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New Contest: A Full Warframe House


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1 hour ago, Morier23 said:

Here's my entry :)

Rhino King Card with faction variants


Good luck to everyone participating :3

If you can make all the frames into cards I will be more than willing to physically conceptualize and make a 3-player Commanding card game based on these. Good luck everyone! I hope so see some cool cards!!

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Hi everyone!

Thank you DE for hosting the contest.

It's always fun to have a little backstory but you can just skip directly to the submission if you are so inclined. Good luck to everyone and it's cool to see so many great cards!


Baro Ki'Teer handed over a small object for being a frequent, loyal customer. Not that there was anyone else that visited the area with supplies...but whatever. He apologized profusely (again) for not having anything new...(again). I stood there continuing to look at him funny. What the heck was I going to do with another heavy case of ducats? I was running out of room in the liset as it was. I couldn't count how many times I kept stubbing on the navigation console. Actually, now that I thought about it, Baro was the reason why I didn't have a nice chair to sit in!

He promised he'd have a prime flow this time. The little fraud held out on me.  Sighing I looked back at my hand. The object  was wrapped securely in a Corpus cipher lock. Of course he conveniently didn't remember the code to open it though. I was really, really, trying my hardest not to pull out my Regulators.

This little box would make up the lost time and wasted effort farming in the void? I think I ran into Vor like 17 times yesterday! I glared at Baro. He finally started to look a little nervous. I felt like chucking a argon crystal at his head. Or something larger....sharper. Would the Orthos work?

I flinched when a loud voice burst in my head.

"Operator...I've finished running diagnostics...that's a...."

"Shut up Ordis!" I groaned exasperatedly.  My eye started twitching.

Baro offhandedly mentioned it was part of a rare card set from before the Old War. Apparently the resale value was more than twice the cost of the Pluto relay. Not sure if I believed him or not... Pristine condition? Pffft. I wasn't even going to bother opening it. The jerk. I didn't even want to know what he had to do to get his hands on this "rare" find.

Well...maybe I could give it to the Lotus. She was always gifting me things. This time, I could return the favor. Maybe also cosign that kubrow that just incubated since I'm allergic to the little fur ball. Silly thing is of no use in a fight anyway. If I had to go through one more day of the ship smelling like Grineer foot fungus mixed with putrid Golem gas I was going to put myself back in stasis.



This was done digitally using ArtRage. 

Bubba5234sGal - Lock n Load Clan 

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15 hours ago, tommor said:

Posting just for fun. I know im disqualified cos none of the artworks are mine but hope someone will enjoy this. Credit for each artwork goes to its respectfull owner ^-^. After all is said i present the chibi frame deck *-*. ScE94JP.jpg



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I've posted before in here but this time it's to officialy enter the contest.

This are my entries: 

Behold: The Warframe TCG



All i did was sketch the Excal with the Skana and everything else was made with MS Paint. 

But, my printer wasn't cooperating with me and was all like: "Hey, i have almost no ink... here, have some "holos" of you own cards"

That's why the cards are almost unreadable on the pics.

Anyway here are the digital and original versions:



Back of the cards: 


And the Excal image i made for the cards:


I don't want to win but at least give me a A+ for effort lol

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2 hours ago, Wreav66 said:



Felt like doing something other than cards so here`s our heros/tenno riding a train ! xD

That is just a print screen from my hype train video. Firstly it doesn't even fit this contest, so can't win, secondly it's not even your work! Why do this?

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2 hours ago, Wreav66 said:


Felt like doing something other than cards so here`s our heros/tenno riding a train ! xD

You did not do this, this was part of the "Hype Train" animation made by MDRLOz, don't go stealing other peoples work and post it around like you made it.

Or do you work for Konami?

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19 hours ago, X16.ALPHA.CONFIG said:

hmmm seems one sided content creator and slap something up but the regular joe with no photoshop skill or anything can only sit and watch


You don't have to do it digitally. You could hand draw.

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