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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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                    Post 51

AHA! A humble walk in the park is all it took for me to jog the old brain and resurrect an old idea while simultaneously conjuring up a new one. The new one makes me more excited, so we'll start there.

Unit Designation: Headhunter

Unit Class: Grineer


Health Type:

Ferrite armor and Flesh, it's that "simple".


The Q.O. (Queen's Own) Immramo mobile gestation facility, various planets. Commonly returns to the sea base on the moon of Miranda to resupply on amniotic fluids, food, and both heavy and potable water.


Always carry at least 3 magnetite chaff grenades that deal 100 damage and absolutely guarantee a magnetic "P.R.O.C." if one enters the cloud. In addition, all Headhunters are rigged to an older looking gas mask with a tank on it's chest, working the dual role of insulating them from R.G.Cs (Radiation, Gas, and Corrosion) and pumping them up with a nasty cocktail of stimulants, steroids, and pain killers which allow them to perform Tenno esque physical feats (wall-running, bullet jumping, rolls, etc) while shaving 9 years off their already meager lifespans. The rest of the equipment varies dependent on what manufactured type it is. Lou-Ci Headhunters utilize the Torid and innately have the Loki frames' spacial exchanging ability, Eximi or not. Vo-Lot Headhunters utilize Acrids and eschew cumbersome blunts for the Volt's instant shield, shoot-through and all. Finally, Skal-boar Headhunters wield Cronus copies and can shoot energy blasts with their swings.



The Headhunter's armor only really covers the torso and legs in the form of a hybrid stab/ballistic vest and a set of ceramic greaves that only cover the unmoving portions of the lower torso and limbs. The rest of the body is coated in a colored jump suit that varies dependent on the "model" in question (Lou-Ci= Pale Teal, Vo-Lot = Brownish Yellow, Skal-Boar= Pearl White). On the back, splayed across the shoulders, are a set of three heads on very short chains in the same positions as the masks on a manic, however instead of masks, these are, from left to right, an Excalibur, Mag, and Volt's skulls, battered and dinged up from months of existence. Their final (and most cosmetically defining) pieces of apparel are their gas masks (the visor is two long slits that extend from both the left to right sides of their faces before merging in the middle and going down to end at the filter) connected to a cylindrical drum worn sideways across their chests by a hose covered in small articulating armor plates. It is here where the drug cocktail resides which allows them to perform Tenno-esque feats of athleticism without breaking down screaming in pain or tiring immediately. 




For the most part, Head Hunters will assume a standard issue "duck, dodge, and destroy" combat pattern when confronted with their Tenno quarry. However, each type has a certain trick up it's sleeve when it comes to the first confronting attack. Lou-Ci Headhunters will commonly toss their grenade under or shoot the ground beneath them and switch-teleport with their prey on sight, making them vulnerable to other forces at that point. Vo-Lot Headhunters will "Roadie-Run" from cover to cover and avoid being flanked by enemies, filling in defensive gaps with shield deployments. Finally, Skall-Boar Headhunters will maintain a standoff distance from enemies, dodging when they attack, countering immediately afterwards with agile lunges, and using volleys of energy blasts when unable to get to their optimal distance.

"Basic" Description:

When Captain Vor's Tenno research program was sacked after his death on the regolith of Phobos, the Kweens decided he might have been on to something tennowise. Utilizing the previous infrastructure of Vor's network of contacts, the Kweens began redirecting live Tenno shipments (stolen from intercepted zanukas or dug-up archaeologically) to a specially constructed cloning vessel based on the chassis of the undersea cloning labs. There, rather then attempt to seize control of them, frames are broken down into their baseline components and reassembled into a prosthetic format to be installed upon a custom tailored set of clones. In addition to being fed a steady diet of growth hormones since conception, these clones are also installed with their special inhalant packs upon maturation, ensuring a steady incline of pain temperance, muscle mass, and joint elasticity (and a steady decline in further lifespan and quality of life) throughout their existences. After a specialized training regime consisting of crude approximations of Orokin training facilities, footage from assaulted facilities, and standardized tactical training, the clones are equipped with the latest in anti-Tenno weaponry and unleashed in areas of suspected major Tenno interest or activity, potentially lethal living land mines to Tenno unfamiliar with fighting against their own tactics.


Due to the expenses in time, money, and resources needed in the creation of a Headhunter, their deployments are mostly restricted to areas of higher importance (Levels greater then 20 for Grineer levels)


Gad-zooks! And here I thought the well was running dry. Even completed it on the first day of thinking of it and everything! A new record! Anywho, enjoy perusing my gallery ladies and gents, time for me to get back to work and simultaneously begin mental construction of the Bastek.

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          Post 52

Alright, nough dilly-dallying, this gibbering article ain't gonna slap itself togethor now!

Designation: Bastek

Weapon Designation: Secondary Thrown


Manufacturer: Ironworks 137-A, Sea Settlement 65, Large Northern Continental Coast, Earth (Ordinance Derivatives Division).

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage Type= 350 Explosive, 50 Impact if directly hitting a target head-on.

Projectile=Projectile (Duh)

Accuracy: 100 (though the arcing trajectory of it's launches makes such a declaration somewhat misleading.)

Cyclic Rate of Fire: Charged (rather then increasing damage however, the charge increases rocket speed and decreases arcing trajectory, with the extremes of both ends being an almost Ogris-speed Stinger-esque bell-curve at 0% to an almost Lanka-speed horizontal launch. Hitting 100%, however, results in one of two unfortunate incidents (50% chance for either). Either the rocket will expend all its fuel and become a  useless rod to be tossed aside. . . or it will simply detonate with an unpleasant bang in one's hands.) The uncharged cyclic rate of fire Is 2.2.

Critical Chance= 5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Magazine= 1 rocket in hand, reloaded from a compact hip holster that resembles an arrow quiver and a bee hive inter-meshed together. (Increasing magazine size simply causes the operator of the weapon to put the second Bastek rocket in their other hand)

Reload Speed= 1.5

Trigger= Semiauto/Charge Hybrid

Requisite Affinity Level= 6

Polarity= Madurai/Vazarin

Special Traits:

When a multi-shot modification is added to the weapon, a visible new detonite cylinder is seen attached  to the main one, complete with it's own thruster. If tossed in a cold launch state, the micro Bastek will only split off and fire in a spread shot manner at the end of the arc of the throw in the manner of a M.I.R.V. warhead. In addition, the explosion of the warhead is shaped so that it travels forward, potentially hitting enemies behind the first struck, reducing sideways blast radius, and halving inevitable self damage done to oneself.

Appearance= In it's holstered state, a Bastek warhead is folded in a shape similar to a human radius and ulna, with the radius portion containing a detonite thruster at it's top end and the ulna containing a detonite cylinder at it's top end. When pulled from it's rather large bee hive-esque holster, the rocket springs out into a straightened javelinlike state, the warhead locks itself into place with a self-twisting gear that spits a few tiny lime green sparks (changes with energy color), and the thruster sparks for a moment with a fireworks-style bang to signal it's readiness. When charging it (by depressing a rubber-coated "trigger" button on it's middle), the thruster will begin to glow, finally actively igniting when reaching 50% or more charge (cold-launched Basteks will only ignite their thrusters at the end of their arc). The cylinder is a dark metallic brown with a pair of square lime-green lights on either side. The back thruster is the same metallic brown, save for some very faint line-green staining around the rim of the exhaust in gap-hazard patterns. The grip of the weapon (to be depressed for charging) is a blatantly obvious bright yellow hand shaped splotch that has swirls going outward from it's middle like a fingerprint. The shaft has a sandy earth tone appearance.

"Basic" Description:

   While Ironworks 137 B may be known for it's significant contribution to the Grineer's system-wide heavy munitions needs, it's neighbor 137 A was known for it's more. . . creative. . . approaches to explosives delivery. Capitalizing on the Old War myth of Bas Van (Said to be the first bombard, who was said to be so diligent in defending against old Phobos' first Infested raid that when his launcher became fouled with sand, he simply threw his ordinance at the oncoming hordes), 137A created a more refined version of the hero's mythical weapons and spread them across Sol in the pragmatic hopes of providing the Grineer with a weapon stronger then a plasma grenade with no requisite muscle-mass needed to heft the weight of such weapons as the ogris. Unfortunately, after a brutal wave of self-slaughtered younger Grineer across the colonies (137A forgot to take into account the majority of the soldier cast's innate lack of advanced cognitive faculties.), the collective Grineer commanders of the colonies were out for the workers' blood. Though they attempted to placate the commanders' rage by introducing a shaped charge to the weapon that should have cut casualty and fatality rates by 11.2%, an order came down from high command to scrub 137A.

    Loyal to the end, the engineers stayed at their workstations and allowed themselves to be slaughtered to the last by the storming local garrisons. However, during local clean-up as 137B was preparing to merge both work platforms and recycle the offending devices, a Steel Meridian deep-cover managed to retrieve a few by faking an accidental dumping of a cart into the waters below, into the hands of several reformist Draga waiting in the depths below. Now, in addition to becoming a useful blasting tool on colonies under Meridian's umbrella, the Bastek has inevitably leaked into the Sol-Origin system's underground, the tools said to be of a national hero, now in the hands of a rogues gallery of very eager malcontents.


Ahhhhhhh, good stuff, good stuff. Three days, a liberal sprinkling of the Mortal Kombat and Terminater themes (for brutal mental visualization purposes naturally), and POW, she's done! My only regret? I can't find a better term then "esque" or " like" when it comes to description construction. Anywho, that's all for now ladies and gents, rike, fawvoreet, and soobsceboreno for mo. . .hah, only kiddin, till my next brainstorm humble audience! 











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       Post 53

Whelp, after my Void-Blaster concept fell through the roof (to many particle effects, reality tear gimmick was to gimmicky, etc, still wish I coulda implemented the whole "gun pulls itself apart, magazine is placed in general area where mag well is, gun reassembles itself around magazine once again" concept), think I found something that might be, if nothing else, quite fascinating to pull off. Came in right after the Bastek it did, very quickly!

Addendum Circa 16:31 9/3/2016= GODEMIT! Pressed the submit key with my knee!

Addendum's Addendum circa 23:21 9/3/2016= Entry completed, embarrassment= unending.

Designation: Commuta

Weapon Designation: Sniper Rifle



Manufacturer: Alloris Nanotech, District 9, Temple-City "Goldrock" L5 Langrage Point, Neptune.

Statistical Breakdown: 

Damage Type= 70 Impact on it's own (It's special ability however, makes sure that this can be quite transient)

Projectile= Projectile

Accuracy=80 (The smooth bore certainly doesn't help, but, the long barrel does).

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 1.2

Critical Chance=25%

Critical Damage=2.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 35%

Magazine= 1 universal sniper rifle ammunition package slid into a holding slot at the buttstock-to-body connection point (I've been conjuring alotta single shot weapons lately, haven't I? Goddem boring demeanor!)

Reload Speed= 2.0 

Trigger= Semi Auto

Polarity= None

Zoom Multipliers= 1.5X/3X/4.5X

Zoom Bonus=+10%/+20%/+30%

Minimum Combo=5

Combo Reset=3

Special Traits= The scope image has a grey tinted Corpus-style layout that is laid out in one of three specific ways (Because indecision rasins) 1= The Impact symbol is the reticle, 2= the Impact symbol resides within the recticle, or 3= a grid of all the elemental symbols that border the entire screen with the Impact symbol highlighted in grey. When you hit a target that is afflicted with a status effect however, a screen refresh line travels down the screen , changing it to that element's natural damage color and 1/2= changeing the targeting symbol's shape to that of the new element's or 3) highlighting that element's symbol in it's color on the border-grid. With this change, the gun will now purely fire a sphere of that element until it strikes another elementally afflicted target. If a target is afflicted by multiple status effects, the gun will cycle through the applied elemental effects in order from natural, to top row, to bottom row modifications. Finally, Elemental damage enhancements can indeed be applied to the gun, but they will only come into effect once that element comes into play.


The best two terms to describe the Commuta is extremely boxy and extremely long. The barrel is longer then the entirety of the gun's other parts and is almost entirely "perfect", save for four very thin slits that travel the length of the barrel and are mirrored along both the top and bottom of both sides. These thin slits vent elemental residue with every shot fired, changeing in accordance with whatever element is currently in use. Complimenting the gun's box appearence, the scope is a completely featureless trapezoid with a crisp and clear digital screen that sits flush with the body on top.

   The entire body has a faint scale pattern across it's entire russian violet colored body. The trigger is enclosed in such a way that it does not interrupt the Commuta's boxy profile, makeing it somewhat uncomfortable to wield. Above the trigger, a set of three very dark blue / dashes on either side mark the area where the tiny nano forge resides, ready to begin construction on whatever projectile it is ordered to build from ballistic information fed to it by the linked digital scope. Above the blue /slits, a double bolt (requires a hand on both bolts to pull it back) mechanism resides which, rather then chambering a new round, pulls the nano-printing arms back into the ready position.

   When released, the bolts slowly go forward into place as the arms slowly craft the fireing catalyst and it's projectile into place. Depending on what form of element is locked in, the projectile could be (it's most basic) a cannonball, a cone with a circular bottom, a morningstar head, a rime-encrusted ball of ice, ball lightning, a fireball, a ball of coagulated toxicants, a quanta orb, a stug blob, a ball of noxious vapors,   a ball of visible magnetic distortion, a brittle sphere of charged uranium, or a nasty spheroid of viral plaque. The "Magazine" of the weapon is an empty space large enough to house a universal ammo pack located at the point where the buttstock meets with the assembly chamber. Two metal flaps, hinged for easy opening and shutting, cover both sides to prevent accidental droppage.

   The ammo pack quickly disintegrates within moments of being added to the space, raw materials for the forge to repurpose into whatever they are commanded. The buttstock appears to be just an extension of the rest of the body, save for a metallic plate that caps off the back. This plate has a twin which resides on the chest of the user, allowing one to mount the hefty weapon there in order to utilize the double-bolt mechanism in a hands-free manner.

"Basic" Description: 

For the vast majority of Corpus society, the reclamation of Orokin technology is considered a sacred task that all must participate in. Then, there are the outliers. Convinced that reclamation of Orokin technology is dooming their society to an endless cycle of reclamation, rebirth, ascension, stagnation, and self-destruction, outlier groups like the shadowy think-tank known previously as Alloris Nanotech (the doctrine rebels constantly shift from organization to organization in both name and appearence due to their rebel status) commonly attempt to deviate from tried and true Orokin concepts in favor of designs of strictly Corpus make and model. Their latest creation, the Commuta Adaptive Support Projector, was merely meant to be a technological testbed for combat-oriented nano technological weaponry focused upon teamwork  and quality marksmanship rather then whole-sale brute force and pure numerical advantage, a far cry from the swarming proxies and mass produced energy weapons commonly utilized on current battlefields.  As to be expected, the group's concept was declared heretical by the Director-Eclesiarchs as "lacking in their divine touch" and resulted in their company being sued for blaspheming against "Their" immortal wishes. When the companies' main offices were stormed by the payment collection squads a day before the due date however, all that was found were empty cubicles, empty storehouses, and no signs of human activity. In recent months, the Sol-Origin Underground has received a vast and sudden influx of Corpussian assets (including schematics for the never-released Commuta) and target locations, suggesting this may have been the final straw that broke the camel's back in regards to the rebel's attempts at rallying and wowing the populace into purely Corpus-Only fervor and that their focus may have finally shifted to the jackknives  of all regime change, leadership killings and funding acts of terrifying violence.


Yeesh, that accidental send-out really shook me up for some stupid reason, might have even affected overall work quality. No idea why that would, might just be annoying perfectionism playing with my grey matter again. Anywho, onwards to whatever's next my humble audience, lemme know if anything catches your eyes, for better or worse.






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After paging through my last few creations, I really must say, it may actually be imperative for me to start digging desperately for someone of artistic talent to aid me in my journey-o-concepts. If I keep going as I am currently, the appearence-descriptive walls may become COMPLETELY unreadable instead of merely borderline. So. . . . . any idea how I could do that?

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8 hours ago, Unus said:

After paging through my last few creations, I really must say, it may actually be imperative for me to start digging desperately for someone of artistic talent to aid me in my journey-o-concepts. If I keep going as I am currently, the appearence-descriptive walls may become COMPLETELY unreadable instead of merely borderline. So. . . . . any idea how I could do that?

Only think that occurs me is to check the fanart section, or even the fan concepts one, and search for someone with the skills you find necessary to illustrate your concepts.

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      Post 56

I. . . I don't know what's happening to me! I built this place just to store ideas I already had and wished to preserve. Instead, every time I pore my heart and soul into an idea and let it loose, my heart and soul is unwillingly channeled into yet ANOTHER idea which gestates to the point that I MUST release it into the world. Should I be happy or should I be angry? Don't know, all I do is that I must press forward.

Designation: Clepa

Weapon Designation: Secondary


Manufacturer: The Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group, Deimos Tear Gate, Voltaire Crater, attributed to High Artificer Dem Ful.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 20 Impact, 2 Puncture, 15 Slash.

Projectile: "Hit-Scan"

Accuracy= Whatz at? ( And by that he means 4.9)

Cyclic Rate of Fire= Dakkadakka (35)

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Magazine= 1 50 round compressed chain flattened box magazine ( On the outside, it looks like a long and thin typical box magazine. The internal shape of the magazine is in a U, with each round within packed inside a nitrocellulose tube that is connected in a small machine-gun esque disintegrating chain)

Reload Speed: .9 (As the gun fires, the recoil is diverted into two separate directions. 1. To gradually pull the chain up into the weapon and 2. To compress a large spring located just behind the magazine. When the unending rain of fire finally ends, the spring gives into peer pressure and violently shoots forward, knocking the empty box forward and downwards at an angle, leaving a lovely (albeit worryingly smoldering) place for the operator to put yet another magazine.

Trigger= Burst (Your magazine is forefit, no matter how much you stuff it.)

Mastery Rank Requirement= 6

Polarity= 1 Madurai.

Special Trait:

Depressing the trigger on this weapon locks it into place and keeps the weapon fireing until the entire magazine is empty. No matter how much the magazine is tweaked to hold more ammunition, the gun WILL run dry.

Appearence=    Short, stubby, and threatening are easy terms to describe this small machine pistol. The vast majority of the weapon is clearly made from two halves of a single piece of dark brown stamped metal with a constant oily sheen, clearly displaying it's mostly mass-produced nature. The body shape is of your typical pistol layout, with a "waffle iron" type of pattern upon the grip and an angry looking snubnosed barrel. Beneath the snubnose, a small metal shaft is located that gradually depresses as the gun is fired. This shaft is used to slowly depress the spring behind the magazine that automatically removes the box when the final round leaves the gun.

  At the tip of the snub barrel, a single short metallic spike that splits into 3 others (one short one in the middle, two longer ones on either side with just enough space between the three to see out the other side). The magazine houseing consists of two clamps that go through the space in the middle of the magazine (the U shape inside prevents any interference with round feeding) and connect togethor in just strong enough a way that the magazine does not fall from the feed prematurely and in just a weak enough manner that the spring can eject the magazine without failing. The magazine is a thin blackish brown box that leaves three rounds of the belt exposed for easy loading into the chamber. There is no bolt mechanism, the trigger is merely depressed, the first round is sparked off, and recoil takes care of the rest. By the time the gun finishes fireing, the barrel is practically belching thick fumes of smoke and the barrel is almost sizzling with heat. The only source of light on the gun is a single glow-speck on the tip of the middle sight-spike.

Basic Description:

Seeking a viable alternative to the costly and temperamental Krankor machine gun, the E.D.W.S.G. decided that the key issues at hand were size and power supply. Naturally, being a Grineer organization, the Artificer Council's answer was to throw both out the window. Starting fresh, the Council mandated the creation of a very small scale automatic weapon that was still capable of the full-fledged suppressive fire of a machine gun. In answer, Deem Ful took center stage and went to inevitably dark work. After months of hand-detonation's, melted metal-to-flesh burnings, accidental cook off casualties, and 2 weeks of over budgeted prisoner testing, Deem was once again the last one standing with a new firearms model in his clutches. Unfortunately for Deem, his latest creation suffered from a totally different set of problems from the Krankor, ones that relegated it to the machine gun's fate of production center defense as well. First, the weapon was TO easy to use. By the 4th day of testing on a Martian Infested incursion, the assigned platoon had absolutely no ammunition remaining for use, leading to their inevitable deaths as they were forced to charge Infested with nothing but machetes as weapons. Secondly, the ammunition was horrifically slow to produce. If the gunpowder concoction that the nitro-cell tubes were spliced together with was exposed to an increase in temperature of more then 1.5' Celsius during production, the powder would violently erupt, raining bullets down on unfortunate workers. Like it's bigger brother before it, the Clepa was relegated to production site security forever more, produced only to replace weapons lost due more to accidents then to enemy incursions. Had it not been for the nearby Phobos Comms Monitoring Satellite's careful mining of Grineer databases for useful information, the Clepa may have gone down in history as a mere foot-note in the Grineer's vast history of weaponry creation.


Yep, definitely gonna need some artistic talent here if I'm ever gonna let folks read my scrap long enough to get the whole picture. Just gotta wait, refurbish, and revise till then, barring any sudden random idea flashes anyway. Also, fun task, if you want, try to find the name behind each weapon! As a hint, most Corpus weapons are Greek or Latin and most Grineer weapon names are corrupted Irish, have fun folks, see ye soon!












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Goddang word mixups.
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Quick update to my lovely viewing bretheren. After several hours of typing strife, family fun in the sun, and sheer laziness, I have finally returned to my most primitive weapon concepts and reconfigured them with actual statistical details! Feel free to eyeball them and give them a yay or nay.


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Punctuation tweakage complete.
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4 hours ago, Unus said:

Quick update to my lovely viewing bretheren. After several hours of typing strife, family fun in the sun, and sheer laziness, I have finally returned to my most primitive weapon concepts and reconfigured them with actual statistical details! Feel free to eyeball them and give them a yay or nay.


which ones exactly, so I know what to search for


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3 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

which ones exactly, so I know what to search for


OH! (Headsmack) that would have been nice to put up, wouldn't it have? Apologies Mr. T and anonymous company. Twas weapon posts 1, 7, 11, 15, 16, and 18.

THERE! Phew, thanks for that bullet dodge.

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                Post 60

You know, inspiration really does come in fits and bursts. Spend hours agonizing over thinking of a concept= get nothing but bad farmer's leg tan. Get home after a long day, lay on the couch, pick up the remote= BOOMALLTHEINFORMATIONFLOODINGIN! I'm never gonna get used to this, am I?

Designation= Perim 

Weapon Designation= Secondary


Manufacturer: The Sagittai Conglomerate, Home and Business Division, Elysium Mons, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage=20 Fire, 20 Radiation ("Leavem Blazed and Confused with our patented micro-scale 950 nanometer X-ray emitter, guaranteed to start fires AND burn neurons through iron!")

Projectile= hit-scan (But with discharge-esque traits, see below)

Accuracy= 100 ("So easy you could shoot to kill with one hand!")

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 7.7 ("Smooth and sustainable diodal discharge ensures that they won't know what hit them, but your ammunition budget will!")

Critical Chance= 7.5%

Critical Damage=1.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Magazine=25 emission battery ("Compact, lightweight, cheap, and easy to carry in one's smallest pockets, the  Perim-Purpose 10 Giagawatt "Hydro-Split" Cell is always there and ready to support you through the long rigors of physical hardship!")

Reload Speed= 1.1 ( "Ease-of-use tactile gripping points, a specially weighted body, and our patented "E-Z Yank" cell coating ensure that no sane profiteer will be caught with their pants down in the middle of a deal!")


Mastery Rank Requisite=1

Polarity= None

Additional Functionalities and Details:

Due to it's hyper-ergonomic design and lightweight internal construction with a bare-minimum of moving parts, users wielding a Perim suffer no movement penalties from aiming and gain a +50%  swap bonus when swapping from one's primary or melee weapon to the Perim.

Appearance= For all intents and purposes, the Perim looks looks and acts like a thermos from long-range. Even at point-blank range, the blueish white body, long, thin-profiled, clear handle, and large sky-blue outlined black lid suggest that it is nothing more then an insulated container to keep your skate-fin soup hot inside of for your after meeting lunch. The top even opens to reveal the hollow inside, perhaps revealing some liquid sloshing around for or from the user's use of it. An easy mark, right? Then, the user pushes the lid in and turns it a full 180'. Suddenly, a tactical purple-dot cross hair appears in the plastic of the handle, a white plastic pistol grip has sprung out of the opposite side equipped with a beaver-tail trigger, the "merged" plastic bottom has snapped open sideways to reveal a violet colored diode and the user has already bathed you in deadly irradiating photonic rays. The beams are not constant, but, rather seem to appear in rapid flashes as the gun's beam output peaks and declines repeatedly to prevent extensive heat damage. As a lovely side effect, the consistently heated insides both when flipped on ensure a piping hot serving no matter the outside temperature.

"Basic" Description: Not merely limiting themselves to the sporting fancies of the rich and powerful, the Saggitai Conglomerate has recently made a foray into the cloak-and-dagger portion of the noble caste. Capitalizing on this uncertain world where fortunes are made and broken within hours, the S.C. have produced a personal-defense product that combines sleek techno-chic with an unobtrusive profile and an innocent exterior. Part comestible storage, part close-to-mid range D.E.W., the Perim has found a home on the hip of both the go-about business man around the rough part of town and in the pack of the ruffian lieing in wait to mug him. Naturally, as a massive heavily secularized (we're it not for the nobilities' carnal desires and and rational/irrational fears, the constitutes of the organization would be occupying a cargo box in the midst of Neptune's Great Dark Spot) for profit company, Saggitai has little qualms with selling this particular product to both sides of the law. For once, despite the constant opposition they face when it comes to acquiring weaponry across the Sol-Origin System, the easy easiest way for the denizens of it's underground to acquire a Perim is to simply order one through the company itself.


Ah, I somehow still got it! On a lovely side note, it appears some art will be making it's way into this little galleria of mine. Finally, I can share my madness with the rest of the world!

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Heh, it's amazeing what happens when you have no idea what your next big thing'll be and then inspiration strikes like that. As an interesting aside, went snooping about the Internet and found a suitcase gun, a laptop gun, and a belt-buckle gun. Hope I didn't infringe on any patents there.

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20 minutes ago, Unus said:

Heh, it's amazeing what happens when you have no idea what your next big thing'll be and then inspiration strikes like that. As an interesting aside, went snooping about the Internet and found a suitcase gun, a laptop gun, and a belt-buckle gun. Hope I didn't infringe on any patents there.


Found the belt buckle one.

Nazis were weird.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I only just realized I was a silent viewer when i saw i had already upvoted you apparently. Post looks familiar...

Tis a small world we live in, no? Even more hilarious considering your Metro friend accidentally helped create the Perim!

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Alright! Brilliant news everyone, the Pit's second piece of artwork in human existance has been born! Many thanks to Mr. Mako for his time and dedication of going to the limit to draw back the curtain on Feynman's default physical form!


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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Alright! Brilliant news everyone, the Pit's second piece of artwork in human existance has been born! Many thanks to Mr. Mako for his time in dedication of going the limit to draw back the curtain on Feynman's default physical form!


Which one? 

Also, I got an idea for you to better present your page: in the original post, give each weapon a spoiler tab, with a quick description and (if existant) art, plus the link to the post. other than that, it's pretty organized

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26 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Which one? 

Also, I got an idea for you to better present your page: in the original post, give each weapon a spoiler tab, with a quick description and (if existent) art, plus the link to the post. other than that, it's pretty organized

The only Warframe I've ever crafted sir, on the front page in the top three section, the Feynman nanotech frame. Also, yeah, I tried to put the link in there for each and every single post, must not have worked out, dem it. Still, I think the Spoiler description piece isn't to shamy, I'll get right on that in a jiffy after I file these survey notes so I won't lose my job.

Edited by Unus
More Precision= Better explanation.
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oh yes, Mako has an habit of making warframes.

mh... After checking its concept, I gotta say: It's nit bad, but I was expecting something less orthodox than a jump suit. After reading the original description, what first got to me was a design similar to Deus Ex: Human Revolution's boss Yelena Fedorova, in particular her arm armor. Here: hqdefault.jpg

While Fedorova's armor is based around triangles instead of Hexagons, I am sure hexagons cam still offer an interesting amount of possible interesting designs.

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        Post 72

Anywho, today (8/9/2016), after finishing the long and arduous work I had to do surveying in the 58% moisture heat of Cincy, I was suddenly struck by a blast from the past depths of the pit in the form of a request made long ago. Took me long enough, but, hey, this ain't a factory!

Designation: Lucifex

Weapon Designation: Gunblade with the melee move set of a pole arm.


Manufacturer: Luxor Forge, "Plowshare" Experimental Division, Vastitas Borealis Skunkworks, Mars

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 55 Slash, 25 Puncture, 15 Impact, 55 Puncture 25 Heat beam (Repeated discharges occur as long as "shot" button is held, consumes a certain amount of energy as long as it's in  "firing mode", higher combo meters reduce energy consumption)

Slide Damage=175

Jump Damage=90

Wall Damage=110

Radius= 3

Swing Speed=0.85

Critical Chance=15%

Critical Damage=3.0

"P.R.O.C." Chance=5%

Channeling Damage=1.5

Amount of Hittable Targets= 4

Mastery Rank Requisite=5


Stance= It may actually be necessary to restrict it to the pole arms, mainly because it isn't small enough or ergonomic enough to wield one-handed in a gunblade's typical style.

Special Traits= Holding down the melee button results in a charged beam blast that fires as long as there is energy to be transmitted to the to the charge housing, higher combo multipliers reduce energy consumption. The beam has an innate 2.5  punch through.

Appearance= Bulky, sturdy, and just barely long enough that two hands are required to wield it, the Lucifex retains many of the components it had when it was merely an assembly line worker's tool. As to be expected of almost all forms of Corpussian design, the body is square and thick, just barely allowing an individual to wrap their entire hands around it. Towards the top and bottom portions of the weapon, the shaft thins out a bit, replacing the sky-blue riveted metal with the rubbery black of a set of military grade grips for ease of use (nonexistent on the civilian model). Between these two grips, a massive square bulge in the center lurks outlined by three reddish brown metallic frames with three blue lights between them. This weighty contraption is the chamber where the blue l.a.s.e.r. blast originates from, fired with all the measly strength of a laser pointer into an artificial diamond crystalline lens in front of it. 21 other lenses that travel the length of the weapon's upper half ensure that the emerging beam becomes powerful enough to slice through solid tungsten, once used for the purpose of neatly cutting metal by Corpus artisanal factory workers, now utilized to breach through metal walls, scythe off prosthetic limbs, and turn thick ancient hide into vapor. To facilitate close combat use (it is here where the device's bulk thankfully sells), the beam emergence barrel is outlined by a set of blades, two of which outline the barrel in a spearlike manner. The other two of which are serrated and placed sideways along the top and bottom of the barrel. The final notable on-board piece is the set of receiver dishes that sit inset into both sides of the beam box, utilized in the transmission of power from an appropriately tuned source by microwave transmission. As a side note, the blue lights indicate the location of a set of kinetic dynamos that supplement beamed-in energy during significant melee engagements when charged via swings that impact hard material.

"Basic" Description= Riding on the modest success of the adapted  industrial tools that were the Spectra, the Serro, and the recently released Binos, Luxor Forge decided to found a specialized Skunkworks known as "Plowshare" in order to parse through the Corpus' portfolio of industrial equipment in search of hidden gems of potential. In this case, patent 236,689,641 was born after careful observation of  a shipbuilding facility in the orbit of Mars. Torn between the necessity of human labor and the sheer convenience of mechanization, this unique facility decided to merge both togethor, encapsulating their workforce inside autonomous M.O.A. suits which learn from the worker as they work. If the worker is rendered indisposed, the suit can take their place at about half efficiency. With such an idiosyncratic workforce, one needed some idiosyncratic tools. One such device was the precursor to what would one day become the Lucifex. These over-sized beam cutters, after a careful swap out of most of their metallic parts with lighter polymer versions, the addition of blades to it's "barrel", their downsizing to a more human-wield able scale, and the addition of military style grips for easy use,  the tools soon found themselves slicing apart slightly different materials on slightly more "exotic" locales.


I'll be honest here, my heart wasn't quite as far "into it" with this fellow. In truth, I only wished to fulfill a request made long ago. So, Mr. Lousefur, wherever you are, here she is. Now, on to the disgusting beauty that's been REALLY lingering on my mind (yes, yes, I am well aware and awaiting the "Yur Mum?!1111" responses.)







Edited by Unus
Post Numero Tweako.
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        Post 73.

Now (9/10/2016), lets get back onto my mental track with my new ""crowd pleaser"" of a melee weapon, shall we?

Designation: Cnido

Weapon Designation: Whip


Manufacturer: Collective Tenno Artisan Clans, Tenno High Council Sponsorship, Orcus Relay, Pluto.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 25 Puncture, 15 Slash, 10 Impact, 30 Toxic.

Slide Damage=90

Jump Damage=120

Wall Damage=90

Radius= 1

Swing Speed= 1.16

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C" Chance= 30%

Channeling Damage=1.5

Amount of Hittable Targets= 7

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6

Polarity= 2 Madurai


Special Trait(s): Melee attacks made against flesh targets slowly drag foes towards the user with each blow as the macro-nematocysts fulfill their (un)natural purpose. In addition, the Cnido's (un)naturally produced toxin is extremely deadly towards other Technocyte strains, leading to a +25% bonus against Infested threats.


As is to be expected of any manner of creation of Infested origins, the Cnido is a disgusting mass of living tissue  writhing with unnatural life. For the most part, the grip is made of shaped exoskeleton who's skin pattern emulates the design of a tool's grip, gradually changing as you move up the shaft of the weapon until it becomes fully formed blobby silver-green flesh. The bottom "pommel" of the weapon is a claw shape that appears to be grasping the handle from the bottom, complete with a pale cyan Technocyte bulge as the bottom  "accessory". On the top, a very large spherical flesh wad of sorts sits, writhing and twitching as though many different living things are slowly moving about inside it. On the front, a vertical slit with a set of haphazard canine teeth interlocking along it's length sits at the ready, awaiting the inevitable muscle contraction that  will unhinge it's jaw. Behind each of the teeth on the front, a pale-cyan Technocyte node sits, highlighting the weapon's already alarming appearance with a menacing glow even in the darkest environs, not unlike a bio-luminescent fish.  When the weapon is swung, the maw opens wide and a set of 7 tendrils with arrow-head shaped tips and quill-covered lengths erupts forth and rasps along the foe's body, dealing damage. While attacking, the flesh blob shrinks down considerably, having had most of it's tissue diverted into the tendrils themselves, leaving only the maw at it's original size. When the swing finishes, the tendrils quickly retract back into the maw, the flesh blob inflates, and the blob's silver green surface begins it's disturbing undulations anew.

"Basic" Description= Whereas the Mercurian Clansmen focused on the far past and the Saturnian Clansmen focused on their connection to the Lotus, the Plutonian artisans decided to take a more "active" approach to the weaponry creation process, focusing instead on what the Tenno themselves were capable of. Descending into the darkest depths of the Sol-Origin System's Infested zones, the Plutonian Artisans slaughtered their way through hive after hive for a two-fold purpose, 1) To collect enough different Infested variants to sequence the biological portion's genome and 2) to acquire an intact sample of the primordial strain the Orokin started the second apocalypse with. After months of bush whacking across Eris and Mercury, the Collective succeeded in it's first goal, but was found wanting in the momentum and evidence to achieve  the second. With what little they could uncover however, the artisanal clansmen managed to construct a new strain of Technocyte, the Technophage, an organism dedicated to the consumption of other Technocyte strains. With this "cure" ( death) in hand, it only took the gestation of a portable artificial host for the Plutonian Clansmen to finally have their selling point for the Sol-Origin market. Sterile, tame, and brutally efficient, the new Cnido weapon is ready and able to take it's place on a system-wide stage as an excellent example of what can be achieved when multiple clans work together in concert towards a single goal.


THERE we go! Back off my keester and outta the gate swinging! How's it lookin out there folks? Everything . . . uh. . . . groovy? Whatever it is all the cool kids say these days. 



Edited by Unus
A tweak on the grotesque schnozzola for you. . .
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         Post 74

Took a bitta time, but, finally got two more ideas into my head that appear to be game worthy. Stuff is certainly taking more time to come to me and get sorted out, but at least it's still coming to me. Heck, I never expected this to garner any interest or grow past 35 comments and concepts, shows what I know.

Designation: Somnocyte

Weapon Designation: Secondary


Manufacturer: Creator Unknown, source appears to operate somewhere deep within the labyrinthine confines of the Sol-Origin blackmarket

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 22 Puncture, 8 Slash, 20 Toxic.

Projectile= Projectile

Accuracy= 33.3

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 11.5

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.0 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Magazine= 1 50 shot tryptophanic "lamprey" (a refillable cylindrical symbiote with a set of four tiny proboscises in it's O shaped suction mouth which comes paired with the weapon from "birth". When attached to it's Somnocyte mutual at the appropriate attachment zone, the lamprey will draw blood from it and filter out waste and choice bacteria. In return, the lamprey pumps a steady stream of tryptophan into the Somnocyte's venom glands.)

Reload Speed= 2.5 ( Detach the lamprey with a squeeze behind the head, hold it away from you as the limp creature inflates with waste, reattach at designated point beneath the jaw of the Somnocyte.)

Trigger= Automatic Burst (Quick bursts of three "teeth" done in such a fashion that the pause between them is almost irrelevant.)

Mastery Rank= 2

Polarity= None

Special Trait: Each shot on an organic target slows it's movement speed down by a humble total of 2% as tryptophan flood's the organism's bodily systems and induces sedation and drowsiness. Critical hits and "P.R.O.C.s" double the percentage up to 4%.


  Active State= From a distance, the two greatest traits that catch the eye are the aged paper-color narrow pseudo-avian beak barrel and the thin coating of pale-brown mangy fur encrusting the "head". Inside the narrow top and bottom of the lock jawed chitinous beak barrel, a set of thin, flat, and serrated teeth sit in three separate venom lubricated grooves that run the length of the barrel-beak at an angle. Behind them, a powerful set of three muscular appendages shaped in the manner of bluntly tipped firing pins all sit and wait for the synaptic signal to be sent for launch. The area of flesh around the teeth is red and raw from the constant shark like regrowth and firing of the teeth. On the bottom of the beak, a soft and fleshy pale lump of tissue sticks out beneath the chin area, covered in circle-shaped scar tissue.

   It is in this well protected groove that the "lamprey" symbiote is placed, attaching to the lump and surrounded on all sides by raised bone. On either side of the "facial" region, a Lambent orange blob covered in even tinier Lambent orange blobs sit in what can only be described as "eye-sockets" constantly moving and rotating in a chameleon-esque style to focus on targets who's health is highlighted in the user's heads-up-display. Behind the mange fuzz of the front, the back end is a bald milky white, with splotches of scales haphazardly adorning it like some kind of skin condition. From the bottom, a single rigid "foot" sticks outward, ending in an elephantine set of three toenails  and acting as a grip for the user to wield it from. From the back, a ratlike scelerotized tail juts outward, forming a rigid bend that mimics a small skeletal stock which wraps up and around the grip and forms a small ring with the tip, the trigger for this grotesque weapon.

Holstered State= The tail loosens and becomes fairly limp, the side blobs sink into the head In the manner of a snail's eyes, and the mouth rigidly clamps shut entirely.

Unholstering= The weapon emits a rodent-esque squeak, the beak clacks open in such a way that teeth launched from the upper or lower jaw always try to converge on the same point, the tail suddenly tightens into it's "stock and trigger" state with a sound like knuckles being cracked, and the blobs emerge at a modest speed from either side. 

"Basic" Description:

In the Sol-Origin System, it is common knowledge that only the brutally ambitious, the mad, or the Tenno have the talent, guts, or natural immunity to shape and mold the Great Plague to their whims. In the Somnocyte's case however, it appears that someone has discovered a fourth option, profit. Almost two weeks after Alad the Fifth's removal from the The Phoroid Gestalt Consciousness, a trickle of these strange weapons began to make their way onto the black market from somewhere in the outer-worlds. Containing no maker's mark, appearing only by dropship onto the homes of salesmen (even if they are not renowned as relay marketeers), and with a percentage of the profits being wired to an account that appears to bounce it's signal across the entirety of the Sol-Origin System, rumors abound as to the origin of these strange implements. Some claim they are the results of some brazen Red Veil genius' work who "farms" the weapons off specifically Infested Kubrow.

   Others claim that the weapons are the creation of some form of Cephalon or other vast consciousness, curious as to the potential of breaking social taboos for it's own curiosity or mercantile gain. Still others claim the weapons come straight from Eris itself, drawn up from the landscape by some particularly obsessed individual or even the hive mind itself in the hopes of spreading across the system under the radar of the great powers. Whatever the case may be, two facts are clear. 1) Each weapon is a near perfect clone of an undiscovered original "parent" weapon, 2) Each weapon appears to have been radiologically spayed or neutered to prevent nano-spore colonization. Disregarding the mystery surrounding the Somnocyte's existence in the system and the fact that it is of Infested origins, kidnappers, terrorists, and mercenaries the system over have come to relish wielding them, simplifying captures and kills in equal measure with it's natural soporific effects and it's obsessively fastidious self-maintenance.


Really gotta apologize for the length of the description on this one, when it comes to Infested weapons, you need to cover all the bases to truly capture the "Jankiness" of these beasts. Anywho, hope folks are enjoying my work here, be ye repeat viewers or one-shot passers by!

Oh, and one final thing. If you ever have a burning need to put down an idea, but, have no idea how or in what way to implement it, Private Message me or say something here and I'll see what I can cough up. Ciao!






Edited by Unus
Branded with the mark of identification. Also, tweaked.
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               Post 75

Slow and steady wins the race, as they used to say. Wish I could actually schedule these bursts of creative interest, but, eh, can't complain to much. I wonder if it'll ever get to the point that I'll just start posting content for the sake of simply posting content, rather then as a preservation measure? 

Designation: Need some help here actually! What sounds better to you folks? Egvola, Garid, or Valra? (Addendum= voting FINALLY tallied circa 12/4/2016 at 10:33, the Garid lives!)

Designation: Garid

Weapon Designation: Thrown, Melee.


Manufacturer=  Beekloud, Recreational Services Division,  Maxwell Montes In-House Production Facilities.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= Puncture 10.6, Slash 34.5, 5.3 Impact.

Slide Damage=  200

Jump Damage= 80

Wall Damage= 115


Swing Speed=0.8 (While certainly scaled down and ergonomically tweaked, swinging and firing an osprey variant is still a somewhat cumbersome process.)

Critical Chance= 25% ( Between the molecularly honed edges and the sophisticated predatory targeting computer, there is always a significant chance of the drone striking something important on each pass. . .)

Critical Damage= 2.5X ( . . . and when it does indeed hit, the results usually leave quite a lasting impression on the target.)

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Channeling Damage= 2.5X (The drone's internal workings are quite efficient and responsive when it comes to transmitted energy. In truth, thanks to it's unique  targeting software, they need to be.)

Amount of Hittable Targets= 1

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3

Polarity= 2 Naramon 

Stance= Naramon


Special Trait(s)= When channeling the  weapon,  a weapon-colored reticule will appear over the first 4 targets you view. If the drone is released during this phase, it will attempt to aim for the critical areas on the target's bodies and slice through them at jet-propelled speed in a chain-strike. Modifications that add or subtract "bounces" affect the amount of targets it can acquire.

Appearance= While it certainly shares the basic components of it's external frame with the other members of the Osprey family, there are several onboard pieces that make it stand out significantly. First off, rather then the bulbous wing-jets of it's compatriots, the drone has a delta wing shape with the engines relocated to the back and bladed edges along the front and back of the wings. When in melee use, one wing's blades will retract inside and be replaced with a set of front and back gel grips, allowing the user to wield the drone in the manner of an axe. Next off, rather then a "proper" lower body, the only thing that sits on the bottom section are a pair of rails that adjust to fit the user's arm for "focused launch mode" (When charged, the drone attaches to the arm, receives it's selected target data, and then cold launches along the arm in the manner of a launch rail via pressurized fuel discharge. After leaving the user's "bubble of safety", the thrusters kick on with a roar and the drone emits a staticky mix of a vulture's cry and a wildcat's yowl as it mercilessly homes in on it's appointed quarry.)   Next, while the head and it's dark brown lights look quite typical of the Osprey family, the head is gyroscopically mounted, allowing the head to focus on targets no matter where the are in relation to the body (while allowing for some disturbingly near-organic head motions in the manner of an owls when holstered or wielded). 

Finally, the mottled charcoal-grey top and and cream-colored bottom reflect light quite dully due to the company patented "Haemo-Slough" blood resistant coating that ensures a lack of gory buildup as it follows-through with each of it's programmed kill orders. When thrown outside of it's charged mode, the drone is tossed in the manner of a paper airplane, slowly gliding forward before engaging it's thrusters in a nasty forward charge.


"Basic" Description= Even banished far from it's homeworld, mankind continues to seek the unconditional companionship of less intelligent forms of life. From the A.I. combat rings hosted by bored crewmen aboard ships on long voyages, to the meticulous maintenance conducted on landed cargo drones, mankind's collective heart still contains a void in it's existence, left by the Grey Goo disaster's ravaging of baseline Terran fauna so very long ago. With their loss came the complete obliteration of hundreds of cultural traditions that relied on their existence that have slowly been fading from memory ever since. With his skill in the construction of a.i. however, one of these traditions has experienced an unexpected rebirth into the modern imagination, the art of Falconry. Reborn through the creation of the Galra T.H.D. ("Traditional Hunting Device), users can experience all the wonder of raising a chick from birth to adulthood while training it into a valued tool of sports and companionship (carefully printing the head component, waiting through it's 3 month install and update progress, installing the necessary "If this then this" phrases throughout it's internal scripting, and configuring it's body for the selected prey target).

   While most of the drones themselves are rather stiff and bland like most osprey variants, a disturbing trend has begun to crop up among the prototype models. After 9 weeks of ownership with the more attentive and emotive members of the product-testing teams, the drones' formerly stiff and precise movements began to take on several strange quirks. Said quirks include but are not limited to 1) twitching of the head in it's housing when focusing on something. 2) sudden reactivation and attempts by the head to leave storage containers when a tester leaves the room, 3) Unauthorized noise synthesis such as "cooing" or "chirping" and 4) Unanticipated attempts by the product to remain in physical contact with the user for workplace-significant periods of time. Naturally, most testers reported the quirks and had their models scrubbed or scrapped and the standard issue bug-squashing stipend sent to them. Several testers from known malfunctioning batches however never reported anything of the sort, and in some cases even paid double the full-price for soon-to-be-scrapped models of other testers. Beekcloud knows that this clearly indicates that some unknown organization is attempting to infringe upon their patent and has currently put as much funding into patent-protection (explosive payloads implanted on the chassis) and bug elimination in new models as can reasonably be allowed, although profits off ____ sales have strangely decreased by 14% and no similar products have appeared from any other legitimate companies in the Sol-Origin System. On the illegal side, several models based off the prototypes have begun to crop up with safeties removed and aggression levels heightened, a favored "pet" of rich warlords, company commanders, and pirate captains the system over.



PHEW, 3 days a work, finished it at a football game, AND I couldn't decide which name to pick. 2 "milestones" to be had there. Anywho, just lemme know WHICH O F THE THREE NAMES CATCHES YOUR COLLECTIVE EYES oh two or three something viewers of mine!






Mission Accomplished! The Galra is born!

Edited by Unus
Tweaked like a great-great-grandchild's nose.
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