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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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I play the game the way it is fun for me if I want to kill them away from the pod, I'll do so.


Last time somebody like you started harassing and using offensive language on everybody in the game because we didn't play "effective".

It is all about fun! You should paly with clan mates if you really want to be most effective not with randoms.

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That would be great if it actually helped in the bulk of matches, but it doesn't unless everyone is anticipating it and YOU are having fun and getting kills while the rest of your team is hanging back to defend the pod, getting less exp and having situations where they leave the pod vulnerable to go pick up mods that had no business being out of sight from the pod on top of causing teammates to lose mats to decay.

People don't use the Mic because it's unreliable... it doesn't always work for every client and sometimes people have the option turned off. The whole advantage to fighting infested is they come to you.

P.S. you don't get enough kills per hour to even break the top 200 let alone the top 10.

to be clear, you wouldn't know it by looking at my profile because I reset; but I have over 600 hours of play time and was in the top 300 (328 when I reset actually). I'm not trying to be mean with that other comment about kills per hour, but you're going to have to step up your game when people are getting your total kills twice a month if you expect to get there.

Let me tell you from a LOT of experience (combining my kills now and pre reset I had almost as many infested kills as you have kills) things go a whole lot smoother and faster if you have one person at both chokepoints near the pod in Xini rather than sitting in the spawn.

Im doing my best to get as many kills as possible while still being an asset to a team. i could be getting orders of magnitude more kills, but in doing so i would be screwing over everyone else that plays with me. And exactly how do you know how fast i'm moving up the board? Im sitting where i am right now at slightly less than 250  hours, So i think if i can get to 800 in 250 hours, I have a decent shot. You would have done the same thing if someone had told you that your never going to get there, So i appreciate the warning, but im still going to get there.


Besides, I don't do Xini, If you are wanting Kills, go Io. If a group can get to lvl 30 on Xini, 50 on Io shouldnt be a problem for the same group.


I always tell people exactly what im going to do. I take the time to let them know before i even walk out of the spawn room. If they tell me they don't like it, Ill stick by the pod, Otherwise Im doing my own thing. If they can't take the time, before the match even starts, to use some communication skills to let me know their plans, they aren't worth changing my whole playstyle for. Since i usually play only with a select few, this is never a problem.

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If you do not tell people that, all they'll learn is that you're an AFKer/griefer.

The first point isn't true. It is faster to kill them at/near the spawn (especially in the first couple waves).

I fight at the spot somebody else mentioned (5 smashables on spawn). I do it because my Miasma is fatal to just about everything until wave 13 or so, after that I fall back. I've only seen one person ask me to stop, and they asked because it would be 'faster' to fight on the pod. As a previous poster said, 'all hunters' doesn't work, but all defenders is way slower.

Buddy doesn't want to work as a team, so I'll let 'em solo it. Then everyone gets what they want. The soloist gets all the kills and I get all my xp and mods, with a snack.

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The first point isn't true. It is faster to kill them at/near the spawn (especially in the first couple waves).


Correct me if im wrong but with the current spawn mechanics blocking/staying close to spawns will stop the wave from coming at least the full wave, you end up having waves inside the wave itself.

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I stopped running Xini.


Pluto is the way to go now. People stop being heroes at wave 5.

Depends on what you want really. If you want higher level, Pluto is great. Valefor is always my go to place for just a fun match, but if i want a large number of kills, Io is the way to go. Lower level enemies are faster to kill, so you get higher waves sooner, and go longer in the end. Its not as rewarding, true....but if its kills that i want, Im definitely going Io.

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Or, the fact that they're killing so many mobs out there, resources and mods are dropping and the poor Cryopod defenders don't have a chance to get out there. When a Wave is cleared they get, what, 10 seconds to run out there, grab the crap and get back to the pod in case some break through?


I hate it when people kill all the way out there. Especially when they don't bother marking nice stuff that drops. The XP, meh, I don't really care about that, I can solo XP easy. But mods and resources, uh, yeah. I want those.

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Or, the fact that they're killing so many mobs out there, resources and mods are dropping and the poor Cryopod defenders don't have a chance to get out there. When a Wave is cleared they get, what, 10 seconds to run out there, grab the crap and get back to the pod in case some break through?


I hate it when people kill all the way out there. Especially when they don't bother marking nice stuff that drops. The XP, meh, I don't really care about that, I can solo XP easy. But mods and resources, uh, yeah. I want those.

Which is another reason i much prefer Io. Even a Frost Prime, no rush, can get across the whole room and back in a bit over 10 seconds.


People who don't mark mods are really annoying. I never mark materials, Unless somebody says to do it, then of course i mark every one. Sometimes if i know they are slow, or not quite that good at Warframe yet, Ill tell them to come get the mod, and ill take over their place at the pod till they get back. I've usually got so many kills from being out hunting at this point, that im perfectly fine with letting them go grab some drops. Its only fair.

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Hero isn't the proper word for these selfish people.  Insert negative insult here.  They should not be revived.


Most of these individuals don't bother marking the drops either.  Some hypocrites even say mark stuff for them to pick up but they don't bother marking themselves if you watch them.


We really need to start the trend of stay near pod and let them come to you.  The rest of the group loose out on exp and drops because of the greedy bastards.  I'm very tempted to let the stray charger wreck the pods now because this happens all the time.

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  The rest of the group loose out on exp and drops because of the greedy bastards.  I'm very tempted to let the stray charger wreck the pods now because this happens all the time.


Some intuitive coding to cause mobs to spawn from the furthest point away from a player would be nice. It would make people camping doors the last to see the mobs running around.

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Some intuitive coding to cause mobs to spawn from the furthest point away from a player would be nice. It would make people camping doors the last to see the mobs running around.

or just more variety.  More spawn locations and maybe a higher threat placed on the pod than on the player?

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Hero isn't the proper word for these selfish people.  Insert negative insult here.  They should not be revived.


Most of these individuals don't bother marking the drops either.  Some hypocrites even say mark stuff for them to pick up but they don't bother marking themselves if you watch them.


We really need to start the trend of stay near pod and let them come to you.  The rest of the group loose out on exp and drops because of the greedy bastards.  I'm very tempted to let the stray charger wreck the pods now because this happens all the time.

Problem is that if everybody stays near the pod, you are one slip up away from losing. If you are spread out more, you kill faster, and still have enough time to get back to the pod if it starts taking hits. Everyone on the pod is the last resort, the final line of defense before the map fails. Why start at this position? This is what you need.

1. 1 Hunter, The guy who ventures down lane, killing as many people as possible before they even get into the sight of the rest. The Hunter knows that if shlt gets real, he may not get a res, and might have to use a Revive. This is the price for Extra XP and Kills.

2. 2 Defenders - Usually AoE frames, they stand near (10-15m) of the pod, with overlapping fields of fire, so they take down any threats the Hunter lets past. Since there are usually multiple directions enemies can come from, they still will get plenty of kills.

3. 1 Savior - Usually a Saryn, Banshee, or Trinity. There needs to be one person who bounces back and forth between the other positions, but mostly fitting in between the Hunter's and Defender's areas. The Savior is the one who places the perfect Miasma, the best timed Soundquake, or the constant healing that might be needed. They are the least often needed, but when you don't have one, One mistake can ruin everything.


Im not the expert, but this has worked for me and my clan consistently. Of course we are all marking mods, and using communication (Rarely verbal because of the language thing, but always in text) to maximize our chances of success.

Edited by Aigloblam
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Explanation of experience mechanics in warframe:


 Maybe that page would work if I hadn't had experiences that seem to constantly contradict those perspectives on the xp.  How can I get a different amount of xp compared to another player if everyone is getting the same xp before bonuses.  And I don't mean amounts that could be explained by bonuses.  I mean one player leaves the mission telling me they got 15000 xp and I only got 5000.


 The next issue is how would I get more xp for melee weapons when I use melee all the time if no one else uses melee and they make most of the kills with their primary weapon.  Did I just miraculously get more melee experience, or was I actually earning it.


 I haven't seen situations that allow for that wiki writer's perspective.  So I don't think it is accurate.

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 Maybe that page would work if I hadn't had experiences that seem to constantly contradict those perspectives on the xp.  How can I get a different amount of xp compared to another player if everyone is getting the same xp before bonuses.  And I don't mean amounts that could be explained by bonuses.  I mean one player leaves the mission telling me they got 15000 xp and I only got 5000.


 The next issue is how would I get more xp for melee weapons when I use melee all the time if no one else uses melee and they make most of the kills with their primary weapon.  Did I just miraculously get more melee experience, or was I actually earning it.


 I haven't seen situations that allow for that wiki writer's perspective.  So I don't think it is accurate.

When you get a kill all that XP goes towards whatever you used to get the kill. When a teammate gets the kill the XP is split between all your items. At least this is how my clan and I think it works. So yes, you are earning more XP by using a weapon.

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Im doing my best to get as many kills as possible while still being an asset to a team. i could be getting orders of magnitude more kills, but in doing so i would be screwing over everyone else that plays with me. And exactly how do you know how fast i'm moving up the board? Im sitting where i am right now at slightly less than 250  hours, So i think if i can get to 800 in 250 hours, I have a decent shot. You would have done the same thing if someone had told you that your never going to get there, So i appreciate the warning, but im still going to get there.


Besides, I don't do Xini, If you are wanting Kills, go Io. If a group can get to lvl 30 on Xini, 50 on Io shouldnt be a problem for the same group.


I always tell people exactly what im going to do. I take the time to let them know before i even walk out of the spawn room. If they tell me they don't like it, Ill stick by the pod, Otherwise Im doing my own thing. If they can't take the time, before the match even starts, to use some communication skills to let me know their plans, they aren't worth changing my whole playstyle for. Since i usually play only with a select few, this is never a problem.

You're mistaking what you do as being an asset, and going past wave 10 is not how to farm kills even on Io; it's time inefficient.

You're missing that for your own advancement you're lessening the advancement of your teammates unless they leave the pod to come get in range for exp and drops; in other words you are doing the exact opposite of your goals.

about 100k kills in 250 hours is not on track to break the top of the board, there are people getting 40-50k kills per week. (like I said, getting your entire kill count twice a month)

It's good that you play with a select few rather than just going into public groups and you actually ask, the bulk of people who behave this way not only don't ask but they get rude when you comment on it or ask them to pull back.



The first point isn't true. It is faster to kill them at/near the spawn (especially in the first couple waves).


I've tested and timed it. You actually will see faster waves, especially earlier on, waiting at the pod vs waiting on top of the spawn. For whatever reason it messes with the spawn mechanics.

But please, stopwatch it yourself.

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wait, is there someplace better for XP on warframes and weapons?  I'd honestly like to know because I thought defense was the best return.

Mobile defense is many many many many many many many times over better for time involved.

Kappa and Kieste

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Stop trying to horde kills and let everyone have fun?


Stop doing the objective of the mission? What!?


wait, is there someplace better for XP on warframes and weapons?  I'd honestly like to know because I thought defense was the best return.


I dont know.

My point is that people dont read minds, dont expect a random group of people to play like you play simply because you joined a random game.


You want people to play like you play? Play with friends or at best mention it before the missions starts.

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100% Agree, there is almost always at least 1 idiot in random defense map that just goes to spawn point and stay there forever. After 5 waves i just quit and don't bother with noobs.


PS. Trying to tell other players that there is shared xp and that they should stay near the pod bring no effect what so ever. Noobs will be noobs.

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Stop doing the objective of the mission? What!?



I dont know.

My point is that people dont read minds, dont expect a random group of people to play like you play simply because you joined a random game.


You want people to play like you play? Play with friends or at best mention it before the missions starts.

The objective of the mission is to defend the pod. That's why it is a DEFENSE map not a KILL map.

Actually, in a public game you *should* be changing your playstyle to suit the group and if you have a preference then you should be running alone or private. When you're in a pub match you're limited on communication so you should do the "when in rome" thing rather than the "I do what I want" thing as a matter of etiquette. In private matches you can arrange for your particular playstyle with people who are like-minded.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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If you're trying to farm defense rewards to get a certain mod ( thunderbolt, master thief ) it makes more sense to take something like a Banshee and simply trump huge waves if you can. The less time spent killing waves, the faster you get to a wave reward. The rhino trying to melee everything to death doesn't cut it.


It's not fun, I agree, but that's how it is.

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