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End Game Melee Weapons

Guest ImJustAN00b


Guest ImJustAN00b

I have a choice of

1)Nikana Prime


3)Broken War

4)War (Not leaning towards this)

5)Mios maybe?

6)Redemeer (In my opinion this I will only use for stealth)


What else should I be considering?

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War > Jat Kittag > Nikana Prime > Destreza > Broken-War. All 5 of them are very good and will do you well. But, I still had to rank them according to their overall performance. I understand that you aren't leaning towards War, but it is the weapon of gods as of now, my friend. =) However, the rest are very close in that order.

PS: I misread your list and thought you had Jat Kittag in it. Please, disregard that. Just remove it from the list and add Mios at the end of it.

War > Nikana Prime > Destreza > Broken-War > Mios

Edited by The_Discussion
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3 minutes ago, SaerwenFlanoir said:

Redeemer is also good for it's charge attack. It can 1 shot even Sortie 3 Eximi Heavy Units.

It only works that way if you're invisible, and the weapon scales very poorly due to not being fit for a combo-based build. However, as long as Redeemer is being used while invisible, it's a top dog, no doubt. It'll fall off eventually while the other melee weapons won't, but it'll last a while.

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The Redeemer is a good all round option as it gives you something of a backup shotgun when needed and has decent melee damage higher than most Skana type blades. The Broken War is a great Skana type available from a quest so I would consider it as the weapon is already catalyzed. The Galatine or Scindo Prime are also good heavy blades and both can be used from early in the game (around mastery rank 3-4) and put the hurt on enemies. The Mios and Lacera are both interesting and powerful weapons, you might like speed or range increases on them though for best uses. The Nikana Prime is a great blade, but keep in mind it will have problems with slam attacks, not too much of a problem but the Nikana series slam attacks are insanely small, smaller than your warframe is wide in fact. The War is one of the highest raw melee damages as befitting a copy of the weapon Hunhow was riding around in. The Deztraza is fun but doesn't move in a style similar to fencing for the most part, with quick reach and strikes but other than that, the poker is a fun, stylish, and higher puncture method of dispatching one's foes.

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I like War an awful, awful lot. If you can get your hands on blood rush, body count, and berserker, it gets even better. Because it is a crit based combo build, it does suck in duels, PvP, or against single, fast, targets. However, once you get the combo counter past 15-20, you can really mess up the enemies. I have very strong primaries and secondaries, so I mostly use my War whenever I run out of ammo (which is rare) or to take out a nullifier. Slide in, melee, slide out. 

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Redeemer is a sniper shotgun.  I regularly achieve 15k critical damage shots on non-sortie enemies.  Yesterday I ran a T1 Survival with a new clanmate, I was getting 41k critical shots, sometimes twice on the same target.

If your melee weapon does 80k damage to a target 50 feet away... it is a very nice melee weapon.

As Warlord of the ThirdStringNinjas, I declared it the clan's "official melee weapon of choice".

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Any x3 critical damage weapon.

Dual Ichors and Prisma Dual Cleavers would be currently the strongest melee in the game, by a large margin.

Dual Raza is the strongest spin weapon in the game (you can go over 400k damage per spin relatively easily) but against armor late-game you can only make it shine via 4CP.

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Guest ImJustAN00b
11 hours ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

Broken war is mastery fodder. Don't use it.

Use Hate/Reaper prime/Anku instead.


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80% of the answers will be: The (6) weaps you listed + Jat Kittag, Scindo Prime, Atterax, Orthos Prime, Lesion, Covert Lethality Daggers, Prisma Dual Clevers, Dual Ichors


People will remember one or two weapons I might left out. Please remember that Melee Weapons will depend a lot on your preference ( Reach, Speed, Stance, combos, etc...)

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Scoliac has been performing very well for me in the past week. it only has a 5% crit but its attack speed is more than enough to keep a berserker off (which i use a lot) . It has such a versitile use in top tier mission, when i run any frame that can have a high health pool id run a life strike and if im running my malevolent eclipse mirage i run a shattering impact to strip armor away from bigger units. Its reach is all i really use it for but i feel it what i look for in a long survival or even a sortie or raid. 

Ill agree with redeemer and jat kitty (my personal melee) but i just cant see their  use a lot in my top missions.

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My personal list is something like Nikana P > Orthos P > Karyst > Redeemer > Dual Ichors

Then again, anything slower then a Nikana bothers me.

Also, War has less DPS then the Nikana if you do not have Tempo Royale, but do have Blind Justice ;)

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My list goes Lacera>Nikana P>Jat Kittag>Prisma Dual Cleavers>Ninkondi. The Lacera has a deceptively slow attack speed, same with Ninkondi.

With Defiled Snapdragon, the Lacera can land 20 hits on a single enemy in a matter of seconds, but can land dozens if not hundreds -easily- if you're surrounded, and that's begging for Body Count. With an easy 100% status, 20m range, and huge hitbox, I turn to it when I can no longer rely on my guns. It can even take out airborn Hellions with the "Attack, pause" combo.

Nikana has Tranquil Cleave which is better towards end-game as one of the combos opens a counter attack finisher that destroys even level 135 corrupt gunners.

Jat's reputation precedes it, impressive damage, powerful crowd control, jet powered mace.

Dual cleavers hide their power with average base damage, but True Steel, Organ Shatter, Blood Rush, and Body Count make for easy red crits that just get better, with an awesome Berserker attack speed to boot.

 Ninkondi with Atlantis Vulcan, despite its single target limitation, deals fantastic DPS that's able to kill sortie 3 enemies in a few seconds. The dash combo is a good way to cover ground quickly while landing multiple hits very rapidly. It's also not bad if you use a Disarm Loki or fight infested since one of the combos covers all your sides for some effective CQC crowd control.

These cover most of the melee preference bases, so it comes down to which one you prefer.

Edited by (PS4)OrinjNanu
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Furax has never let me down. Finishers on command, no need for expensive mods or over-complicated combos to deal tons of damage, huge damage bonuses on ground attacks, quick staggers and ragdolling, radial knockdowns, etc., sh*t never ends lol

Edited by MechaTails
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