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Vauban Hate, Why


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So I finally made my Vauban a few daya ago and been soloing Xini for some easy xp and the evasive thunderbolt... (90+ tier 2 and 2 tier 3 key since patch and no bolt? Seriously...)

So I was just minding my own business as usual. Then a random Saryn joined. (Forgot I had online on from before when I went to help in an alert).

After a while he was like "stop using vortex, I cant cast" (I made sure it was not close to friendly the entire time) I was like ok, it can get annoying when he happen to run across the entire area to be sucked in like sone moron. So I stopped.

After another few wave, after I saved him a few time with bastiles or however its spelled. He was like stop using it cause he want them clustered up. Now I started to get a little &!$$ed...but was like ok, I will throw it away from you. (Was still in semi good mood from crafting vanban)

Then I was like bounce is fun with anicent ! and just having fun with it at other side of the map. Then here come the saryn rushing over. . and he flew off and I get ''F*** you vauban and your skill"

I left at wave 20 ....then something similar happened later again although the hate is less.

I dont get the source of all these hate....someone been missing out on bp or something ?

Edited by Infiz
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well I dunno, I think its from their experiences with other vauban players that intentionally &!$$ed them off which may make most players singling out EVERY individual who plays a vauban just because they were unfortunate to meet a vauban who spammed bounce or slapped a pair of teslas on their backs. although I don't understand why someone would hate bastille, extremely useful against infested on defense. I can understand vortex would be frustrating, since the whole zero gravity thing makes your character slip in the air like skating on ice.


thankfully, I have yet to meet those kind of people since I mostly main Vauban.

Edited by TheAuraMaster
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It's not necessarily Vauban. His skills can ruin the flow of some one else's play style, but from what I noticed in maps like Xini people are number @#&*(s. Especially people who play AOE DPS frames like Saryn. You can see this by them camping the doorway to kill all that spawn with one ult before anyone else who is DEFENDING the pod on a DEFENSE map.

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honestly about saryn and other high dps aoe, the doorway is the best place to use these ultimates, since the aggro will focus on saryn or any other frames, making it easy to gather as many targets as possible

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Vortex pulls frames around, i guess the game counts it as being in the air or something alike. I have no problem with non-trolling Vaubans, but i avoid Vortex like the black plague since i've died to it (and a few toxic ancients in it) on Xini a few times.

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I think Vauban get hate because their abilities disrupt enemy flow. Most people want the enemies to move like they usually would, but 3 of the 4 abilities of a vauban essentially stops this. I think its kinda bullS#&$ that people complain about the great CC that vauban can offer. Vortex should be praised by other players, getting all the enemies clustered up to get nuked down, not hated. I do, however, wish that the effects of vortex didnt extend to friendly players, i find myslef floating all over the damn place when i throw it just a smidge too close.


Bastile is one of my favorite abilities hands down. A huge aoe stun that losts a pretty long time. Coupled with a few teslas and you can focus down 3 or 4 ancients with the help of a teammate or two. bastile has saved my &#! a number of times, as well as some of my teammates. 


:\ I think if DE took out how vortex effects players then vauban hate would go down somewhat. 

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Forget them , they wouldnt be as cool as you , when its 25 wave or farther when their skills wouldnt kill even charger , but your bastile will save situation. Vauban's vortex is the best AOE skill for damage because you can deal as much damage as your weapon does, vortex holds enemies together and you with your overpowered hek ( puncture equiped of course ) can deal more damage than any saryn for whole defense . Just remember vauban is best warframe for infested defense , but dont be like " I'm god bow to me " you are the best only on infested defense .

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the obvious reason for the vaubad hate is that his skills are broken/hella annoying. player affecting = not good

then we should hate on mag and loki too since they have abilities that effect players? 

Vauban vortex shouldnt behave exactly how it does, but 8/10 times i use it, its actually useful to the party. the only times its not is when their are toxic ancients or i accidentally throw it too close to another player.


Bounce is barely player effecting. you essentially get a free superjump in whatever direction the bounce is facing. Half the time my team is either A) happy i used it to save time or B) dont care because everybody screws around at extraction.


I can see how some vaubans (please dont say vaubads) can troll pretty easily with these abilities, but bounce isnt that bad. But I will agree vortex really should just receive a fix to not affect players, however. 

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i agree, vauban isn't too bad, only the vortex annoys me a little now and then, but i feel if the other players avoid it when possible, and the vauban doesn't use it to troll, its pretty damm usefull, and about the thing where a vauban puts tesla's on a player, ive used this with a vauban friend voluntarily, and it doesn't fail to amuse me, turning me into a walking bugzapper, which is pretty damm usefull if you use it properly, ive been more annoyed by a mag pulling me back all the time to keep me from looting lockers on purpose

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then we should hate on mag and loki too since they have abilities that effect players? 

Vauban vortex shouldnt behave exactly how it does, but 8/10 times i use it, its actually useful to the party. the only times its not is when their are toxic ancients or i accidentally throw it too close to another player.


Bounce is barely player effecting. you essentially get a free superjump in whatever direction the bounce is facing. Half the time my team is either A) happy i used it to save time or B) dont care because everybody screws around at extraction.


I can see how some vaubans (please dont say vaubads) can troll pretty easily with these abilities, but bounce isnt that bad. But I will agree vortex really should just receive a fix to not affect players, however. 

mag and loki's abilities have to be intentional. vaubad's abilities don't. they can affect player regardless of whether he wants them to or not... which is the problem

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The only issue i have with the vauban is that vortex, i would be fine if it didn't cause more damage to the team members around it than it did help, all they need to do is stop it from affecting allies and all is sorted, the amount of times a vauban has cast vortex and myself and another player have actually been downed by corpus because we cant move.. its ridiculous, the ability itself is fine, just the way it messes with team members can sometimes cause more grief than help. I have a vauban, so i know its effective, but the devs should really just make it not affect other players.



 Just remember vauban is best warframe for infested defense , but dont be like " I'm god bow to me " you are the best only on infested defense .


I beg to differ, ember has served me best with the amount of dmg the ring of fire can put out onto infested. but ill agree vauban works well against ancients.

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Please, please PLEASE be careful with Vortex and not throw it too near to teammates.

Vortex = No Blessing

No Blessing = Drained by Disruptor

Drained by Disruptor = Dead

Dead = Teammate runs to revive you

Teammate runs to revive you = Can't revive due to Vortex/Dead

Dead = Trinity Links and runs to revive you both

Trinity abandons post = Cryopod dies

Cryopod dies = Mission Failed

Mission Failed = Got another Hellfire from locked-in reward again

Well this is from a Trinity's point of view

Or worse-case scenario, Vortex crashes everyone

Edited by Amistyrja
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The only issue i have with the vauban is that vortex, i would be fine if it didn't cause more damage to the team members around it than it did help, all they need to do is stop it from affecting allies and all is sorted, the amount of times a vauban has cast vortex and myself and another player have actually been downed by corpus because we cant move.. its ridiculous, the ability itself is fine, just the way it messes with team members can sometimes cause more grief than help. I have a vauban, so i know its effective, but the devs should really just make it not affect other players.




I beg to differ, ember has served me best with the amount of dmg the ring of fire can put out onto infested. but ill agree vauban works well against ancients.

agreed, ember does work. and no one rlly rox infested like sayrn.

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I have mentioned this allot in the topics lately. I am almost a Vauban Fanclub founder for i like the class allot. Its skills are very useful in many ways and i got my friends to like them equaly.


Every Vauban Skill are have multi-purpose, you can use Tesla on the ground/walls as a defense, throw it on your own Sentinel or other player`s Sentinels to give support, Bounce can be thrown on the floor/walls to bounce off enemies and kill them or thrown on players to bounce off melee agressors, Bastille wich is a massive CC that can keep enemies floating until backup arrives or so you can easly kill them one by one, Vortex can be used for Crowd controlling, to stack up enemies in a single spot and have a friend ult them to death or even helping friends with dificulties in Wall Running to get to higher areas.


Every stage that requires some CC, my friends call me becouse i play very good with the Vauban wich makes me happy. :3

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Seem like player just self trolling by running onto my vortex and bounce atm instead of us throwing it on them.


I do have point out though that Vaubans prefer choke points to place their Vortex, which teammates cant always circle around (if at all).

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Not everyone owns a Vauban.


There might be a bit of jealousy involved.


Vortex renders a lot of other frames skills useless by making them unusable (due to "cannot use skill while in air") and also by changing the positions of the enemies (may move them out of the AOE of another frame's skills).


Vortex also cause other players to move around as though they are on ice and this make movement alone difficult.


Bastille makes the screen really bright and distorts the view a little even without bloom turned on.


Bounce is a tool that can be used by trolls.


Tesla can also be used by trolls by throwing them on other players and killing some enemies that are near them before they can even kill them.


Vauban is the only frame that has all 4 skills that can affect other players visually and in mechanics.


Thus, all the Vauban hate.


I personally don't hate Vaubans since they are pretty useful in defense missions, making my life a lot easier. However, the "walking on ice" thing and also "rendering some skills useless" caused by Vortex is really something that annoys me a lot.

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Bounce should be fine as it is, but it needs a bigger bounce effect.

Vortex on the other hand.....

Being dragged slowly into the vortex was one thing.

But now we get floated about by it?

I love vauban he is great fun, but vortex needs to not affect players, tthe floating stops you playing and can grt you killed.

Bounce needs more height or more consistent height and a consistent three uses, a lot of the time I will only get 1 or 2 uses out of it...

Tesla is jokes and bastille is fine. The option to roll off the teslas wouldn't go amiss.

But then we could still do with an option not to be affected by warframe powers.

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Not everyone owns a Vauban.


There might be a bit of jealousy involved.


Vortex renders a lot of other frames skills useless by making them unusable (due to "cannot use skill while in air") and also by changing the positions of the enemies (may move them out of the AOE of another frame's skills).


Vortex also cause other players to move around as though they are on ice and this make movement alone difficult.


Bastille makes the screen really bright and distorts the view a little even without bloom turned on.


Bounce is a tool that can be used by trolls.


Tesla can also be used by trolls by throwing them on other players and killing some enemies that are near them before they can even kill them.


Vauban is the only frame that has all 4 skills that can affect other players visually and in mechanics.


Thus, all the Vauban hate.


I personally don't hate Vaubans since they are pretty useful in defense missions, making my life a lot easier. However, the "walking on ice" thing and also "rendering some skills useless" caused by Vortex is really something that annoys me a lot.

this is the reason I haven't made my vaubad in the foundry yet. not making him until he's patched.

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