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30,000 Cryotic isn't actually a problem


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2 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

How long have you been around for? I've been around before Cryotic was introduced into the game, and since then, I can make quite a few of these guys lol. If you've been around that long, I don't see why you wouldn't have (ideally) 80K to 100K. I think 30,000 is a bit on the lower end. Maybe 60,000 or 70,000 seems a bit more reasonable. It's not like you need to grind for it if you've been around for about 2 years lol.

But like I said in my last post, I didn't know there was a few of you guys on the forums having an issue with it (excluding newer players obviously). If I didn't log into the forums, I was going to say that 30,000 seemed a bit to generous, but for those older players, I guess it's not the case. Oh well. Never needed to grind for it before and I don't play on a daily basis either, so I just assumed I was going to need much more since I don't play those kind of missions enough haha. Hence why I'm surprised I can make quite a few of these hammers. But hey, what can you do lol.

I've been around long but excavation isn't a mode I play as much as I do on void for example. I had about 115k of cryotic before I started the build on sibear. So even though I can afford building it I was still pretty shocked to see it costed roughly a third of my total cryotic. As it was pointed out in the first page 30k of cyotic takes at least 8 hours of playtime on an excavation node. For a newer/casual players that is a big amount.

If this weapon will be the only one with such requirements in a while I'd say thats okay. But if its going to become a trend then its going to be a problem. So my concern goes out more for the newer or casual players. Seeing new weapons with such requirements can tack them off. Many of my friends left because of the increasing grind, even with my help. Which is a loss on DE's part as well.

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6 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

How long have you been around for? I've been around before Cryotic was introduced into the game, and since then, I can make quite a few of these guys lol. If you've been around that long, I don't see why you wouldn't have (ideally) 80K to 100K. I think 30,000 is a bit on the lower end. Maybe 60,000 or 70,000 seems a bit more reasonable. It's not like you need to grind for it if you've been around for about 2 years lol.

But like I said in my last post, I didn't know there was a few of you guys on the forums having an issue with it (excluding newer players obviously). If I didn't log into the forums, I was going to say that 30,000 seemed a bit to generous, but for those older players, I guess it's not the case. Oh well. Never needed to grind for it before and I don't play on a daily basis either, so I just assumed I was going to need much more since I don't play those kind of missions enough haha. Hence why I'm surprised I can make quite a few of these hammers. But hey, what can you do lol.

Again, playing for a long time does not automatically result in amassing large amounts of cryotic. I am MR21 and have played regularly for over two years, and I currently have 1,503 cryotic (1,000 of which was from yesterday's sortie), having recently spent most of the cryotic I had building Trinity prime. Not everyone who plays regularly spends their time grinding excavation regularly.

6 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

But honestly, if you don't like the Jat Kittag, there's really no reason anyone should worry about getting this anytime soon. Even for "Mastery points" reasons, that should give you even less of a reason/more time since it's not like you're going to keep it after you level to 30 haha.

I agree on this point - I'm certainly not about to subject myself to the tedium of extensive excavation grinding for a mastery fodder weapon I'm going to sell the instant it reaches rank 30.

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1 hour ago, alfaomega04 said:

That's only 50% of 16 hours that I play per day; no biggie.

Nice numbers. 50% of players would still equate to 20K of the Steam players according to the Steam charts. 


I'm not even counting the players that are burntout, want to get the new gear but don't want to play the game. I'm considering the players that want to play the game for longer periods but can't do due to life events.

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34 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

Nice numbers. 50% of players would still equate to 20K of the Steam players according to the Steam charts. 


I'm not even counting the players that are burntout, want to get the new gear but don't want to play the game. I'm considering the players that want to play the game for longer periods but can't do due to life events.

Burnt out, not wanting to play yet still want the new shinnies.....

That is what plat is for and why they sell things in the market.

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18 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Burnt out, not wanting to play yet still want the new shinnies.....

That is what plat is for and why they sell things in the market.

And? re-read my post. My original statement is going towards the players that still have interest in the game but due to being active in other aspects in life they can't sink in a lot of hours into the game.

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I'm sure it's nice to brag that 8 hours of continuously playing the same mode is fun for some people. But there are one or two in the world who, like me, have actual work. I don't particularly enjoy excavation. So when i come home after working day, i don't want to immediately go to another work. That's why after all the time i am playing Warframe (my forum profile says 20 Aug 2015, so i guess that's the date i started playing too) i only have about half of those 30K. Good thing i'm in no hurry to get that lollipop. But i do hope that in the future we're not getting stuff that requires 5000 Orokin cells or 3000 neurodes to build.

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7 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Only no one forced you to build dojo all by yourself. Or build it at all.

But plastids are another cancer of this game, there's no doubt.

Obviously someone forced you to build that hammer.

It was just one weapon, why are you protesting at all? What you really need to do is to gather your data and facts, go to feedback section and report it. They will not change it due to people crafted it already, but they will take notes so they wouldnt force harsh conditions on the next gear. Complaining with other players accomplish nothing.

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Just going to put this out there, but I think the 30k cryotic build cost is a problem. Just not for the reason most people are citing. Yes it takes a lot of concerted farming of a specific game mode to acquire that much cryotic. However in another thread DE Danielle confirmed the cost was intentional and intended to give those with lots of cryotic something to spend it on.

Now just based on the numbers I've seen from people's screenshots and responses to these threads but it seems like most people who are able to build the Sibear also have enough spare cryotic to make one or more additional sibears (I.e. most have over 60k cryotic). Now, of those people who didn't even flinch at that 30k cryotic, how many do you think are going to build additional sibears just because it's something to use cryotic on? Very few I'm guessing. And furthermore how many people with this stockpile of cryotic are going to stop farming excavation nodes because they have nothing to spend this dearth of cryotic on? Again I'm guessing very few if any.

The point here is that the intention behind the 30k cryotic cost does not work, it is a one time cost that many have already eclipsed and their income of cryotic does not cease because excavation nodes are excellent for farming other resources as well. The sort of thing that does work for reducing cryotic stockpiling is a consumable, like the formorian disruptors, except those are only available/useful during time limited events. 

And then there's the flip side to this where this new weapon costing 30k cryotic now forces players who don't have that stockpile into a rather lengthy farm in a specific game mode that they likely have little interest in. 

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On 4/7/2016 at 3:26 AM, izzatuw said:

The problem I see with the 30K is that this is really only doable for "hardcore" players of the community and seems to be a pretty difficult one for players that can only spend oh so many hours into the game a week. Those types of players will have to passive aggressively do nothing but excavations for their short 2-3 hours a week if they intend to get the weapon anytime soon. 

To put it into the active Warframer perspective 

we would preferably want to farm till 1500 cryotic, each whole dig site takes 100 seconds. You would need to activate 15 dig sites each of them being 100 seconds if you make sure all of them are moving but if you decide to activate one at a time in fear that you will destroy a couple in the process you would need 100X15 = 1500 seconds (25 minutes) to gain a mere 1500 cryotic for a weapon that requires 30,000 cryotic.


And in order to get 30K cryotic you would need to do X20 1500 seconds/cryotic excavation runs.  You would at least need 8 hours worth of game time on one specific game mode. 



1 cryo = 1 second

30000 cryo = 30000 seconds = 500 minutes = 8 hours

Had a nice laugh thanx, i have 75k stored up. I casually farm it on earth on lua. No hardcore nothing, just 800 to 1200k runs. Go to other plants and try other missions.

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20 minutes ago, ravend said:

Had a nice laugh thanx, i have 75k stored up. I casually farm it on earth on lua. No hardcore nothing, just 800 to 1200k runs. Go to other plants and try other missions.

Hardcore/active implies to players that are allowed and is capable of playing the game on a normal basis, which from what I understand is you.

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5 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

Hardcore/active implies to players that are allowed and is capable of playing the game on a normal basis, which from what I understand is you.

Soooooo normal 1 hour of gameplay on a couple of different missions a couple of days is hardcore to you? Wow 

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Just now, ravend said:

Soooooo normal 1 hour of gameplay on a couple of different missions a couple of days is hardcore to you? Wow 



What if I told you, people that can only play video games 2-3 hours a week actually exist? It's not that they only want to play video games for that they long but because they're literally only capable of playing that many hours a week. 

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1 minute ago, izzatuw said:



What if I told you, people that can only play video games 2-3 hours a week actually exist? It's not that they only want to play video games for that they long but because they're literally only capable of playing that many hours a week. 

Malarky! Everyone who plays video games is a person under 18 with no bills, work, school or other necessity in the way of playing their game for a minimum of 9 hours a day!

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26 minutes ago, izzatuw said:



What if I told you, people that can only play video games 2-3 hours a week actually exist? It's not that they only want to play video games for that they long but because they're literally only capable of playing that many hours a week. 

Actually, i work 50 hours aweek and play 3 to 4 hours a week. Saving up resources isn't hard in this game period. Hell even nitain, can be saved up with a problem

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31 minutes ago, Chef_Lu_Bu said:

Malarky! Everyone who plays video games is a person under 18 with no bills, work, school or other necessity in the way of playing their game for a minimum of 9 hours a day!



5 minutes ago, ravend said:

Actually, i work 50 hours aweek and play 3 to 4 hours a week. Saving up resources isn't hard in this game period. Hell even nitain, can be saved up with a problem

For some reason I personally don't believe you unless spend half of those hours are spent solely on excavation.

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1 hour ago, izzatuw said:


For some reason I personally don't believe you unless spend half of those hours are spent solely on excavation.

Up to you if you believe me or not. Yes I love excavation. But I do alerts and invasions for fully crafted fleildrons and the like as well. I also do good runs for some of my prime pieces that almost close to finishing off.

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This makes me wish I had Neptune and Pluto unlocked for the Excavation, but a lass, I'm stuck on Europa because despite setting my ping to no limit, there is no one on Europa despite it being the only place in the way of the top 3 farming planets (and my clanmates are usually on low level planets, the Void, Draco, or just idling around, I don't wanna bother them).


Also, what it the point of the 50% proc on a charge attack when the charge attack is going to home run the enemy anyways?

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On 4/7/2016 at 4:58 AM, Jautice said:

The reason why is probably due to the resource creeping that people have been doing for a very long time and if you're in dire need of it, just put it aside and just Hieracon. Pretend Hieracon is Draco and no problem.

If you are brand new to the game it is but then again there are other stuff out there to lvl up and get. If you are a seasoned veteran you probably got cryo up the wazoo to fill a whole dojo with. I think I got about quarter of a million and I don't do excavations that often anymore. 

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