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Best Shotgun?



So far I've found myself liking the Hek and the Sobek the best, but I wanted to know what was considered the best Shotgun overall?  Furthermore, I've been using Sweeper Prime as my sentinel weapon of choice.  What should I replace it with while I'm using a Shotgun?  (I don't have enough mods for myself and the Sweeper)

Edited by Ifeno
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The best shotgun against armored targets is the Strun Wraith with a status build.I dont know why but this gun kills faster than a Hybrid Build Crit + high status Vaykor Hek.I tested alot around with them in the simulcrum with always the same result.

Edited by K0bra
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I personally run the Sobek. 

The Vaykor hek, from what i've seen is a crit monster. You'll need powerful mods like Primed ravage for it to do some serious damage.

The Sancti Tigris is a raw damage beast, again from what i've seen. It only takes two forma and it'll hit like a truck.

Now the Hek, I personally couldn't stand. The short clip was really annoying, and it only worked good on single targets and bosses mainly. Clearing crowds wasn't its primary despite the damage and the justice proc. I've seen so many people praise the hek way beyond it's range, even trying to topple the vaykor and sancti because it doesn't need as much forma.

On to the Sobek.

The build I use only requires 3 forma. If you build the sobek to take advantage of its syndicate mod (Shell Shock, Frigid Blast,Scattering Inferno,Toxic Barrage+ Shattering Justice), you'll get about 93.4% status chance, which is really good. Then add Acid Shells, and you'll get some serious crowd control going (+450 Corrosive AND scales to 45% enemy max health). Add in Point Blank and hell's chamber and it'll do a lot of damage. I've killed level 135 enemies with little to no trouble. I strongly suggest Primed Point blank if you can get it because it will help in killing the Heavy Gunners and Bombards at those levels more so than the standard, but the standard will work fine in most cases. Crowd control is really important and so is priotizing enemies (Ancients and heavies first, the corrosive strips the surrounding enemies of a lot of health) 

The only qualms I have with the sobek is the 4 second reload time. Ammo economy isn't a problem as long as you don't use more than whats needed (which is hard becase Acid Shells kills so many enemies so quickly you'll try hitting an already dead enemy) 

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On 5/14/2016 at 6:16 PM, Ifeno said:

So far I've found myself liking the Hek and the Sobek the best, but I wanted to know what was considered the best Shotgun overall?  Furthermore, I've been using Sweeper Prime as my sentinel weapon of choice.  What should I replace it with while I'm using a Shotgun?  (I don't have enough mods for myself and the Sweeper)

First, this looked like a (let the world burn post) surprised its so chill.

Second, I can't really say which shotgun is best but i can class them for you.

Veykor Hek - It red crits (sry but normal Hek can't stand up to it)


Santi Tigress - High base damage but requires you to basically hug the enemies (i strongly recommend the use of punch through)

Kohm - Highest DPS of all shotgun, arguably of all weapon (only use in long missions if you have lots of large ammo plates built)


Sobek - I don't have one, can't help you here

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On 5/16/2016 at 9:12 AM, OzoneSlayer said:

My Vaykor Hek can red crit with avenger and one-two shot lv. 100 gunners. It also has a large mag, fast fire rate. Heals my chroma and gives me armor, opens enemies to armor ignoring finishers as well as offering cc, only shotgun that can abuse crit headshots and can make use of the shadow debt mods, and has the tightest spread and least fall off. Sancti Tigris for 4x CP but otherwise now the Vaykor Hek out does the Sancti against heavy armor. Strum wraith and boar prime for status. Phage sobek and drakgoon are decent, and everything else is garbage

I know my V Hek red crits but what do you mean opens enemies to finishers? Which mod does that?

fast fire rate is a bit of a stretch and try putting that avenger together with a kohm, you'll find shrapnel shot works well with what you will discover is now another crit monster of a shotgun.

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9 hours ago, -VV-Phantom-Phoenix said:

I know my V Hek red crits but what do you mean opens enemies to finishers? Which mod does that?

fast fire rate is a bit of a stretch and try putting that avenger together with a kohm, you'll find shrapnel shot works well with what you will discover is now another crit monster of a shotgun.

Justice Opens enemies to finishers

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well u have your top dmg that is sancti tigris and tigris in second. Then u have Drakgoon and its alot better with its famorian accelerant(besides being 3rd in dmg it has bouncy flak).Lastly (besides the Heks) u have the Sobek with it's acid shells that do AoE with a auto shoty. So take your pick on what u want.

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I run sobek mostly.   Hek will overpower it with crits and puncture is better on grineer /armor  all things being equal, but that really isn't noticeable until very late game and armor is generally negated if you are doing long runs against high level stuff, so it comes down to the crits of hek edging it out.   But there is a LOT to be said for a 20 round high spread punch through sweep against a horde.   Comes down to the old boss vs trash... sobek is a trash clearer,  and is OK on bosses.  Hek is a boss/tough guy killer and much worse on hordes of trash. 


I run a long range sentinel with deth machine rifle -- either dirigi or the organic one have very long range.  Put shred and corrosive on it and the sentinel will be picking stuff off from across the room and can flatten hordes of infested (not corrosive for those of course) without much help from you until high levels (assuming max serration etc).   Sentinels are kinda meh though... it takes a bunch of forma to be able to build their weapon and even with all that its damage is like 50/ bullet (DMR). 


Edited by jonnin
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I would say the tigris and strum (or is it strun, I forget) are a bit rubbish. All other shotguns are great and end game viable.


The sancti Tigris and V.Hek are both neck and neck in terms of sheer murder power, sobek is perhaps the weakest of the bunch but with a few forma its still a monster. Honestly, just grab them all. 


The whole normal hek being better than the vaykor one is rubbish as well, the vaykor can crit for a start, and that increased clip really does make a huge difference. They are about the same but do things a little different, up close the normal hek would win, but at medium to long range the vaykor wins easily. You will spend more time reloading the normal one, thats for sure.

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5 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

Vaykor Hek for overall usage and the tigris sancti for absolute damage.  Both have innate procs as well.

Is Vaykor really better than regular?  I heard Vaykor can't use Scattering Justice which seems like a big loss.


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