadly most players meet the bad ones first and quit :( *



advice ..

1. dont let the trolls win ..

2. in deffence with randoms stick to the pod

3. find some good people to play with 

4. revive others

5. mark uncommon or rare resources and mods with g

6. all ways follow #1 dem trolls ...


if you would like i can help you farm the frame you want

Thank you guys. All your answers helped :)

Edited by ThePopoRider
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There are toxic people- sure. As others have stated, finding and playing with a clan is probably the easiest and best way to avoid this.

Of course, I do enjoy pugs every now and then. There's nothing more satisfying than teabagging instead of reviving a loki who's died mere minutes after trolling teammates with switch teleport. ;-)

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This game's community is pretty bad, yeah. Playing with randoms is a nightmare because of it. Nothing quite like getting radical hostility for suggesting we defend the pod on higher waves of a defense mission. Then sighing as everyone dies and has to revive just so we don't lose everything.

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Sometimes it's just bad luck, i usually end up with a nice team, but once in a defence mission, we had 3 good peeps and one mag that pulled me away from mobs once he/she realised i go for melee combat. The mission was going good but the pull thing kept happening and i was getting frustrated, we were at wave 18 and the momment came for revenge, i saw a pack of 5 disruptors and 1 toxic ancient, jumped in the air got close to them went invisible and switch teleported (god bless loki XD) the mag into that S*it storm, needless to say everybody hasitated on reviving and he/she died. So just keep on hoping for those good people m8 alot of them out there. I tend to help, if asked for help, if you are in the EU andi am online just chilling you can look me up.


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it's not a problem of warframe, it's a problem of a whole gaming community. It's flooding with poorly educated children who want to pew pew zombies all day long. And it's not a surprise that flashy warframes attract them to this game.

t's kind of off topic but I've had a perfect example on battlefield bad company 2 yesterday (yes i still play it)
A kid named HumanKiller1999 was sitting in spawn whole 20 min round and emptying everything he got into teammates even though they took no damage (and gave no S#&$ about it). Eventually he found another one of his kind and they were literally looking at each other and spraying bullets and rockets. Not that many players do this in WF but i've seen a lot acting very stupid and trying to troll.

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There are toxic people- sure. As others have stated, finding and playing with a clan is probably the easiest and best way to avoid this. Of course, I do enjoy pugs every now and then. There's nothing more satisfying than teabagging instead of reviving a loki who's died mere minutes after trolling teammates with switch teleport. ;-)

Lol, good show,... good show ;)

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*sigh* You know what grinds my gear? People that can't acknowledge that no matter where you go the community will remain the same, because you are still living on the same planet and you will still find the same players in other games, ok, maybe there will be differences here and there, based on genre of the game and how strongly people can affect each other's gameplay,

But you know what? Besides screaming little dipS#&$s i don't want it any other way. I want to interact with player even more, i want so that each player can affect their gameplay even stronger, you know why? Not because of griefing.. oh no.. but because you will have stronger bounds between players. 

In this case, what you are going to do? Whine a little bit more (rich coming from me, lol) or make some friends and make a fun gameplay out of this game. 

And by the way LoL community is fine, for a competitive game with anonymity. (Think about "real life" soccer/football community.... yeah...now imagine if they could do whatever they want with anonymous face - would turn out much more than trashed city after bad match.)  

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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I havent had any bad experiences as of late but just remember that every community has A******s. I mean when I play with newbies i tend to answer any question they have and/or help them unlock planets. Well the ones that talk anyway but point is you will find a share of helpful people as well as jackasses.

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I actually found the people around here much nicer than, for instance, Vindictus. BullS#&$ elitism pretty much ruined the game for me there. It didn't help much that that game was much, much more pay2win than Warframe, so there was a load of really poorly skilled players with huffed up egos because of their high stats.


I pug around much more than in other MMOs that I played, and the biggest issue that I ran into was that everyone is pretty much mute. The few people who did talk to me a bit more are in my friends list... and I can't join any of their games due to bugs -__-


Uh... what I want to say is: you had a bad patch, don't let it get you down. Keep rockin'.

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it's not a problem of warframe, it's a problem of a whole gaming community. It's flooding with poorly educated children who want to pew pew zombies all day long. And it's not a surprise that flashy warframes attract them to this game.

t's kind of off topic but I've had a perfect example on battlefield bad company 2 yesterday (yes i still play it)

A kid named HumanKiller1999 was sitting in spawn whole 20 min round and emptying everything he got into teammates even though they took no damage (and gave no S#&$ about it). Eventually he found another one of his kind and they were literally looking at each other and spraying bullets and rockets. Not that many players do this in WF but i've seen a lot acting very stupid and trying to troll.

Yeaaahhhh I still play that game too! Better than Bf3

also completely agree with the whole players thing. I had a defense game once, on Kiliken. We had this excalibur who died pretty frequently. At some random point in the game, he (who was mute until then) just exclaims "LOL I STUCK A SWORD UP THAT GAIZ AS*". Yep, it was one of those idiot parents letting their 5 year-olds on 13+ games again.

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