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It's Worrisome That This Game Still Has No Objective


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Though obviously this was meant as sarcasm, this has actually been the #1 response of people who disagree, yet not one of these responses has explained what they plan to do with said item when they get it ... beyond using it to get the next item on their 'list'. If 'collect the whole set!' is the limit of the gameplay, then fine, but I think most would find that quite disappointing.


Then there are the "the objective is to have fun" folks who fail to acknowledge that the vast majority of the content in the game is built around acquiring more loot or upgrading your gear. You could literally use that same argument to indefinitely continue a game of chess after reaching a stalemate. If the objective was purely for fun there would be no need to force players to farm for anything, every item could be made available for free without any detriment to gameplay, right?


But I think we all know that such a rebuttal is a lie... this is a progression based game, and currently the only progression that exists is to 'collect the whole set'.


Your chess argument falls flat and is just plain silly. What are you exactly saying qualifies as a stalemate in this game? It's not even a competitive game. Playing after a stalemate is just stupid because you know who won already, you've played out that scenario. If you want to keep having fun after a stalemate of chess then what do you do? Just start a new game, duh. That actually makes sense and the fun still continues.


With Warframe, even if I do everything there is to possibly do and get all there is to get, I'm still going to enjoy shooting enemies because I find the action in and of itself FUN. Collecting upgrades and personalizing your gear is just a mini-game that should not be considered the main attraction, it's just there to enhance the main attraction.

Edited by Entheos_Geon
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I do worry about this sometimes especially when I ask myself what's the point of me playing? But at the same time while playing I'm still having fun although I still wish they would introduce more content and I guess more "Open" map/instances.


I do also think that this game is like MH, the mechanics and everything are the same all through out but its still very fun while playing it.

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They should add planets that follow a story path or edit the current missions to have some sort of linear story that connects everything to the boss mission. I'd have a reason to beat every mission instead of waiting to piggyback on a ? alert.

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