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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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17 minutes ago, Kalel_087 said:


Nova Frost and better at those missions

notice how he says for it might be hard for Valkyr. YES valkr is good at some things and at other things not so much, like every frame.

Hysteria isnt hated. YOU just hate hysteria, and people just screaming nerf nerf nerf. 

Fact: hysteria makes you melee so you can't do anything to things that fly

Fact: hysteria isnt the only Valkyr build. So saying you hate it or saying this makes the character boring has no base.

Do you also hate the Warcry build?

Fact: people that use Warcry drip into Hysteria as a last resort to heal up and then back into the fight, there is a lot of fun seeing how close you can get to death.


All this being said, not everyone will like every frame. and in group play there are MUCH better frames than valkyr. Specially in Mobile Defense, sabotage rescue, Spy (i am looking at those frames that can do stealth kills) 

Yes there is a ground if Valkyr hysteria slowed everything in a 10 feet radius around her, pulled them to her + everything she has now, + she gets a aoe burn that is not effected by distance reduction.

I personally thing Hysteria is in a very good place, It is a very fun frame that new and old players can enjoy.

Fact: then who is screaming nerf if not me and what are they screaming nerf about?

fact: you are invincible and do godlike damage

fact: it doesn't matter what Some people use what we are talking about is hysteria

fact:hysteria and warcry are entirely different skills 

fact:many players just spam hysteria the warcryers are a minority(if you play with valkyrs often you know this)

fact: yes stealth based frames are good at stealth...what does this have to do with hysteria/valkyr?

fact:hysteria is a lazy skill and is NOT in a good place and it's likely you just want to keep it because it makes the game easy.(key word: likely)

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On 4/3/2016 at 3:48 PM, -BE-VoltageKg said:

See I do not understand how Valkyr is "dull" or "OP". Her 4 scales sooo bad in late/end game and she is actually really fun IMO. I run 3 forma Dur and 299% Str with Eternal War. I get to run around with my Jat Kitty Blast machine with Weeping Wounds, Blood Rush, Primed Reach, and Body Count, and release sparkle hammer. Valkyr is always complained about because she has invulnerability, but I guess I play her differently. I just do not get the salt people have against Valkyr and her potential.


Please no salt I am just wondering. Do alot of others play my way too? Or am I alone? I just think Valkitty needs some love and I am so hyped for Ice Hammer. :clem:

People have their own preferences and love to shove them in your face like their opinions mean something. Forget them. Play how you want and have fun. 

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4 hours ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

You just said hysteria isn't op when it is... Just because some people don't use it doesn't mean it's not op. It does insane damage in exchange for no range and Valkyrie invincible. Against grinner she's God, you basically can't kill her if she is using hysteria and has energy. There are less than a hand full of frames that can do spy what's your point valleys strength is survival and she's op at that. She's not good she's op at that. You just compared warcry(speed) to hysteria (invincibility and godlike damage).........wot?

Grineer and Infested both have no real answers to Warframe powers. Maniacs are the only thing for Grineer which can only purge and only spawn about every 15 minutes, and the Ancient Disruptors are hilariously easy to get around. If it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't even know they had anti-energy stuff.

However, this is more of a flaw in the design of those factions. Especially if DE is okay with energy being a non factor thanks to things like Trinity and Zenurik, then those factions really just need counter-parts to the Nullifier and Comba/Scrambus. Not the exact same mechanics, but something to help them against ability spam.

Because it's not just Valkyr that the Grineer and Infested can't kill if they're using one ability and have energy.

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12 hours ago, Kalel_087 said:

warframe that can solo every Sortie mission simply because of her 4.......She is a solo frame. And no she cant solo every storie mission.

1) if its just Questing,... there is a yes IF you turn of your hysteria to save every and have the right mods maxed out. AND WE ALL KNOW new players gets all there mods for free just the way they want them for valkyr. 

NOW since you said because of her 4 so lets make a bet you do Storie mission mo primary, no secoundry, no using melee unles you have 4 the golden 4 on.

2) IF sortie missions means unlocking every planet by

A) killing the bosses. NO she cant solo She hits a bump. try taking on the flying bosses

b) if it means actually unlocking your way to the bosses EVEN then 4 will not get you there. I hated HATED defense and extraction missions.

END game. SHE can only do survival. 

Try void defense or raids with her and let me know how OP she really is

So stop trolling.

I'm not even sure why this would be a mystery to you. When you have a warframe that can solo every Sortie mission simply because of her 4, yes she will get some hate. There's no argument whatsoever that can refute the idea that she's OP. She is OP and everyone knows that. Whether people find that a problem or not is the debate.


First off, Please don't accuse someone of trolling if you don't actually see trolling. I can understand if you don't know the definition but I can feel confident that you do.

Your arguments are honestly really grasping at straws. Something that is defined as "OP" doesn't always mean they can do everything in the game the best. The term "OP" is strongly used in this game to refer to frames that have insane survivability or simply cannot die. There are very, VERY few situations that she cannot solo a sortie mission. The flying boss is at best annoying, but not impossible; which is fine because she cannot die. Defense missions are not a problem as the first 5 waves are a complete joke and the artifact can take far more punishment than what is dealt in the first 5 waves. Extractor missions are the only ones that she may have some difficulty in open areas, but not impossible for just one extractor required to complete the level, and even then you can avoid these missions to unlock every planet for the most part.

Finally, there is no such thing as a "Solo" frame. This game is exclusively played online and designed for co-op with the OPTION to play solo if desired. She does, however lack good team abilities that would make her shine in a squad the way, say Banshee does.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, any game designed similarly to Warframe that's an action third-person rpg/shooter should not introduce the player to the ability to be completely invincible for entire missions without any challenge at all. I also place Inaros and Ivara in these categories to a lesser or greater extent. We should never feel invincible...Powerful maybe, but never invincible.

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1 hour ago, Radjehuty said:

I'm not even sure why this would be a mystery to you. When you have a warframe that can solo every Sortie mission simply because of her 4, yes she will get some hate. There's no argument whatsoever that can refute the idea that she's OP. She is OP and everyone knows that. Whether people find that a problem or not is the debate.


First off, Please don't accuse someone of trolling if you don't actually see trolling. I can understand if you don't know the definition but I can feel confident that you do.

Your arguments are honestly really grasping at straws. Something that is defined as "OP" doesn't always mean they can do everything in the game the best. The term "OP" is strongly used in this game to refer to frames that have insane survivability or simply cannot die. There are very, VERY few situations that she cannot solo a sortie mission. The flying boss is at best annoying, but not impossible; which is fine because she cannot die. Defense missions are not a problem as the first 5 waves are a complete joke and the artifact can take far more punishment than what is dealt in the first 5 waves. Extractor missions are the only ones that she may have some difficulty in open areas, but not impossible for just one extractor required to complete the level, and even then you can avoid these missions to unlock every planet for the most part.

Finally, there is no such thing as a "Solo" frame. This game is exclusively played online and designed for co-op with the OPTION to play solo if desired. She does, however lack good team abilities that would make her shine in a squad the way, say Banshee does.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, any game designed similarly to Warframe that's an action third-person rpg/shooter should not introduce the player to the ability to be completely invincible for entire missions without any challenge at all. I also place Inaros and Ivara in these categories to a lesser or greater extent. We should never feel invincible...Powerful maybe, but never invincible.

First I never understood why people say OP in a PVE game, Sure there are things that i did put out to make the game better like a selective queing where players can say which 3 frames they want in there party and which 3 frames they don't want but that would require you to read the other posts.

Second saying there is no such thing as a solo frame means cutting out a player base that sometimes want to solo, but cant at that current time because of other matters like there internet lagging OR watch this where the person couldn't find a group for it. 

Third video with Valkyr doing insane damage, i could do that with any frame. I start a video in the first 5 min or create my own private server where I don't show the build and post a thread where i say Hyrdroid OP where we clearly know that is not the case. Speaking of Hydroid BUFF HYDROID.

Third i said you were trolling because you didn't read any of the previous entries, people did put there ideas forward on hysteria and guess what it comes down to this

a) you think its amazing and Valkyr needs it because the idea is that she is a berserker frame, people need the confidence to go into a fight and if they are doing damage and killing they can keep it up. If not they lose there energy and die.

b) you don't like her play style and thus trying to enforce how you want to play the game onto others who actually enjoy the frame a lot.

NOW there was a argument about she rips one entire faction to shreds. that is not true, i remember if i don't look at my mana carefully it would get drained in a matter of seconds example the melee challenge we had recently :( it happned to me and i learned about these units. Know which frame rips two factions to shreds. Loki with irradiating disarm.

BUT Loki wont be Loki without it neither would valkyr be valkyr without hysteria. a Melee beserker frame.

know whats a GREAT fix take away "god mode" and mana drain BUT give valkyr invisibility and life steal, cleave :) think that is sooo much better don't you. Not having to worry about mana/ energy and just stay invisible out of harms way :) sounds perfect.


Edited by Kalel_087
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3 hours ago, Radjehuty said:

There's no argument whatsoever that can refute the idea that she's OP. She is OP and everyone knows that. Whether people find that a problem or not is the debate.

This is incorrect.  Valkyr isn't overpowered.  Unlike most of the frames she doesn't have an AoE nuke that also doubles as a CC ability.  Having the ability to not die (especially now that she can be drained of energy while in Hysteria) doesn't equate to being overpowered.  It simply means she can't be killed unless her energy is removed which is a pretty constant fact of life at higher levels of play.  It also makes her, practically, no different than any other frame since they can accomplish the same through the use of CC abilities.

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11 hours ago, Kalel_087 said:

First I never understood why people say OP in a PVE game, Sure there are things that i did put out to make the game better like a selective queing where players can say which 3 frames they want in there party and which 3 frames they don't want but that would require you to read the other posts.

Second saying there is no such thing as a solo frame means cutting out a player base that sometimes want to solo, but cant at that current time because of other matters like there internet lagging OR watch this where the person couldn't find a group for it. 

Third video with Valkyr doing insane damage, i could do that with any frame. I start a video in the first 5 min or create my own private server where I don't show the build and post a thread where i say Hyrdroid OP where we clearly know that is not the case. Speaking of Hydroid BUFF HYDROID.

Third i said you were trolling because you didn't read any of the previous entries, people did put there ideas forward on hysteria and guess what it comes down to this

a) you think its amazing and Valkyr needs it because the idea is that she is a berserker frame, people need the confidence to go into a fight and if they are doing damage and killing they can keep it up. If not they lose there energy and die.

b) you don't like her play style and thus trying to enforce how you want to play the game onto others who actually enjoy the frame a lot.

NOW there was a argument about she rips one entire faction to shreds. that is not true, i remember if i don't look at my mana carefully it would get drained in a matter of seconds example the melee challenge we had recently :( it happned to me and i learned about these units. Know which frame rips two factions to shreds. Loki with irradiating disarm.

BUT Loki wont be Loki without it neither would valkyr be valkyr without hysteria. a Melee beserker frame.

know whats a GREAT fix take away "god mode" and mana drain BUT give valkyr invisibility and life steal, cleave :) think that is sooo much better don't you. Not having to worry about mana/ energy and just stay invisible out of harms way :) sounds perfect.


Personally, I feel life strike is pointless with cloaking. I have tried it with Naramon and it's not a great synergy since nothing is harming you typically. I do agree god mode needs to be removed. Maybe remove the drain and make it a duration ability. With the innate life strike, she will already be very survivable and it will definitely make her more fun.

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Personally, I don't get it. I may be a bit biased here because Valkyr is my #1 frame at the moment and recently I have fallen in love with Eternal War (Eternal War + Tonbo = Weedwacker, great in high end stuff), and I somewhat get where some would be angry about a frame that can go invincible while theirs are at the mercy of their enemies, but personally, I never understood the "press key to win" argument because literally every single frame can do just that if modded right, barring Oberon since he would have to be mobile in order to use any of his abilities and maybe Trinity since its more "press 3 keys to win".

Though, the notion of her being useless to a team I have to disagree. Valkyrs can be used for a wide variety of things and can help out the team in a variety of ways. In Survival missions, I find myself being the one who has to charge through 50+ enemies to grab the life support when it falls too low. In interceptions, I know my team can put faith in me since I am capable of defending a point by myself. In honesty, you don't even need an ability to beat a Capture, but ripline is amazing at closing those wide distances. In Spy missions especially, Valkyr's can pull out the clutch when the alarms go off being able to hack the console without taking damage which can be crucial during Sorties and her ripline can lead to some James Bond-esque spying. Even in Defenses, I manage to soak up a lot of bullets meant for the objective. All of these things in addition to basically being field medic for everyone who goes down in the event a Nekros or Trinity isn't nearby. All of these things and the fact that Valkyr is good at close quarters allowing teammates to sit back for a moment and refill their energy while Valkyr charges ahead (Unless you bring a Trinity).

Also on the notion of her being OP, I also have to disagree to some extent on the count of the argument that she brings little to a team. It is actually true, when you have an Ember or Nova that can nuke everything in a room without even being there, your Valkyr's close quarter's nature isn't going to help much. Why would I, as a player, care about someone who can't die on a team when you have that one guy nuking everything on a map so no one has to die? In a Sortie 3 mission, I even saw a Mag nuke everything on a Corpus interception, even managed to kill the nullifiers. I'm just saying, there are frames that can literally sit in a corner and do nothing while their ability does the work. With Valkyr, sitting still just means you can't die, you have to go out and get the kills yourself if you want to contribute anything.

I wouldn't mind her invulnerability being replaced by a major armor buff because either way I'm still going to complete my mission and support my team like I always have and I've sort of gravitated towards Eternal War build than Hysteria so the entire thing is sort of moot IMHO. Just thought I'd contribute some thoughts.

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4 hours ago, FELONY657 said:

Though, the notion of her being useless to a team I have to disagree. Valkyrs can be used for a wide variety of things and can help out the team in a variety of ways. In Survival missions, I find myself being the one who has to charge through 50+ enemies to grab the life support when it falls too low. In interceptions, I know my team can put faith in me since I am capable of defending a point by myself. In honesty, you don't even need an ability to beat a Capture, but ripline is amazing at closing those wide distances. In Spy missions especially, Valkyr's can pull out the clutch when the alarms go off being able to hack the console without taking damage which can be crucial during Sorties and her ripline can lead to some James Bond-esque spying. Even in Defenses, I manage to soak up a lot of bullets meant for the objective. All of these things in addition to basically being field medic for everyone who goes down in the event a Nekros or Trinity isn't nearby. All of these things and the fact that Valkyr is good at close quarters allowing teammates to sit back for a moment and refill their energy while Valkyr charges ahead (Unless you bring a Trinity).

Valkyr is primarily good at two things: Not falling down and killing things in melee. When one of those two things is needed, she does great and is a useful member of the team.

Although from what I gather, many people here are taking missions to such high enemy levels that they'll 1 shot anybody without damage immunity. Since people aren't going to play a full squad of Valkyrs, that means they'll just bring a Mirage to spam blind on everything or something similar. Since the enemy can't fight back, not dying isn't as big of a deal and many frames can wipe groups faster than Valkyr can.

Right now the meta around here seems to be: CC and AoE spam everything down. Since Valkyr isn't good at either of those things with her abilities, she's seen as not very useful to a group.

Funnily enough because of her damage immunity in Hysteria she can cheese a few game modes like Survival and people see her as OP and a crutch for low skilled players as a result. Nevermind that the Mirage I mentioned earlier can CC entire maps and basically can make Interception into a game of AFK farming.

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Valkyr is basically something my friend, who brought me to the game showed off to me before I even began with Warframe... and the fact she's melee angry madness is what got me initially interested in the game. I literally got into the game, with 'I want to build Valkyr', yes. Heh. I can understand why some people dislike it; after all, the 'invincibility' initially did raise my eyebrows as well, as it's fairly "unconvential" for the games to have that possibility - but after seeing possibilities of other frames, I was like 'almost everything seems to be OP in this game, dangnabbit. Thus nothing is OP' <--- jest, but essentially, if you utilize something right, it may seem OP in the eyes of others, in one way or another.

But, as far as I am concerned, the game itself does a nice job in being compelling enough to try other Warframes as well. I think the biggest beauty of Warframe is, that there are so many possibilities how to use something and tailor it to your own gaming preferences & tendencies. Don't hate but embrace, that kind of thing - and, quite often, moreso than anything, a good teamplay often comes down to communication & knowing at least a bit what your team can and can't do; the weapon, in this case, Warframe, is only as good as its' user. :)

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6 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

every time is see these valkyr threads or saryn ones i just weep... 

all frames have a place and fill a roll in game, its just squad dynamics and application

mod it correctly and used correctly it helps not only themselves but others last longer 



Unless they can last practically Forever against 2/3 factions when modded decently or have energy pizzas.....

Thats called OP...then again if Valkyr isnt OP...what is OP pure invincibility and a bublle around you dealing millions of damage....oh wait.

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1 hour ago, jodarkrider said:

Valkyr is basically something my friend, who brought me to the game showed off to me before I even began with Warframe... and the fact she's melee angry madness is what got me initially interested in the game. I literally got into the game, with 'I want to build Valkyr', yes. Heh. I can understand why some people dislike it; after all, the 'invincibility' initially did raise my eyebrows as well, as it's fairly "unconvential" for the games to have that possibility - but after seeing possibilities of other frames, I was like 'almost everything seems to be OP in this game, dangnabbit. Thus nothing is OP' <--- jest, but essentially, if you utilize something right, it may seem OP in the eyes of others, in one way or another.

But, as far as I am concerned, the game itself does a nice job in being compelling enough to try other Warframes as well. I think the biggest beauty of Warframe is, that there are so many possibilities how to use something and tailor it to your own gaming preferences & tendencies. Don't hate but embrace, that kind of thing - and, quite often, moreso than anything, a good teamplay often comes down to communication & knowing at least a bit what your team can and can't do; the weapon, in this case, Warframe, is only as good as its' user. :)

Except....(insert list of non OP frames here)

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This is a Idea worth exploring. 

Valkyr hysteria is used by warcry Valkyr as a last resort, So Lets say Valkyrs hysteria cost 1 mana to activate, She gains invincibility for 5 sec and yes for 5 seconds mana will be drained from her. BUT after 5 seconds it switches to heath. 10 heath every 5 seconds she only has 300 heath so she has to kill or She kills herself :)

i would switch warcry to attack speed increase to everyone every time vlkyr gets a melee kill 

you could make it so after 5 sec she starts to get +aggro AOE maxing out a X seconds, thus making her a viable tank.

This is just a idea.

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because its a cheese frame.

"ohh but she can only melee"

^ ^^^^ absolute bs excuse

melee is like 1000% extra dmg
you are invincible so you have all the time in the world to chase ppl down

"ohhh but shes useless without energy"

Energy pads = cheap + plentiful
energy passives

I win again
valkyr fanbois rekt

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2 hours ago, yeoc said:

because its a cheese frame.

"ohh but she can only melee"

^ ^^^^ absolute bs excuse

melee is like 1000% extra dmg
you are invincible so you have all the time in the world to chase ppl down

"ohhh but shes useless without energy"

Energy pads = cheap + plentiful
energy passives

I win again
valkyr fanbois rekt

lol good one XD anyhow valkyr isnt the only cheese frames, you got loki and nova for example. while they cant be invurneable, they still cheese ridicoulus much. Sure valkyr is OP at some points however she is more of a solo frame rather than a team frame like nova and trinity. what you should have in mind is that not all valkyr players spam 4 all the time (those times i see a valkyr around, they arent that common to be honest unless you do sorties). take myself for a example: i play valkyr from time to time, however i rarely use hysteria beacuse i use it when i really need to (if im close to dying or a team mate goes down in a very risky place) rather than use it all the time. sure you can whine more and go ahead and nerf hysteria, i dont care. just a shame people people are so narrowminded and pull all valkyr players of the same edge while in reality those 4 spammers are very rare from what ive seen atleast. 


nerf it if you so desire, i dont care much but dont whine the time you go down in a mission and a valkyr attempts to rescue you in hysteria but dies anyway (thanks to nerfed hysteria). 

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loki + nova cheese frame??!

Like I understand loki maybe but even then his cheese is nothing compared to valks cheese.
nova cheese? lol wat you smoking?  id love some of her cheese doe. mmmm (✿◡‿◡)
its like comparing pleb factory cheese (loki) to ripened blue cheddar from the swiss mountains cheese (valk)

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I still dont get why this thread shows up everytime, for me the invincibility is what makes Valkyr unique vs other similar warframes.

Chroma can reach +3000 armor and with the new melee mods (blood rush and bodycount) + vex armor he easily surpasses exalted blade, primal fury and hysteria in terms of damage with a properly modded melee weapon, with primed flow + Rage/QT + his armor values he is nearly unkillable.

Wukong has invincibility with defy which lets be honest if you have the right mods has nearly no drawbacks, he doesnt even accumulate damage at the end of the ability like hysteria and he is not forced to melee, he can make use of AoE weapons like synoid simulor while being invincible.

Trinity is basically the same with blessing, if you stack blessing with link is pretty much invincibility, also, nullifiers, scrambus and comba are a thing, only grineer needs something to nullify all of this abilities.

Also, dont try to bring the "it was taken away from rhino" argument, ability kits and concept roles need to be taken into account, rhino have a very good hard CC with stomp, a damage buff (for both, melee and range weapons) and the current iron skin with ironclad charge + steel fiber + iron sharpnel offers a lot of defense, more than some people think.

Without invincibility and against a proper melee with blood rush and bodycount she will lose what makes her unique because:

- Changed to more armor? Chroma does more damage and can reach pretty high armor already.

- Changed to damage reduction? it will be redundant if you have a trinity on your team.

- Changed to HP buff? Inaros + arcane grace.

Nearly every warframe has an ability who greatly trivialize the game for the whole team, quick examples, prism, bastille/vortex, irradiating disarm, molecular prime, snow globe and more, valkyr having invincibility has nearly no impact when playing with a team and even less when playing solo.

There are a lot of "cheese" strategies, if its not one warframe is another, i prefer to make the game more difficult than nerfing abilities and this goes for all frames, not only valkyr.


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1 hour ago, yeoc said:

loki + nova cheese frame??!

Like I understand loki maybe but even then his cheese is nothing compared to valks cheese.
nova cheese? lol wat you smoking?  id love some of her cheese doe. mmmm (✿◡‿◡)
its like comparing pleb factory cheese (loki) to ripened blue cheddar from the swiss mountains cheese (valk)

/facepalm alright, what if i tell you nova got a 4th that basically freezes all enemies (slow nova), please tell me how that aint cheese

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8 hours ago, makaloff95 said:

/facepalm alright, what if i tell you nova got a 4th that basically freezes all enemies (slow nova), please tell me how that aint cheese

that's not even a cheese omfg xD holy crap the standards have fallen so bad

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8 hours ago, Cyonan said:

If you want to talk cheese frames, we should probably be talking about Mirage rather than Valkyr.

Mirage can practically lock down entire armies with her line of sight ignoring blind spam.

I suspect she'll be the next target when Valkyr gets "balanced" into the ground. 

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