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Survival Mode!


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Instead of waves perhaps "time" would be better? A constant flow of enemies. Once you reach a certain time (evry 3-5 min?) your mods are saved.

The more time that passes the stronger the enemies become.



The Lotus can sometimes warn Tenno there is an incomming "wave". This wave will consist of lower (dynamic) level enemies but come in vast numbers.

Lets say 25-30 lvl 25 spawn every 20-30 seconds, now 75-100 lvl 15 will spawn instead.



The Lotus warns the Tenno of a "huge biological threath". Instead of the normal enemy compsition only Toxics will spawn. The death clouds will also be larger. Each "non ancient" enemy will be replaced by 3-5 crawlers.


aaaand I'm to tired to come up with more stuff :P

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as i have stated in a previous thread on improving the games longevity. The game is in beta, that means its not done yet, they ARE making more game modes, and i am sure some sort of survival game mode may be brought into existence.


Patience, Tenno. We will have our revered content soon enough!


*side note- Had to add a bunch of Warframe/Tenno words into my goggle dictionary :p

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as i have stated in a previous thread on improving the games longevity. The game is in beta, that means its not done yet, they ARE making more game modes, and i am sure some sort of survival game mode may be brought into existence.


Patience, Tenno. We will have our revered content soon enough!

All the more reason to let them know what the people want

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My opinion on those 3 different game types:


Survival - i'm 100% on this as an alternative type to defense. no additional comment needed as 1st post says it all for me.


Last man standing - im 50% on this and here is why: lotsa tenno are impatient. doing no respawn / 5 wave respawn will be annoying and people will disconnect. If you respawn after every wave, its a variant of survival, with just lives restriction.


Contagion - im 25% on this and here is why: if you lose, what happens? you lose stuff you've obtained within a period of time (normal missions dont give you anything if you fail, and for defense mission its the waves after extraction time that you continue that you lose). This appears that you were set up to lose after going certain amount of waves.

You would need to ask alot for this to become a "good" game type

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I would like a survival map but make it to where enemies get more damage each level instead of just health.


uhm.. how many defense missions have you played.. they do more damage the higher rank they get so its already there.

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Would rather see more tactical strategic gameplay modes added instead of than yet another mindless stream of enemy A running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B+C running straight at you and so on forever until you die.


That type of brainless blasting would take the game in the exact opposite direction that most players want to see the Warframe go in the future.


At the very least a further refinement of the existing Defense mode would be far preferable to just slapping together a generic survival mission-type. There is a lot of room to build upon what we have already and make it better instead of introducing dead-end gameplay elements that quickly get old with repeated play.


You sir have no idea what you are talking about.. What people loves in Warframe is MASS killing and not to stealth around and not getting caught.. this is gladly not Assassins creed.


I personally would love a survival mode for more hardcore gameplay so im supportive of this idea.

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No timed waves, survive and be rewarded for the waves you lived through. If you die and quit early...nothing! There should be a personal bonus and a team bonus, you get a reward for the wave YOU make it to and the team gets one for the wave the entire team lives to. Give the team bonus more rare items so it will force people to try to get teammates to make it further along. If you made it so the solo bonus was better, people wouldn't try as hard to rez people or give cover fire.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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Instead of waves perhaps "time" would be better? A constant flow of enemies. Once you reach a certain time (evry 3-5 min?) your mods are saved.

The more time that passes the stronger the enemies become.


imagine a loki, with max flow, max streamline, max redirection, max continuity and energy siphon. you wouldn't even need a potato, just a forma for a tactics polarity. four lokis with essence helmets would be undefeatable.

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Survival would be nice... but what happens if i bring along my Shade? you better think this through man.. the developers, they prioritize a hardcore experience that doesn't give you an edge to take the EASY WAY OUT.

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Survival would be nice... but what happens if i bring along my Shade? you better think this through man.. the developers, they prioritize a hardcore experience that doesn't give you an edge to take the EASY WAY OUT.

Invisibility purge every ten seconds. Or something like that.

But yes, I enjoy these ideas. Not so much last man standing, but that's a personal thing.

But raw survival would be amazing. But it would be funny to see everyone running Hek, Latron, and anything with ammo conservation.

Though scaling would first need to be reworked, or everyone would get wrecked at a certain wave.

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Also, making the survival mode a last man standing would be glorious...

imagine dying at a righteous battle..

I bet lotus would wet her pantaloons when she knows you survived a 50k mob last man standing...


There's one problem. Tenno are ninja, not samurai. I doubt that dying at "a righteous battle" is what any tenno seeks.

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